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    Thanks Plant, they love doing it all, they always have done. Sorry, I was reading about your GS saying he doesn't want to start a family, I can understand it, I often wonder what a future our grandchildren and great grandchildren are going to have. DS2 always said that is why he didn't want children, he is a step-father though.


      We have just had a nice quiet day at home with the GC. Another friend arrived with flowers this afternoon, people have been so kind.
      The signed medical certificate has at last arrived so the funeral company have been able to make the collection from the hospital mortuary and the registrar should contact us soon to say they have a copy and we will be able to make an appointment with them.
      We have rearranged the funeral for the following Thursday so we can fit everything in. That also makes it school term time so the children will be at school.

      We have ordered pizza delivery as a treat for us all for tea.

      Plant my DD and SIL3 were uncertain about starting a family for the same reason as your GS. Nature took its own course and now they are so happy to be parents!

      Clever GD Lizzie.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Lizzie, your GD's are so talented.

        Gem, nice quiet day at home is good sometimes.

        Oma, mince is very versatile. I made 2 mince and onion pies for the freezer.
        Had a bit of pastry left,so made 6 jam tarts and 6 (sweet) mince pies.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          I start my regular Thursdays looking after baby E tomorrow.
          I am looking forward to it, but a bit worried how I will cope lifting and carrying when OH is away at the golf club for several hours. I'm sure I will manage though.
          OH is also taking our cat to the vet in the morning for another injection. He seems to have gone downhill again over the last week or so.
          I' m sure I will get on here when the baby naps, but if I am AWOL tomorrow you will know why!
          Good night everyone 🥱
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem, I'm sure you will manage with baby E.
            It's surprising what we can do when we have to.

            Dinner is pork chops, chips and garden peas.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                The graphic didn't work The first time.
                Can be a bit temperamental some times with glitter graphics on the phone.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning everyone
                  Tesco grocery arriving this morning instead of our usual Friday delivery as it's Good Friday tomorrow and Tesco don't deliver on that day.

                  I was extremely annoyed about a texts message I received on Tuesday from my GP surgery informing me that my appointment has been cancelled and to make another appointment.
                  Now as you may recall I have had this annoying itchy rash for sometime now and I was initially offered an appointment in May but last week I rang a surgery and explained that I needed a see sometime sooner and was offered a Wednesday appointment and the one in May was cancelled.
                  Now my new appointment is once again in May , a week later than my original appointment!

                  I am banking on this Easter weekend being nice as I want to crack on with lots of jobs I have in the garden, pots need washing, seeds need sowing etc . I want to keep occupied as I am disappointed that we will be seeing very little of our family, they are all busy... apparently.....

                  It's been a week of disappointments . On Monday I discovered by the smart meter display that the standing charge on our meters has gone up from 53p per day to £154 per day 😱 Added to that the extra cost of gas and electricity it's beyond a joke .

                  Now I have finished moaning, how is everyone? Any plans for the Easter weekend?

                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Mimi,how annoying about the appointment changes.

                    No plans here for the Easter weekend. Probably do some gardening if the weather allows.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning Nan2, Mimi and everyone else.

                      Quick check in from my morning bath! I have a bath each day now as it eases my muscles, and standing in the shower is painful.

                      GS2 is 7 today
                      They are going to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. He had his party for his friends at the weekend and has a family birthday/Easter party to come on Sunday.

                      Baby GS3 should be here soon.

                      Have a good day everyone.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning, Mimi, that can't be right about the smart meter, can it????

                        What a carry on for an appointment at the doctors.

                        Regarding Tesco delivery, the children here have to go to school tomorrow as it isn't an official bank holiday, they just have Monday free then back to school.

                        Gem, I hope you can cope with the baby today.

                        It is dull this morning with rain forecast, I managed to scrub the balcony yesterday so I am hoping it rains to rinse it all away.


                          Lizzie, luckily ( for me!) The course is closed and waterlogged today. So OH can carry the baby up and downstairs to his cot for me.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning Ladies it’s raining again so dreary ,

                            Good for you that the course is waterlogged means you have help with the baby ,
                            But annoying for S

                            That must be the only time you wish for rain 😀

                            I assume you meant £1.,54 not £154 😀
                            shocking how long it is before you can get an appointment when they cancel your appointment.
                            Different if you were cancelling , you would then expect a wait . As it’s on their end they should be more accommodating.

                            B has gone to MILs and my DD is coming over with the dog this morning,
                            Im really breathless this morning again but by the letter I came out of Hospital with it’s all part of it , wish they would get this done and sorted .

                            No plans for Easter weekend was going to meet up with our friends but not up to it so just a quiet one for us .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma I should have checked my post, its £1 54 p not £1,54 🤭😱
                              Last edited by Mimi; 06-04-2023, 09:29 AM.
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                We guessed as much Mimi 😄
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

