Isnt it strange how you get used to something new , I thought I might have found hear a bit difficult to navigate but after a few days im finding it quite easy really
Glamm - I'm glad your smilies are all smiling! As to photos, I've tried a couple of times today but my internet connection has been playing silly tricks on me. I'll try and get instructions up tomorrow evening (out shopping during the day!) unless someone beats me to it.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I am in the smallest hotel room I have ever seen in my life. Right next to the lifts so can hear everyone. Think it may have been a cleaning cupboard in a former life. Meeting due to start 12 noon, started 12.20. Got here at 2.40 £18 light, left at 2.50, ten minutes late £22 light. (Taxis). Long evening of speeches including HRH Prince Charles - he is very short by the way maybe five foot Five or six?? Got back to hotel at 10.50. Up again to be at a meeting at 8am. Battled with the windows (no curtain just interior shutters) but found air conditioning which was just as well because it was so hot in here I was considering phoning reception. At least now it is cooler. Would rather have cool during the night than too hot as I do have my own personal central heating system which needs no help!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Ooops posted that above in wrong place. Good morning ladies,been raining here as well,feels mild though. Off to in laws soon, to do some cleaning.Hope everyone has a good day.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good morning, damp and dull here. Off to the hospital later with DH for him to have a gastroscopy, the final one after a series of tests. Nothing major wrong, thank goodness, this is the last check up. He will be glad to get it over. Hope you all have a good day
Nan22girls - You deserve a gold star (or should that be a platinum one!) for cleaning for your in laws.
Completion of our new bathroom is finally in sight - the plumber says he'll be ready to do all the testing by tomorrow morning. Yipee!!! So this morning we're going into Southampton to get new towels and decide on new bedding and colour scheme for the bedroom - much needed. I'l thrilled with the bathroom - I'll take some photos when it's finished, and I'm so looking forward to my first shower!
Have a good day everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning all. We have a friend from Scotland staying for a few days, so I'm not AWOL, I am about!! She wants to go into town today. I hope the rain stops!!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Just trying with photos,I haven't gone mad or something
Elisi,I was wanting to do pictures in a profile style similar to what I had before is this option available ? and need to request for friends as I don't want to be "billy no mates" I have accepted friends
requests but not able to request them for me.
Good Morning ladies I am going to spend the day navigating the Forum so that will be exciting as you all know how dopey I am with 'puter stuff,still OH says it will keep me out of trouble for the day,Its quite miserable here to-day a drizzle and misty overcast sky,I've been out with Poppy and she is drying off in her bed even though she has her pink mac on when walking her little furry legs get soaked.
Morning ladies hope all goes well at Hospital Enfys , Glam if you go onto someones profile you will see Subscribed next to there photo press that that's friends request it will then say pending that's it then when they get it they just press accept .
We off for Hubbys lines to be flushed not till 1pm though that's late today its usually early morning have a great day everyone
I had so many plans for today, most of it involved going outside and as its pouring down with rain those plans have been elbowed for another day. What wasn't on my list was ironing,there is a pile waiting for me, well it can wait. I'm going to put the kettle on , have a nose around here and then wrap up and get some fresh air. ☔️☔️☔️
Thursday is 'Theo' day. The day gs comes to Nanna's.... we've been to the playbarn (indoor play area) this morning and had lunch there. He fell asleep in the car coming home and I carried him up to his cot to finish his nap - hence being on here. It is raining but I'm hoping it will clear as he wants to go and see the moo moos and the tracta and if we want to walk far enough the horse. No sign of it stopping yet though. If it doesn't it looks like we are in for a looong afternoon and may resort to a drop of Postman Pat on youtube!
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown