Zizi I think your body is telling you to slow down and rest everything is hitting you at once , be good to yourself woman you can't keep up the pace and look after yourself many hugs xxx
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Originally posted by Oma View PostZizi I think your body is telling you to slow down and rest everything is hitting you at once , be good to yourself woman you can't keep up the pace and look after yourself many hugs xxxIf you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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Well that is me done for today ladies Hoovered and washed 5 cupboards, after I had done my jobs this morning. Made 2 pies, with corned beef and onion,(similar to shepherds/cottage pies) 1 for dinner and 1 for the freezer.
Only job left to do, is bring the washing in.
Weather here is better than July.
Hope the antibiotics kick in soon,when you get them. Don't want anything to spoil your holiday.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
The fog is very very heavy here, it is thicker than this morning and really has t properly lifted all day. I don't like driving in fog either, I was on e driving back from the West Country and thick fog descended on M25 really suddenly about four miles from Reading. I am not normally a timorous driver but I just decided by the time I reached the services that I couldn't continue, my eyes were streaming with the strain and to be honest I was a bit scared.
My cystitis is feeling more comfortable but I am still going to the doctors tomorrow. Last time I had it it kept coming and going. Plus to add to my woes I now have a cold sore, I wonder whether I should just chuck myself out of the flipping window and be done with it....Last edited by ZIZI; 01-11-2015, 05:07 PM.If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Ha ha Libra you are right AND I would miss SCD and Downton. I do have Zovirax, cold sores are something I tend to get when I am tired so I do keep some on hand but I should not be tired today,I had loads of sleep last night. Husbands theory is that I am allowing my body to relax more now that I am back to my real life job so is coming out in "lurgies". I had to type that word several times because it kept auto correcting to purges, Mmm purges, lurgies? Who knows?
The good news is that the cystitis seems to be easing but that happened last time several times. We will see when I go to the doctor. My doctor is usually good when you call them but there is a local walk in centre as well if push comes to shove.If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Very very foggy, loads of flights cancelled at the airport, great fun for the staff (NOT). Husbands students last two days and they arer working in the terminal, well that will give them some experience won't it?
Cold sore still there, cystitis still there, waiting for doctor to open and I will call them. I am very tired now, not a lot of sleep last night. Fingers crossed for an improvement today........If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Good morning.
Fingers crossed indeed Zizi, you are in the wars!
Foggy here again. It is forecast to lift by midday, so hopefully it will be clear when I go to collect E from nursery, several miles away.
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown