Thanks, Nanto - I've tried grilling pork loin chops as well as frying them - perhaps I do them for too long, or on too high a heat.
Plant, I bet GGS is very excited about his family birthday lunch. Poor you having such a bad night. Is your arm easier now?
Lizzie - there's always at least one clock that's going to cause trouble. I changed the time on my new oven for the first time today. I kept setting the timer (which I never use) by mistake, but I like having the display showing the right time. I got there in the end! I've totally given up on the microwave clock, though. It sounds like Mimi's cooker clock - a b****r!
I haven't reset the clock in my car yet. I sort of know how to do it, but will probably have to get the manual out to make sure.
Mimi, you need more stone skimming practice (for which read "lazy days at the beach"! ) It's mortifying when your quite small children beat you at anything. It's ok if you "let" them win to give them confidence etc but getting beaten fair and square is another matter.
It's been another day of washing and ironing for me. I've done all the cushion covers and throws etc as well as the guest bedding in the last two days.
Plant, I bet GGS is very excited about his family birthday lunch. Poor you having such a bad night. Is your arm easier now?
Lizzie - there's always at least one clock that's going to cause trouble. I changed the time on my new oven for the first time today. I kept setting the timer (which I never use) by mistake, but I like having the display showing the right time. I got there in the end! I've totally given up on the microwave clock, though. It sounds like Mimi's cooker clock - a b****r!

Mimi, you need more stone skimming practice (for which read "lazy days at the beach"! ) It's mortifying when your quite small children beat you at anything. It's ok if you "let" them win to give them confidence etc but getting beaten fair and square is another matter.
It's been another day of washing and ironing for me. I've done all the cushion covers and throws etc as well as the guest bedding in the last two days.