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    Don't know what happened to the heatwave. It clouded over about 3o'clock, and the heavens have just opened.

    Been to Pontefract shopping, bought a window vac, to make life a bit easier.It was hubby that suggested it, and it's small enough to take to in laws, as I do their housework as well.
    I know Oma has one and thinks it great.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      I keep saying I'll get a window vac, they sound easy to use. And OH likes gadgets .

      My computer is going to take about a week to repair. Booooo hooooooo. I find typing on the iPad so much slower.

      Gem, we'll convert you to dogs one day, not instead of cats but as well.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning, quite misty here.

        Just tried the window vac Daisy, the window wasn't dirty, but its so much easier. You can use it on car windows as well, so you know what hubby will be doing later.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone.
          Nan2, it was misty here too earlier, very much so. The sun is coming out now and burning it off, it llooks as though we are in for a glorious day!

          How frustrating to be without your computer for so long Daisy. I find typing on my tablet slow too, and copy and paste is really hard.
          I love dogs that I know, friends dogs. I think I am too lazy to be a dog owner, all those walks, and pooper scooping and carrying plastic bags about! I do understand what attracts people to dogs though. It would have to be little and cute if ever I had one

          We are both free today, so I tthink we will go out somewhere.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Went to Sainsburys first thing to buy stuff for a stir fry tonight and they have the Golden Kiwi,s in so I just had to buy them they are so nice much sweeter than green Kiwi,s .
            Came home hoovered the garden then thought I way as well hose the patio it's such a nice day , turned tap on full and the spray nozzle came away from the hose , the hose was whipping around with high pressure water coming out I was dripping wet by time I got to tap turned water off and got hold of hose 😀 Brian had to go get me dry clothes and I had to change in downstairs loo as I was too wet to walk through house , when I looked the dawn dog had chewed on the hose attachment while it was hanging on the tap so it had cracked and weakened it . Even when he's not hear he causes mess 😂
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Loved to have seen that, did Brian get a pic.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                No Plant he was too busy laughing at me 😀
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I'm sorry Oma, but I would have laughed as well.

                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Oma, I'm sorry, but I think I would have laughed too. I can just picture the scene. 😂

                    Gem, yes the iPad is much slower and I keep thinking a page isn't loading and load it again, making it even slower. But I'm very glad I'm not totally cut off from cyberspace. 😀

                    It is a glorious day here, warm sunny and just a slight breeze. I'm much more productive when the weather is good. Today I've dusted and hooves downstairs, done several loads of washing and dried it, there's just one load of towels still on the line. Potted on some plants in the greenhouse and started sorting our empty pots, cleaning them and putting them away in my new storage thingy. Now off to feed Eva, then us. 😀
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Oh dear Oma!!

                      We had a lovely day. We took a picnic to Kirkham Abbey. Sat by the river in the sun and watched the world go by. Including a group of teenagers who kept jumping from the bridge into the river!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        I do love the sound of the blackbird singing ,
                        But does he have to start so flipping early in the morning?
                        Oma you made me chuckle, what a sight you must have looked.
                        OH is planning to pressure wash the patio today if the rain keeps away, I hope we don't end up like Oma !
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Hope the patio washing goes well Mimi. We were on the patio at 4.45 am, having a cuppa,listening to the dawn chorus.

                          Hubby went back to bed, I didn't.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning all.
                            Hair cuts for OH and me this afternoon. I am giving OH some reflexology this morning, she wants some cucumber plants, so we may shop for those this week.
                            No looking after GS1 this week as they are away at Centre Parcs on holiday.

                            Another fall in the GRU community Gillys dear husband has fallen at home, hurt his elbow and broken his wrist.As in Plants case, there is a holiday coming up.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              So sorry to hear about Elisi's hubby,hope he is feeling better soon.

                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                It's funny how the weather changes for us. I see Nan2 lives in Sth Yorks & had not too good weather over the weekend. We live in the same county.We took GC to Conisbrough Castle on Saturday & it was a scorcher. Brilliant day. Yesterday I think was even hotter. Guess whose resting today?😂
                                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                                (Doe Zantamata.)

