It's been raining on and off here all morning. A lot cooler so I did a load of ironing, hoovering etc. out tonight with friends for her birthday meal so no cooking for me today
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Little gs had his first vaccinations yesterday, so have been busy helping mum both yesterday and today. DS has to go to Birmigham for the night tomorrow so Nanna is going to stay overnight to help out.
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
Qwerty 'OOO, you are awful', but funny... re Oma's PJ's/my request for a pic. Oma, the sculpture looks amazing. Are the dots the engraved pictures? I'm a golf widow til Thursday so it's really quiet on the western front. Rained here all day & have to take the pooch out. Guess I'm in for a soaking & my wellies split last week.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
The photos sound lovely Oma, very touching.
Avo, I hope the baby is OK after his vaccinations.
DD came down this morning. We had a chat and a cuppa, then walked to the village, had lunch and walked back. Baby slept the whole time. A perfect angel, he is so good
Tomorrow OH and I are off to London for the day. Train there and back, matinee of Matilda, dinner, then train back.It is OHs birthday the following day, so it will be an early celebration!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
I have had a very long day. Up at 6.15, spent over an hour trying to get one of our construction sites on the "Open Doors" site, I kept saving it and it kept disappearing. How frustrating, finally made a phone call and discovered that the picture that was supplied to go on there was too big so it wouldn't save!!!
Spent a lot of time on the phone today re Give and Gain day then went out at 1.15. It chucked it down all morning so I wore boots thank goodness. Hardly any room in the car park at the tube station (well when it rains you don't want to get the bus do you, would rather pay eleven quid a day parking!). Got seriously lost finding the venue for the sustainability report launch but fortunately as I knew I would get lost I built an extra 20 minutes in. There were lots of people I knew there and, like last week in Birmingham, lots of people I have spoke to and emailed but never actually pressed the flesh with.
Got home at 7.45pm. I cannot be doing this too often, I am worn out.......
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
We're back from our long weekend with DD and family. Great to see the GC as usual,though the time with them went so quickly. Their new puppy is adorable.You could spend hours just watching her!
GS was a bit anxious as he is taking the infamous SATs this week. He is very bright but not too focused when it comes to attention to detail.I don't think any allowance is being made for the fact he has ASD so we will just have to wait and see how he gets on.
Weather here is pretty unpromising.Wall to wall rain forecast! When we were with the family at the weekend we spent the majority of the time outside.I have a lot of things I want to get into the garden so am waiting for a gap in the rain whitch I don't think will come today.
Hope everyone has a good day.
It has pretty much chucked it down all night here. The road is flooded and people are powering through the flood water with no thought of the wash they are creating which is ending up in the halls of the cottages. I slept in until 7.30am, pretty much unheard of for me on a work day. I have done two telephone conferences and organised three work experience placements for formerly homeless people.
I have to pop out shortly as there are a couple of birthdays coming up and I need jiffy bags for the gifts. Thought I had some but yes, they are somewhere safe..............
Have organised three events this week. It is Give and Gain Day next week where companies give of their time and charities/social groups etc. gain something. So Friday 20th (THE day) I am taking a group of women from a domestic abuse support group for a pre-employment event at one of our offices in Croydon S London. It will be a quick tour, a chat about the company, a pep talk on coming back into the workplace, cup of tea and goodbye. This is with a view to getting them on a work placement programme I work with. In the afternoon I am popping to a community centre in Kings Cross, London to cheer on the troops redecorating several rooms. 27th I am supervising three teams of three doing a Charity Shop Challenge. We are still organising this and all three of the shops are quite far apart so not only will the volunteers have a challenge but so will I! We cannot do the event on G&G Day as the hospice (Noah's Ark Children's Hospice) doesn't have appropriate supervising staff and anyway the week we are doing it is National Children's Hospice Week so it a double hit.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Zizi, you are going to catch yourself coming back at this rate, you are one very busy lady .
Plant how are you feeling ?
I have to ask but why oh why are the heaters on our local bus service turned up to sizzling level and to add to the discomfort keep all the windows closed ? Well they were closed till Mrs busybody (Me) got on and open every window I could reach