Hello all off out to town again today to meet with another charity. Evolve Housing formerly South London YMCA, YMCAs will be disappearing across the country as they all rebrand as they are no longer "Young Men's Christian Society" they are now multi cultural, multi faith, all genders etc. This particular one is going to be running a pre employment programme along the same lines as the other one I work with and under their care. It is bruddy cold here today and apparently the trains are running late - deep joy!
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I'm trying to de-fur the house! I had totally forgotten what it's like to live with a moulting dog. There's hair in places she hasn't even been! I'm blaming the sun! When it's dark, grey and pouring with rain the hairs stay on the dog - or at least I can't see them on everything from the mantlepiece to the kitchen cupboards.
LOL I tried to get a glitter graphic of me (or anyone) hoovering - and what I got was the Hoover Dam! That sounds spot on!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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It's a nice photo anyway Daisy!
With 3 cats, our house is like that with cat hair. It's amazing where it gets. If not for them far less housework would be done around here!!
Busy day with GS. He's in 'Play with me Grandma' mood today. Snakes and ladders, dinosaurs, Octonauts figures, picture dominoes, jigsaws, Doctors, Angelina Ballerina and Alice soft toys, We've done them all, not to mention a few stories. I was relieved to let him watch a few Octonauts episodes after lunch!! A sit down for Grandma at least.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Well I am back from town. Got to the station bought ticket and car park ticket and realised that I had also bought a single ticket to Egham - sun was shining on the ticket machine and I must have pressed by mistake. I went to the ticket desk but it had a queue. Fortunately I looked up at the electronic display showing the trains and saw that mine was cancelled so I would have to get the slower one (and boy is it slow!) in order to be on time for my meeting. I didn't have time to wait for the ticket queue to subside so decided I would do it on the way back. When I got back the ticket office was closed! It is only £3 so not the worst thing in the world but annoying never the less. I should have been home from the station in ten minutes but it took 35 minutes because one of the roads I was on was down from three lane to one with NO-ONE working on it - pet hate............
The chap I met today was really sweet. An Eastern European with impeccable English, the slightest trace of an accent. I mentioned this to him and he said that he was taught English at school as are quite a few other Eastern Europeans and that is why they like coming here, so they do not have to learn a new language. Mind you when I go to site the canteens are full of E Europeans with little English.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
We went to the cinema this morning. It was what is termed as a 'Sliver Screen ' showing. It's open to all aged over 55 . You get to see a film, have a hot drink and a biscuit ( by the time I got there all the biscuits hat gone except for a few broken rich tea ) for £3.
We saw ' The Lady In The Van' . Written by Alan Bennet and staring Dame Maggie Smith.
It was a lovely film, sad in places . Alan Bennet has a wonderful way with words and the actor who played him was so like him.
One of Alan's little ' qwerty' was.... ' Who knew that going downhill could be an uphill struggle ' How wise, I can relate to this.Bring me sunshine in your smile.
Afternoon ladies, its bitterly cold here today. This mornings dog walk was fabulous at Alexandra park, totally mud and puddle free much to Shilohs disappointment. Although cold the sun was shining and I saw two woodpeckers busy at their work. Met two lovely spanners and while I chatted to their owner, Shiloh dared to interact for a while. For once it wasn't tail tucked under but a waggy tail, still didn't want to play for long as soon as Mum walked away. I have 12 days off which is lovely, have lots of sorting to do, we have bought some new furniture and rejigging the spare bedroom. Hope the poorly people are starting to feel well and Gem your heating is working now."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
Daisy, have you heard of a furminator dog grooming tool? Since we got one for our last dog it has saved me a lot of time h....ing! They do sell them at the vets but are a lot cheaper on Amazon. It gets all loose hair out better than combing or brushing. They do one for cats too. A friend told me about it but I didn't get one for a long time. We took it when we went babysitting at DDs and used it on their lab cross.. O H got a carrier bag of fur to show them when they got back and she was having to sweep her kitchen floor daily before they got one.
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Well Brian,s Chemo delayed till next Tuesday they have put him on 5 days of antibiotics his blood showed the start of a infection so caught it quick better safe than sorry , been a long afternoon got there at 2 pm didn't get out till 6.45pm by time they took blood and then sent some to the lab had to wait till the results of them came back then wait for a Dr to come from the wards to examine him and make a decision on his chemo , then had to take prescription to in patients pharmacy and they don't hurry them selves , back again tomorrow night he has his half way scan at 7.30 pm silly time I know but can be helped , feet up and a cup of tea time I thinkIm not fat just 6ft too small
Oh dear Oma there is no rest for you and Brian is there? Sending you both love. Xx
In my world I have seen an email (work) which has made me exceedingly cross. Exceedingly is actually an understatement. It was 7pm when I saw it and my instinct was to fire off a response. I didn't. I have written a response on my new (purple) laptop which I do not have my work email on (request from husband). I will look at the response tomorrow and change things or make a considered opinion on whether I should send it as it is.
I know nobody actually understands this post. I am just ranting. Sorry xxIf you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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Originally posted by MillieB View PostDaisy, have you heard of a furminator dog grooming tool? Since we got one for our last dog it has saved me a lot of time h....ing! They do sell them at the vets but are a lot cheaper on Amazon. It gets all loose hair out better than combing or brushing. They do one for cats too. A friend told me about it but I didn't get one for a long time. We took it when we went babysitting at DDs and used it on their lab cross.. O H got a carrier bag of fur to show them when they got back and she was having to sweep her kitchen floor daily before they got one.
Millie - I had vaguely heard of a furminator, but actually thought it was something to fumigate and removed fur from rugs!!!But it sounds a brilliant idea. As fast as I was brushing Eva today more fur seemed to be flying round. I must admit our sucky-up-thingy is getting a bit fed up of me yanking it out from its cosy nest in the cupboard under the stairs!!
Nanto - Ahhh - that's the picture of me I was looking for in my photo album - taken just a few weeks ago!!!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
I was given a furminator by my friend and when we had Bramble it was brilliant,tried it on Shiloh and only got a small amount from his long floppy ears.Don't think his coat is dense enough yet for it to be of real use.But yes they are good, on Bramble I got off enough hair to make another dog."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
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LG - lol! Eva is walking in a cloud of flying fur at the moment. After nearly 15 years of dogs who didn't shed, it's quite a culture shock - especially how the balls of fur get caught in the cobwebs!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Originally posted by Daisy View PostLG - lol! Eva is walking in a cloud of flying fur at the moment. After nearly 15 years of dogs who didn't shed, it's quite a culture shock - especially how the balls of fur get caught in the cobwebs!"What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."