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    I must admit I did think why wasn’t a adult watching out for her walking up a lane like that ,
    Sometimes we become to trusting and think everyone is good and kind then we get a sharp awakening to remind us they are not .
    I bet she’s not allowed up that road alone again , doesn’t bear thinking about what could have happened .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      We are back from the Metro centre , B bought quite a lot of T-shirts , trousers and underwear ,
      I wasn’t in the mood to look for me ,
      I don’t like the Metro and all the shops I would go in are miles apart from each other ,
      We will go to the out of town retail park sometime next week , they have Roman original and Klass there I like those shops .

      On the way back we decided to call into Costa and have a drink and a toastie ,
      Very nice it was too , early for lunch but we were being rebels without a clue 🤣🤣

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Afternoon all
        Well it's been a lovely sunny morning so we took full advantage of it. We repotted 2 dwarf conifers, OH cut the lawn in the back garden, I pruned the dwarf buddleia and fuchsia.
        We were disappointed to see that the tennis court has just taken down some sort of the trees that divide our garden fence from the lawns and courts on their property. Hopefully they won't take all the trees down.

        Plant I dont think the neighbour was joking but the fence colour. We chose a lighter, different colour to make the garden seem bigger and lighter as we are on the end of the bungalows and the sheds boarders our one end of the garden.

        Plant how horrific for that girl I hope the attacker is caught. She must be traumatised.

        We are having pasta for lunch today and we might go mad and have some of the left over rhubarb crumble from Sunday for afters .
        Good heavens what are we all coming to, us with a pudding and Oma and B eating a toastie so close to lunch time. As Oma said, rebels without a clue!
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          You rebellious lot
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            🤣🤣🤣 well we have to be at our age a bit of rebellion makes life exciting 🤣🤣🤣

            Well it’s snowing again but that fine wet kind ,
            Not surprised when we came back the window cleaner had been ,
            You can guarantee if he comes on a morning by tea time it’s raining 🙄🙄

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              We had a wintry shower about 1ish.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Our wet flurry is now this 🙄
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                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Plant, that young girl did so well to fight off the monster who attacked her. He must have been watching her coming home for a while and it sounds completely premeditated. I hope they catch him and put him out of circulation for a long time.

                  It's so difficult to know when to give a child some degree of freedom, isn't it. So much depends on the area as well as the child's maturity. I remember when GD2 was in Year 6 his mum would walk down to the main road and see him across and then he'd meet up with friends - the school was less than 5 minutes away. He'd walk home with friends some days as well.

                  Now it's light when our GD1 gets home she walks from the bus stop - about ¾ mile along a fairly busy road. But her GPS is always on and if she's worried she can stay on the bus into town and go to the shop, or she can ring her mum or dad to fetch her.

                  Spring must be in the air with all this reckless, rebellious food consumption! It must be catching - we've just had a cup of tea AND a slice of banana bread. What is the world coming to!

                  Gem, I'm glad you didn't have to go and pick GS up this afternoon - I'm sure the rest has done you more good.

                  Mimi, we've been out gardening as well this afternoon. It was too wet to cut the grass, but I started weeding the front garden borders and mulching them. I haven't got very far but I seemed to spend a lot of time tiptoeing round little Spring flowers. Not easy in wellies! OH has pruned all the dead wood out of the rose by the front door. I'm just off to take Eva for walkies while it's still warm and sunny. Back later. x
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Hallo everyone, we must have the nice weather today, the wind has dropped and it is like spring, rain the rest of the week though. I had a phone appointment with my urologist this afternoon, I am not having the operation done, I explained to him why and he said no need to explain at all. He said I am always welcome and if there comes a magical solution he will let me know!

                    Poor little girl Plant.

                    Oma, B did have a "buying" morning, I am not keen on huge shopping centres, I like to go to the shop I want to go to and that is it!

                    I have cleaned the balcony (roof) today, well part of it, the last time I did it I got those dizzy spells so I was very careful today not to do it all at once, it is now lovely and clean.

                    I need to do the windows Oma, maybe make a start tomorrow.


                      Very keen frost this morning,i think there is a bit of snow in it as well.

                      2 of our bins are out for emptying today. Went to put something in one of them.
                      I couldn't open the gate catch,its frozen solid. Will have to thaw it out.
                      The other bins in the garden are frozen,can't open their lids.
                      We're in a bad way.

                      Not sure what we are doing today.
                      If sis in law and hubby get back from wherever they are going,we are eating at the pub.
                      If they don't get back in time,we are going tomorrow.

                      Stay warm today ladies.

                      Going to watch the video now,that Daisy posted.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good Ides of March morning everyone. It's sunny here, but there has been a frost overnight. I haven't checked the bins, but it doesn't sound as frosty as it is for Nanto.

                        Nanto, enjoy the video, and stay warm.

                        Usual Wednesday dog training for me and Eva. I think OH has got plans to do some wood-turning. I'm going to cook a casserole this morning to have tonight and perhaps do some housework. Perhaps not! I started yesterday but then OH said it was time I drove the car he got several months ago, so we went out for a drive. I haven't driven an automatic for several years but it was ok. It's got these 'magic' seats where you can set them up for different drivers. We realised I use exactly the same driving position as OH, apart from the rear view mirror and the position of the steering wheel - both manual adjustments.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning everyone.

                          It's very cold isn't it Nan2?

                          No aquafit for me this morning. I cancelled my place last night. No way could I walk from the car let alone do the class.
                          GS2 is coming for the day as there is another strike day. GD is being dropped off at her friends house. Not sure if she will be coming to us later or there all day .
                          I'm hoping the pain may ease a bit today

                          Stay warm everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning ladies

                            We still have some snow mainly in the garden the roads are clear but it’s bitter cold .

                            No point pushing yourself when your like that it will be so painful if you do , a day in will be for the best x

                            Automatics are a doddle when you get used to them ,
                            B hated getting in the car after me as I have such short legs the seat had to be very close to the steering wheel 😁

                            You might need a blow touch to get the gate and bins open , careful forcing the lids as they could spring open unexpectedly and catch you in the face ,

                            Waiting for Storm arriving will give him his treats and get him settled then intend putting a Dye on my hair it’s desperate for one now and I’m having my hair cut on Friday so want it done before then,
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Gem, you must be in a lot of pain to cancel your aquafit. Do take it easy - no chasing round the furniture with GS2 this afternoon!

                              Oma, I used to drive OH's last automatic regularly and got used to it, so I'll probably get used to this one as well. It's a lovely car and very comfortable.

                              I was puzzled by your comment about the bin lids flying open, then realised we are still in the Dark Ages with old-fashioned bins with tin lids you lift off!

                              We are being lucky with the weather at the moment. It's 6C and quite pleasant. (Note to self - shut up and don't tempt fate!)

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Hallo everyone, lovely and sunny again. I saw the friend after the circuit, the one that was here on Monday, I had made him his favourite cake, upside down pineapple, he told me he had one piece when he got home then the dog managed to eat it!! He will have to lock the next one in the cupboard.

                                Gem, what can they do for sciatica? I seem to remember my father getting it.

