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    Good morning everyone.
    Oh how annoying Zizi!!

    This morning I have to do a bit more cleaning (4 cats make any get ahead cleaning you do pretty much null and void!!)
    We collect our friend from Leeds airport at lunch time, then take her to her hotel, where another friend will be. The 2 friends staying with us may not be here until 6ish.
    Not sure how today will go. We will just fit in with the visitors. If I had travelled from America, having changed at London, I would be good for nothing today!!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Afternoon all, I have just been listening to the radio I heard that on Saturday it is.....

      World Naked Gardening Day

      But seeing as it's so cold out there I think just for once it will be ok to leave your vest on !
      Last edited by Mimi; 01-05-2015, 11:36 AM.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        That made LOL , Mimi. The mind boggles .... And no pockets to keep your tools in!!

        Feeling better today, thanks for your kind thoughts, still not 100% but getting there.

        So cold here again, put the heating on this morning.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Careful with those shears ladies!
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            So today I went for a meeting at Wandsworth Radio, a community radio station. It was really good. They are coming to my "Wandsworth Community Conversation" event on the 15th May. They will interview people and run a piece in their business in Wandsworth programme and they have asked if I will agree to be interviewed Oooh errr.......

            I got on the train to come home and there were two young men on there one with expensive leather brogues, muddy ones at that, with his feet on the seats and during the whole journey they did not manage to construct one sentence without the F word in. I really wanted to say something like "get your feet off the seats and F*** is not a word to be inserted into every sentence" but I felt that I have had enough battles this week and you never know these days what sort of response you are going to get do you? Plus there was a chap sitting opposite me who kept glaring at them so he felt the same I suspect,
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              When we were travelling by train in Slovakia, I noticed that all the young people who put their feet on the seats took their shoes off before they did so! Mind you the fact that they have conductors on each train might have had something to do with it.
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Zizi it doesn't do to confront some people , if their language is bad I bet they would have no qualms about getting "nasty" . It's best to ignore it if possible.
                I was on the Cardiff to Hereford train a few years ago and as I sat down I had a feeling that the man making his way towards me was a little odd so I put my shopping on the empty seat next to me and buried my head in a book .
                He just stood there staring at me and I was starting to feel uncomfortable. As the train pulled out I could see the transport police running towards the train . The man went and sat in the next empty seat still looking at me and the conductor came and stood by him, not saying a word to him . Two other men arrived, wearing Arriva Trains high vis jackets and sat opposite me. All very strange, and still no one saying a word . When we pulled into Newport the police were on the platform and as soon as the doors opened they came onto the train and arrested the man !
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  We are doing brunch here for everyone this morning, then into town for a tourist day
                  Bye for now!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning all.I've been a very silly lady! For the past few days I found I couldn't reply to posts or see YEO on the contents page.
                    Then just now the penny dropped-I wasn't logged on!
                    I've always just come straight on before without logging on so I wasn't looking for that as an explanation.

                    I don't really have an excuse except that my brother-in-law was admitted to hospital last week with a bleed on his brain and I've been a bit distracted.My sister lives right on the other side of the country and has no children .She does have friends near her but most are elderly and unable to do much to help practically.
                    Anyway ,thank God, BIL seems to be getting on quite well and some of the strain has gone out of my sister's voice when we have our update phone calls.

                    I hope you all have a nice long weekend, though the weather here doesn't look too promising


                      Good morning everyone, it's lovely to see we have a new member on GRUs . Our member numbers are growing aren't they.
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        ​horrible weather here this morning , expecting eldest DS later to stay till Mon . Might try out a new recipe from our club outing last Wed , I was trying to add a glitter graphic to the welcome thread but it wouldn't do it


                          It's miserable here also , cold, dark and damp. It looks as if it is going to pour down with rain .
                          When I went out this morning I had my winter coat, scarf and gloves on !
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Mimi I 100% agree about it confronting people but I just wonder if sometimes these people need to be told that their behaviour is unacceptable. The trains I use always have a guard on but the trains are ten and twelve carriages long so I suppose it is a bite h to expect hi to spot everything that is going on!

                            So this morning instead of the usual up, get ready, bakers, butchers, greengrocers and back by 10am (my competition to myself) I went to get diesel as my car was running on fumes and got the paper. Dil was supposed to ring to let me now what time to take the art stuff around for the children at the party tomorrow. she didn't answer so I left a voicemail. No point in driving all the way over there (15 minutes) and no one being there. Anyway I came back and started doing that stuff beginning with "H". Dil phoned an hour later and said she had just picked up the message and was at a trampoline party miles away with Ben so I shall take the stuff around tomorrow morning at 8.30.

                            Now I think I deserve some chocolate........

                            grey and overcast here. Hope it improves for tomorrow as the restaurant is very small and if it is raining the kids will have to play inside
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Sad to hear that Ruth Rendell has passed away .
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Hello, I'm back, no doubt I will have a lot to catch up on. Speak to you all later.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

