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Good morning everyone.
Daisy, happy caravanning
Nan2, fingers crossed your son comes home tomorrow.
Enfys, enjoy your birthday with your soft Viking
This morning I am going to have my toe nails done. Hopefully Mink but if there are no colours I like I will have gels. Pure laziness on my part as they last for weeks, so I can wear sandals at any time without thinking about toe nails. It is my summer treat.
OH is at the dentist for check up this morning. We are both free the rest of the day and the forecast is good, so we may go out somewhere.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Funeral for me at 12.15, an elderly neighbour, lovely man. I am picking up two friends, not very far to drive.
After my weekend away and day trip yesterday, the rest of the day will be quiet, might get the hoe out.
Have a lovely day everyone
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Morning grandmas I too have a day off from G/c so doing ironing early before it gets too hot and if I have enough energy left will clean the bathrooms, and for the first time this year sit out in the sun ⛱🌞😎
Sil flew back to Portugal this morning so will have to step up to the mark for DD and promised to take g/d out for a picnic on Father's Day as she will miss him so taking granDAD instead
Enjoy your day Gem whatever you do I could sure do with a break myself it's a yr in August since we went anywhere 😏
Daisy take me
with you next time I can clean the caravan for you when we get back 😅, and as a BB I must check out your dining room pics when you get back
Nan2 glad the op is over hope he isn't in too much pain for long
Oma hope you slept better last night 😴
Morning ladies , well I was in bed for 8.45 last night and I didn't wake once till 7.30 this morning .
I took a Migraine tablet as I was starting to get a Migraine having little sleep for several nights and the tablet on top of lack of sleep just knocked me flat out.
I feel a bit muggy headed sleeping so much but I needed it ,
Two phone calls this morning one to say My Niece still in Hospital they cant find out why she's in so much pain so doing more tests ,
Second phone call to say My Sister is going to be a Great grandmother for the first timeshes thrilled .
Brian busy sanding down the porch supports ready to paint , Dog flat out in garden and I have washing going ,
Watching TV and feeling blessed I haven't to worry about my family like those poor people in London, puts your problems into perspective doesn't it ,
Hope all poorly people feel better today and everyone has a peaceful day xxxxLast edited by Oma; 14-06-2017, 10:46 AM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
Wow, that was a long sleep Oma.
Congratulations to your sister.
Iv'e got 2 lots of washing out,cleaned the bathroom, done some ironing that didn't get done due to hospital visits.
DS just phoned,they won't let him out today, but said they might let him go home tomorrow.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good afternoon, I appear to have lost the last day or two, how could I have been so busy doing nothing in particular ?
How is everyone ? Enjoying the nice weather
This sort of sums up my day so far
We did manage to met DS in town today and we all went for lunch which was very nice. On the way home OH decided he needed to go to 'the little boys room ' ( Why he could go when we were in the pub like normal people heavens only knows ) so we popped into Tesco. I said I would wait by the plants and flower display ( silly idea , considering the graphic above ) and not to worry I wouldn't buy any more flowers for the garden....well I kept my word .....I brought a bay tree !Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Hospital for us today. Doc pleased with how OH is still responding to the medication, though is neutrophylls are on the low side. However he's got pillls for another month and we go back in July. Doesn't the time go quickly when you have all these regular appointments? Still trying to get sorted out after our holiday. Most of washing done and waiting to be ironed and just one lot left to do. Went to Waitrose after the hospital and got something easy for dinner, don't feel much like eating in this warm weather.
Hope all poorly people will soon be feeling well again.Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WG glad to hear that , Brian's Neuts go up and down weekly , they only do anything if they below 0.5 then he gets a blood transfusion , fingers crossed by the time you go back in July its a better reading ,
Well finally the railings and porch supports are painted , only the path and drive to pressure hose and the front is all nice and tidy again .
Mimi at least you can use the bay leaves
Qwerty pick me up on the way to Daisys holiday I will help clean the caravan too
Nanto I bet your son cant wait to get home and be pampered xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning all, it looks as if I am eligible to join Oma and Nan2 with the old sleepless night malarkey . I had a dreadful nights sleep , spent most of it sneezing !
Its very warm here also but every now and again it tries to rain .
Have a lovely restful day everyoneBring me sunshine in your smile.
Good morning again everyone.
I feel sorry for all of you with sleepless nightsI do suffer, but very rarely.
Yesterday we had a very nice afternoon trip to Burnby Hall Gardens. The weather was perfect.
After tea we went to a friend who has recently moved house. The washing machine wasn't taking in water. OH and her tool box soon sorted it out
Ironically, our washing machine is out of action! There is something wrong with the dial so we can't tell which programme is being used. We daren't risk ruining all our clothes on 90% wash!!
We are taking our washing round to a local friends tomorrow, and OH will have look at ours, and then maybe call in the professionals!
Usual mum day today, and once again she isn't going out, so I will do her shopping then go to her house for the afternoon.. I am going to try to talk her into coming out another day, maybe a drive to the coast will do her good.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies been shopping then hovered the garden ,
My friend (SIL's Father ) got a phone call yesterday to say his 87 yr old mother had collapsed in a shop and been taken to Hospital , she had a very large Aneurysm and it burst,
She was rushed into surgery but as her health isn't the best nor are her kidneys they have put her in a induced coma for 48 hours see how she goes .
It doesn't look good for her , she lives in Scotland so they traveling up today to be with her.
There are only 8 people in my SIL's entire family so very few to support each other very sad but they know we are hear all the time for them ,
Out tonight for tea with Brian's nurse and the ward receptionist , we try at least once a month to get together its always good fun .
Gem hope S can save the washer but these control panels are dodgy to fix , your Mum would love a trip to the coast I'm surexxx
Im not fat just 6ft too small