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    Poor Brian it is one thing after another and you Oma it is very tiring for you too. Love and cuddles to you both.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Oma , I hope you are not reading this , I would like to think you are getting some much needed sleep. You must be exhausted.
      Poor Brian, it's one thing after another. Do you think his rash is an reaction to all the meds his has had to take. He has had a lot to cope with .
      Big hugs to you both, send him my get well soon wishes. X
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Poor Brian, it seems never ending.Hope he managed to get some sleep, and feels better soon.
        Only plans for today are a bit of housework,make a roast chicken dinner, and my hubby is itching to get out in the garden and do some jobs.
        Last edited by Nanto2girls; 13-03-2016, 07:02 AM.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning everyone, goodness what a lot has been going on with you all. So sorry to read about Brian, and grannyjules loss of her Dad and then new babies. I hope everyone who is poorly gets better soon, and that all your new little people bring you the sunshine you all deserve. x


            Morning ladies I slept ok ,He just text said his scone was pure heaven 😊 he really doesn't like hospital food , going to pop to M&S this morning need a bit of a walk and fresh air . Isn't it nice to get up to sun shine for a change it lightens your mood and makes you ready to face the day better , have a good day ladies whatever you are doing xx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good Sunday morning, everyone. Oma - I'm sure you'll find a little tasty something for Brian when you're in M&S. I hope he's feeling a bit better and the pain in under control. xx

              They've forgotten to switch the sun onhere yet - it's frosty and misty, but hopefully will perk up later.

              A day of catching up with the dreaded housework for me!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning everyone, and especially Oma.
                As Nana says, bless you for keeping us updated. We are a caring bunch and worry when we don't know how each other are - although we quite understand when someone is back and forth from hospital, finding time to talk to us isn't something you should have to fit in, but we appreciate it when you do!
                I'm sure B is really glad of the things you take in for him. I hope they can get to the bottom of this problem and he will soon be home.
                I wonder if the rash could be a reaction to any new drug they could have given him?

                This morning OH is going for a game of golf. This is with her friend who she used to play golf with before joining the golf club. Her friend isn't retired, so is rarely free to play, but they like to have a game once in a while.
                I am going out for 2 paint matchpots to finish the living room wallls! This afternoon I'm going to see my mum.
                The last 3 Sundays have been busy. DD's party, babyshower, Mothers Day. It's ages since I had an unstructured Sunday!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Along with 15 other WI ladies I had a tour around the BBC in Portland Place, Regents Street yesterday our tour guides were wonderful young men (actors) who made everything fun. We saw the weather man through a glass wall (bullet proof) he stood on his own in part of the working area and Gavin Estler (sp) was some way away in the News room all on his own they use remote cameras there. We were shown the theatre where they produce radio shows and also sat on the green sofa used in The One Show, that is a very small studio about as big as a small sitting room, how they all get in I can't imagine the audience are cramped at one end. Two of our ladies did a mock news programme whilst one did the weather, great fun. Then lastly were were taken to another room where radio programmes were broadcasted from with sound effects (not the Archers that is done in Birmingham) They gave four volunteers a script and our guides did the sound effects. One or two ladies popped to Johns Lewis and Libertys, my friend and I went into a tea shop and a chocolate one, we didn't want to stray far. We had our lunch in Cavendish Square opposite a tramp with a all his worldly goods in a shopping trolley. Unfortunately all the guides have been told they will be reduntant in April because of security problems, sad. We had to go through searches of our bags and walk through a detector arch, we also had to take something to identify ourselves, no sharp implements etc.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant - what an interesting day you had. It's fascinating to see behind the scenes of programmes that come into our living rooms, and which we probably take for granted.

                    Some years ago in Florida we watched the recording of a Nick at Nite programme. At that time Nickelodeon and its offshoots weren't available to UK children, and it was brilliant watching how it all came together in the end.

                    I hope you're having a relaxing day to get over it today - join us in the Tea shop. Gem's engrossed in The Archers omnibus so we'll have to be quiet!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Very relaxing, listened to the Archers, Desert Island Discs and now Just a Minute. I am going into have lunch with DD, SIL and his mother later. Beautiful day here, SIL clearing up in the garden you always know where he is you just have to see the very aged dog.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
                        Very relaxing, listened to the Archers, Desert Island Discs and now Just a Minute. I am going into have lunch with DD, SIL and his mother later. Beautiful day here, SIL clearing up in the garden you always know where he is you just have to see the very aged dog.
                        I love Just A Minute. It never fails to make me laugh.
                        We have just had lunch and later we plan to get into the garden later.OH is going to mow the lawn and I seem to be in charge of boarders. Heaven preserve us if I should touch his beloved lawn mower and lawn !
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          I love Just a Minute too - there are some very funny and very clever people!

                          Plant - this sunshine calls you out into the garden, doesn't it! Even though it's still chilly. Sadly I've been out so much last week I had a load of chores to catch up with today, before starting on next week! It's very much a dog-thing, isn't it - following you round the garden. Eva seemed a bit puzzled at first, but she just accepts now that I'm only going to play with her some of the time and other times I'm doing things she would get told off for - like digging!! It's lovely that your elderly doggie still enjoys the garden.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            What a lovely day weatherwise, haven't had the heating on yet.
                            Got loads done in the garden, hubby done a lot of trimming and tidying. I've cut the grass. Looking all ship shape now.
                            So pleased Brian enjoyed his scone. Hope he is feeling better.
                            We used to listen to Just a Minute, but not heard it for a long time now.
                            Plant, your day out yesterday sounds so interesting, just my kind of day out.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              I love Just a Minute too, especially when Paul Merton is on the panel.
                              Plant, that sounds a really good day out. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
                              OH has finished the living room Now of course the carpet and sofas look worn......

                              Oma, I'm sure you are at the hospital with B now. I hope he has had an easier day.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                I didn't get out in the garden, but the house is clean and at 5 pm I took Eva for a long walk in the Forest. There was the most beautiful sunset, and we stood and watched a fallow deer just nosing around in the dead bracken, totally unconcerned that there was 20+ kg of dog just behind her (firmly on the lead!)
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

