Thanks for the clock changing time, it only seems five minutes ago we changed them. It will be very light in the evenings, let us hope we have some good weather to enjoy the lighter evenings
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Morning ladies it's a beautiful day after getting Brian out of bed into bathroom and down the stairs on his bum I was fair worn out took 15 minutes last night to just get him up the stairs never mind into bed and settled , then I had to drag the garden hose out and hose the drive and pathway , Virgin media has been digging all the paths up to lay pipes and cables what a mess they left , mud everywhere and it's getting on everyone's shoes ruined next doors lawn as they had to dig up at the bottom and just slapped all the grass back down my neighbour is furious , so now I'm drained , got to go back to Hospital at some point in next couple of days Brian left his chain and wedding ring there had to take them off for scans , nurse has put them away safely so no peace for me 😩Im not fat just 6ft too small
No would never move Gem the only adaption we need is the chair lift our stairs are ideal it would go straight to landing no turns , we have other aids like wet room and extra handrails plus a perching stool and shower seat it's just the chair lift I want to get in , he said he will think about it he thinks he's giving in if we had one of those but it's times like this it would be a great help. SIL is coming over tonight to get him up the stairs he will come about 9 ish then Brian can watch telly in bed and be settled said he would do that each night till Brian gets his strength back , he's a good ladIm not fat just 6ft too small
Oma, you and Brian will get on with it all, you always do.
My friend had her 2nd chemo session yesterday. Rang her this morning to ask how she feels. Said she doesn't feel too bad, but got loads of medication and is sleeping a lot.
Today has been another day where I don't know where it's gone. Hubby been helping the eldest with more outdoor jobs while the weather was good. Had visitors this morning, then went to see how hubby and son had got on. Really looking good now in the back garden.
He is having his bathroom done in a week or two. Going to be a big job, as he is pinching a bit off one of the bedrooms,to make bathroom a bit bigger. Tiles, bathroom suite and flooring all been ordered.
Next job is a new kitchen. He had a new boiler and radiators in a few weeks ago.
Blimey, I think that's enough of me rabbiting on.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Been food shopping had to get a Taxi home too much to carry and I didn't want to phone DD or SIL they do enough for us as it is ,the shops are heaving this morning don't know if that's normal for a weekend as I usually refuse to go to the shopping centre at weekends for a big shop , Bumped into Brian,s cousin haven't seen her for a few weeks she told me she was pregnant we over the moon for her she has been trying for years to have a baby , she was due to have IVF soon but nature has worked firstIm not fat just 6ft too small
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What lovely news Oma
As an GRU 'official' I insist you always get taxi home when you buy heavy things!
Shops round here were heaving too, and the ring road really busy. I think it's because shops don't open on Easter Sunday people overshop, like at Christmas! We had most things for the weekend, as I had a Tesco delivery on Thursday. I just wanted daffodils, a couple of photo frames and OH wanted to look at golf trollies. Home now and staying here!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Congrates to Brians cousin, Mother Nature worked her magic. Tesco was heaving at lunchtime, I only needed 3 things took me ages to get round the store. What is it with people, anyone would think there was going to be a famine just because their closed tomorrowI have made an easter cake for the girls tomorrow, we are all at DD's for lunch, they love chocolate cake. I decorated it with gold eggs and fluffy bunny's. Just got to finish their hanging hearts I made them, wrap their gifts. We never get them eggs as they recieve loads. Think I've earnt a rest now lol.
"What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
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We went to Wakefield shopping, and it was very busy there. I did a big shop at Sainsburys in Trinity Walk. Got quite a few things from the butchers as well. I won't need anything else this week.
Oma, lovely news for Brian's cousin.
Gem, hubby is very handy, he loves doing DIY and he is a perfectionist. Only thing he doesn't care for is decorating. We always did our own decorating, but for the last few years we have had someone in. In fact, we booked in for the kitchen doing on 21st April.
Libra, chocolate cake sounds scrummy.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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