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    Zizzy I think it's time you slowed down what with work and all the stress of that kitchen your mind and body are protesting now ,
    My sister suffered panic attacks so I really sympathies with you they are debilitating a lot of people don't know how bad they can be , start thinking of yourself for a change xxx
    A normal day for me shopping and pottering around , I'm keeping a eye on my next door neighbour I don't think she's taking her meds and she's doing odd things again. I may have to ring her mother later , she thinks she's well stops the meds then has a relapse it's a circle she can't seem to break poor girl , she's bi polar and has other mental health issues but she's no bother . have a good day ladies xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning everyone.
      Oh, dear Zizi, I know from others how truly awful panic attacks are. Poor OH will feel bad, but he was doing the best he could, as you say.I hope you feel better soon.

      We are having a night away
      This was booked, for halfway between Christmas and our holiday, some time ago. As things turned out, it has come at a very good time! It is at the lovely hotel we stayed in for our anniversary last April. They emailed me with January offer, back in late autumn, so I booked it. We will set off around midday and be back in time for tomorrow's 1pm golf ( of course!)
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning, ladies. another freezing foggy start to the day here. It's icy under foot and I can just about see across the road. It's getting silly now and time the fog took itself off somewhere else!!

        I'm off to the hairdressers for a much needed trim later, then a quick dash home and out again for dog training. I just hope the fog lifts a bit!

        Zizi - I know you like to keep going and don't like taking time off work, but Oma is right. You need some down time before these panic attacks get more frequent, and you're having to plan your life around avoiding possible attacks. You're not moaning, but we're all worried about you. XXX

        Oma - you're a good neighbour and I bet her mum will be really grateful you notice how she is.

        Gem - what a lovely treat. Enjoy.

        Stay warm and safe today. I'll definitely join in the Roll on Spring Campaign!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Love the picture Daisy.
          Gem, enjoy your night away, you both deserve it.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Morning all
            Gem enjoy your night away, Where are you staying?
            Zizi I have only had one panic attack, it's very scary so I sympathise with you x
            OH has taken himself to the hairdresser this morning, hope he is OK as it's very slippery out there, I almost fell over putting out the bin for collection this morning.
            DD sent me a message yesterday evening, the Baptism of youngest GS has been arranged for the middle of March . ...

            Now what shall I wear ?
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Enjoy your break Gemini, it will do you good.

              My OH played golf but gave it up as it was taking over his life. My SIL decided he would join a golf club, they had 4 children, my DD said oh and when are you planning to play?. so he went back to squash
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Harrogate Mimi, where the posh people live

                Golf does take over Plant I agree with your DD, it's not for the father of a young family!
                OH plays each Tuesday and Thursday. Occasionally other days and often, but not always, a weekend day. This week she has played on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and will be playing tomorrow!!

                The fog has lifted and the sun is out!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem have a really relaxing night a bit of together time is always lovely even if it's not far .
                  Daisy I and the neighbour on her other side watch out for her as she has been known to do silly things when she hasn't taken her meds , like she drove her car into a tree just to see what it felt like 😲.No intentions of hurting herself but she had no concept of what could have happened , she isn't a danger to anyone else or her 15 yr old DD just herself, last time she had a episode I went in and she had covered everything with Tin foil she was convinced people were listening and watching her so the tin foil stopped them , another time she told social workers that cars were pulling up during the night and people were banging on her door , they involved the police but it wasn't happening we sleep at the front and would have heard it all if it was , she also rings 999 then hangs up and of course they trace the call and have to check don't they , it's so sad at times
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Your poor neighbour Oma, how sad it sounds.Kind of you to watch out for her though. Its a tad milder today thank goodness, I have to collect girls and drop at ballet for their final rehearsal, they have their show at the Lighthouse Friday, Saturday afternoon and again in the evening.We are going to the afternoon performance. Thank you for asking Daisy, kitchen all fine except for 1 unit, which was Matts error not Wickes. He has just gone with hubby to exchange it, work starts Friday afternoon, hopefully the final trimmings on Sunday kick boards etc. Carpetright have a sale on until Monday, and they told hubby they will keep our order in their warehouse until we are ready to have it laid. Enjoy your mini break Gem.
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      Lovely sunny afternoon here.
                      Oma, kind of you to keep an eye on your neighbour. Such a shame when people get into a state like that, but that's Bi-Polar for you. If only she would'nt stop taking her meds.

                      got a lett er today,for my next gynae check up. It's in July,so i am assuming the biopsy he took last week was no problem.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Hello again.
                        We were upgraded to a superior room, as I hoped we would be. The hotel sent me an email a few days offering me an upgrade for only £16. I ignored it as I figured, being January they would upgrade us anyway, if rooms were free. It's lovely here, and we are booked for dinner as part of the package, so don't have to venture out again tonight

                        Nan2, that sounds like good news to me.
                        I hope the GDs dance show goes well Libra.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          That happened to us Gem once as you say lots of empty rooms in January , sounds lovely just what you need 😊
                          Libra I bet you were sick of looking in boxes by time you finished , I'm excited for you lots of pics please xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Windy here,but no frost this morning.
                            Hope everyone is well.
                            Onwards and upwards,must get things in slow cooker, beef casserole and dumplings today.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Morning ladies cold out , don't have Hospital till 12 today so I have managed to get my windows inside cleaned so far and outside of patio doors , Had Storm yesterday tea time and he had to press his nose against them and lick them didn't he 😲😊 so no other choice but clean them , not keen on mid day appointments it seems all day is taken up but beggars can't be choosers can they .
                              Hope Gem had a lovely stay and is home safe this morning ,
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning everyone.
                                I feel really rested after a fabulous night away. Excellent dinner last night and breakfast this morning, both part of the package. All I have to pay for at checkout is a bottle of wine and the parking ( right in front of the hotel) We shall be heading home in an hour or so.
                                Bye for now have a good day everyone.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

