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    Plant she had decided to come before she knew the baby would be here, but it certainly helped her enthusiasm once she knew
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Plant, I have made jam, that was ordered!! Then I put some in the freezer for in my quark etc.


        Afternoon ladies

        Plant same has happened to DDs cherries, they have been pecked by the birds before she could harvest any , not that she minds really 😁
        You are lucky having plum trees especially Victoria plums the best ones in my opinion.

        You need a day of rest before tomorrow when you will be busy again.

        B having Steak for tea so I’m having Salmon with sweetcorn and broccoli,.

        You must be worn out , although the children are good it’s mentally exhausting as well as physical .
        A nice quiet day would do you good in fact a quiet weekend would be better,

        Depending what time the young man will be travelling through the A1 it would be best to give himself plenty of time ,
        He may be lucky to miss all the tail backs but from Lunch time onwards on a Sunday that road is packed with people going to the Metro centre.

        We always have Blackberries in the freezer for crumbles etc , our neighbour picks them and gives us and our elderly neighbour pounds of them each year .

        Did a blitz of the house this morning , B hoovered right through
        We then went to our small local Morrisons and called in our DDs on way back ,
        Sat chatting and drinking tea for ages ,

        The Pigeon finally after 4 days flew away and the Hedgehog went to a sanctuary, he was out in the day and shouldn’t be ,
        The lady who run the sanctuary examined it and said although it was plump enough it wasn’t well and had a tummy full of worms , At least it will get treated poor thing .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Gem, I'm exhausted just reading about yesterday afternoon at Gemini Towers. No wonder you were tired, and needed the slow start today. It's great to have the GCs, but 3 over such a big age range is hard going, although I'm sure GD was very helpful and GS2 is growing up fast. Thank goodness you still managed to enjoy your friend's birthday celebration. xx

          It must be lovely seeing GD enjoying her little cousin so much. She clearly takes after her Granny!

          Plant, did you get your flower bed weeded? I totally forgot to prune our cordon-trained apple and pear trees. I've got notes on how to do it - but didn't think to check. I remember a friend's Dad pruning a huge apple tree for us when we lived in Worthing. The following year it was laden down with apples - he did a good job.

          OH spotted plums on our Victoria plum tree today! Two of them. We're like proud parents.

          Lizzie, blackberries galore for you. Ours are nowhere near ripe yet. They are so late I thought we were going to have a very sparse year, but I noticed the other day that they are starting to develop.

          Oma, I hope the hedgehog is ok - the people who run hedgehog sanctuaries are amazing, and so dedicated. Well done to the pigeon for finding its wings again.

          I've made a birthday cake for my friend for tomorrow, and a few other bits and pieces. I want to marinade the ribs and chicken overnight, and apart from tidying up after myself, not too much to do now. It's been a lovely day today and the grass has shot up so I mowed it again, and OH swept the patio and did some weeding.

          Just got a bit of ironing still out on the line, so I'll go and get that done, and then get dinner.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Lizzie I love homemade jam. I keep intending make some in the bread maker.

            Oma I'm glad the pigeon recovered and DD took the hedgehog to a sanctuary. These people do a great job and know what they are doing .

            Daisy you are very kind to make your friend's birthday cake. Lovely day here too, it was easy to get the washing dry .

            We decided to go to Aldi for a few things this afternoon and I picked my friend's present at the same time. Apart from hanging out some washing I have relaxed the rest of the day
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Talking about fruit trees made me smile , if you all remember when Storm was a pup I planted two Apple trees a plum a cherry and a sweet pear , one by one he chewed through them and proudly brought the roots in to us 😁

              Had a little nap this afternoon only 20 minutes but felt better for it , I then did the small amount of ironing I had ,
              I then watered the bushes in pots on my drive and dead headed flowers in the boarders .
              B sprayed the Dahlia in the pot as it is full of earwigs , horrible little pests ,

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning,weather ok up to now.

                Hubby gone to the car boot sale with his brother.
                No plans for me.

                While hubby was out yesterday helping his brother, i made 3 pies.
                The ones with corned beef and onion,beans and mash on top.
                2 are in the freezer and one in fridge for today.

                Yesterday afternoon we were sitting outside,when one of the nephews and his wife drove by.
                They pulled up to chat,and ended up staying for tea and cake.
                Had a lovely time catching up,and they said how much they enjoyed it.
                Apparently, its not something they do at home.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning Nanto
                  Nice to have unexpected visitors, maybe they will come back soon seeing how they enjoyed the company 😁

                  Nothing much on today , we will pop down toLidl for fresh bread ,
                  GS working so won’t see him today .

                  Towels in the wash floors washed so nothing much to do .

                  We bought a Karcher white floor mop this week and B tried it out this morning ,
                  His verdict was it’s brilliant , it’s a double tank so no reusing dirty water and it gets right to the edges ,
                  Sound a bit like a Alien flying saucer but not loud 😁
                  Another gadget to add to our collection .

                  Hope everyone has a good day
                  ​​​​​​​Hope the weather stays fine for the party .
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                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning everyone.

                    I wonder if your OH will come home with any bargains Nan2?

                    I'm glad the floor mop was up to standard Oma.

                    I hope your day goes well Daisy and the sun shines.

                    A nice easy day for us today. We are going to our friends J and M for lunch. It had been last Thursday night for tea until I remembered we were having baby E overnight so it was hastily moved to Sunday! We haven't met up for a while, and wanted to fit it in before our holiday.

                    It's the annual day to Filey with friends and GC tomorrow. We are keeping an anxious eye on the weather forecast . It was appalling, but the forecast has definitly improved, so fingers crossed.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma, will that new floor cleaner stop you getting down on your knees to wash the floor?

                      Nanto, I like having unexpected visitors, they obviously liked your cake, they will be back.

                      No plans for me today, sun shining atm, might do some gardening, just weeding. DD, Sil and myself had a fun time with H yesterday, she is such a clown and a giggler.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Yes Plant no getting on the floor 😁 I can’t actually get on my knees so I sort of sit sideways on my bum but my hip locks and it’s a beggar getting up again so this is ideal 😁
                        I do have a ordinary mop and a steam mop but they don’t clean as well as a good hand wash ,
                        This seems so far to be ideal,

                        Its lovely to hear little ones giggle isn’t it, I bet you can’t help smiling and laughing with her

                        hope tomorrow stays fine , rain forecast early morning and after tea up here fingers crossed Filey is better ,
                        Must be 30+ years since we have been to Filey , our DS was only a toddler then.

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          We have done this every year (apart from 2020) since GD was 3. With C and P and their GC. Sadly GD won't be joining us this year.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Gem, good luck with the weather tomorrow for your trip to Filey. I would love to get some sea air. Have a lovely time.

                            Oma, your Karcher sounds just the job for you, no kneeling now.

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Hallo everyone, very windy, the sun is out, only this morning we had a few odd showers! Really heavy and lasted just a few minutes. Long enough to get wet if caught in one!

                              I have been to the gym then to see DS1 and family, they have had a great holiday, trouble on the roads on Friday on the journey home, he said they should have arrived at the hotel in Germany for 4pm, it was 9pm!!! Yesterday went as planned for the rest of the journey. They all look well, GD2 has lived in the water most of the time, she is a very strong swimmer so was in the sea etc to keep cool. GD1 is a good swimmer as well but at her age not as playful as GD2.

                              Oma, I have never heard of a floor cleaner from Karcher, then again, I am not into gadgets! I clean my floor with an old fashioned floor cloth!

                              Gem, I hope the weather is decent for the Filey trip. Rain forecast here for a month!

                              Nanto, you would enjoy the surprise visitors.

                              Daisy, I hope the weather is good the the BBQ!!


                                Oma, you wouldn't believe how many floor mops,and steam cleaners i have.
                                Nothing beats a good wash on your hands and knees,can give it more oomph.

                                Hubby only bought some handwash for in the shed.

                                It's been a steady day,only really tidied up and dusted and hoovered.

                                We had a couple of heavy showers earlier,but the sun is shining now.

                                Lizzie,glad the family had a good holiday.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

