Oma, they make a very nice-looking couple. What a lovely thing for her friends to arrange for her. I did a double take - the summerhouse behind them is the same as ours, only ours is a light green. Your window cleaner must have fro-reaching powers - it started to rain here about 4 pm and has been throwing it down every since!
Gem, it's nice to have a coffee and a chat after exercise. I'm sure S is ok - she would be struggling to play golf like she does if there were any issues, but good to have a check up to put minds at rest. With this rain, I might have to cut the lawn again before Sunday!
Nanto, isn't it nice to get all your washing dried like that! The ironing can always wait.
Lizzie, I'm trying to work out how "bright and early" you went out to pick blackberries to pick them and make the jam, plus getting soaked, having shower etc, etc before what you thought was a 9 am appointment! Your lovely physio does sound a very sensible young man. What a pity he's leaving.
Plant, the weather forecast for tomorrow isn't great, but at least we will be in a marquee while we're "working".
Gem, it's nice to have a coffee and a chat after exercise. I'm sure S is ok - she would be struggling to play golf like she does if there were any issues, but good to have a check up to put minds at rest. With this rain, I might have to cut the lawn again before Sunday!

Nanto, isn't it nice to get all your washing dried like that! The ironing can always wait.

Lizzie, I'm trying to work out how "bright and early" you went out to pick blackberries to pick them and make the jam, plus getting soaked, having shower etc, etc before what you thought was a 9 am appointment! Your lovely physio does sound a very sensible young man. What a pity he's leaving.
Plant, the weather forecast for tomorrow isn't great, but at least we will be in a marquee while we're "working".