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    Plant,a nice holiday for you to look forward to.

    Been dull today,no sun at all. In the early afternoon it came over quite dark.
    A bit of a breeze blowing as well tonight.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Oma, your poor BIL, and also awful for your sister. She must be in bits and desperate to see him if only she could go out. What kind of treatment is BIL having?

      Lizzie, thank goodness you didn't fall over in those icy conditions. You certainly had a busy morning with the gym, doing the coffee and then having treatment for your arms and legs. I think it's really difficult to paint portraits!

      Nanto, that's how it was here yesterday - a bit better today but not much!
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Take care when it's icy Lizzie!

        I hope your BIL improves very quickly Oma.

        Plant, lovely to have the holiday to your favourite spot to look forward to.

        Oma we tried various things but he just kept crying and letting the calpol slide out of his mouth.

        I had a longer than usual school run today as I had to go to DD's to pick up their stuff for the weekend. I worried about the baby the whole time. I was pleased when we got in to discover he was asleep in the cot and had been for a couple of hours, and had managed to play a bit before that.
        He wasn't happy when he woke up though and we all felt sorry for him having to be strapped into the car for the journey home. At least it is the weekend and no builders so he won't have the car journeys to contend with.
        I have suggested they try calpol in his bottle and they were going to try that tonight.

        They called 111 tonight and we're told a Dr should phone them within 12 hours! Apart from that they just told them stuff they could read for themselves on the NHS website. I do hope he is better tomorrow.

        Good night everyone
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gem, poor little soul. Fancy 111 thinking 12 hours was reasonable! I'm sure mum and dad won't get much sleep tonight, worrying about him. I hope he will take the Calpol from his bottle. Sending hugs. xx
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Its a bit nippy,but not too cold.

            Gem, i hope the baby is better soon. 12 hours is ridiculous.

            We are going to Wakefield today,so we will eat out at our favourite cafe.
            Supermarket shopping will be done in Sainsburys this week.

            Don't know if we will get an update on BIL today.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good Saturday morning, everyone. It's a bit less cold here, but grey and dull.

              Nanto, I do hope you get good news about your BIL. I'm sure the whole family will be relieved when he's fit enough to travel home. Enjoy your day out.

              We've just had our Sainsbury delivery and put it away. We always check the receipt against the delivery and found quite an expensive mistake today! I've phoned and they will refund, but I'm a bit miffed that I've lost out on a good offer!

              This afternoon I'm taking Eva on a group dog walk in the Forest - our lovely trainer, Pam, organises them every so often and it's great to be able to let Eva walk quietly and sensibly with other dogs all round her. They're all on lead and everyone is very sensible about which dogs can get closer to each other and which need more space.

              Gem, how is baby E this morning? I hope he's better. xx

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Morning ladies

                12 hours is beyond ridiculous for a baby , I wouldn’t be happy with that poor little thing and Mummy&Daddy must be worried .I hope he’s feeling a bit better today xx

                Do be extra careful when it’s icy ,I know it’s easy to forget and think you will be fine but that’s the times when your mind isn’t on it and you have a tumble .

                BIL has been moved to Coronary care he will get better expert care in there rather than general ward .
                My niece rang this morning nurse said he had asked for a pot of strong tea not the weak milky kind they gave him yesterday so he must be brighter , he’s a big tea drinker 😁

                Spoke to my other niece last night my SIL hasn’t been out of the house since she banged her head it’s really knocked her confidence, my SIL is a social butterfly never in likes to party so this isn’t her .
                They hope to get her out to the pub this weekend just to get her going again ,

                Ive stripped the bed it’s in the wash and did my usual weekend blitz
                DD will walk over with dog later then I have a free afternoon .
                Have a good day ladies x
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Our posts crossed , enjoy your walk , just as well you checked your receipt .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning ladies.

                    Daisy, mistakes like that are annoying. Enjoy the doggie walk

                    I hope you have a good shopping trip Nan2.

                    Baby E is a lot better. SIL managed to get a dose of calpol in a feed into him at 3am. The doctor phoned at 4am. He is cooler and has had good sleeps throughout the night. He is having another calpol laced bottle now. Hopefully he will feel much better today than he did yesterday.

                    We have just had pancakes, syrup and blueberries for breakfast. Crumpets with honey and jam for GS2.
                    GD is beautifying herself for her trip with her friend.
                    GS, OH and I haven't decided what we are going to do today yet.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma, I do hope your BIL will get a proper cuppa today! Good that he's been moved to a specialist ward. Your poor Sister-in-law. She must be really shaken and upset not to want to go out. A trip to the pub might be just what she needs.

                      Gem, thank goodness baby E is getting better. Some good sleep and his temperature coming down are both positives.

                      I hope your GCs enjoy their day, whatever you, S and GS decide to do. I'm sure GD will have fun shopping with her friend and having a sleepover there. She's getting so grown up, isn't she! x
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Gremini, it is a worry when little ones are poorly, I am surprised they were not able to get advise sooner. GD has something to get medicine into H, it is a tube with a plunger.

                        A group walk with the dogs sounds a good idea Daisy, I hope they all behave themselves.

                        Gemini, breakfast sounds yummy, I hope GD enjoys her time with her friend.

                        Oma, Bil needs his strong tea to get better. I hope your Sil enjoys her trip out, she needs to get her confidence back.

                        I have been watching rugby most of the afternoon. Made a banana cake to use up the bananas, I must find someone to eat it.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Hallo everyone, I went to hang the washing out on the balcony at 9am, I decided to take the plastic off the plants, then sorted the plants, cleaned the balcony etc, it was 5-30pm when I finished. I had just managed to move a heavy pot when DS1 came for coffee, I said he should have arrived earlier! He and DIL were going out for a meal, it is a coincidence as when they had booked they realised what date it was, they met 34 years ago today. He goes to Sweden tomorrow, the UK the week after that then on the 11th March (think it was the date) he flies to Angolia for 10 days, he certainly gets around.

                          Gem, I am pleased the little one is improving, it won't be easy to give him medicine.

                          Oma, I am usually very careful but as DS1 said, it was black ice and you don't see it until it is usually too late, luckily the street lamps were on!

                          How is your BIL now that he has had his strong cup of tea?

                          Daisy, I hope you enjoyed the walk with the other dogs and owners.

                          Has anyone watched the Roy Orbison specials from BBC 2 last Saturday evening? I recorded them and watched one last night, I loved his singing, he was one of the first "pop" stars I went to see in concert, many , many years ago. It was sad watching it but loved the music.


                            Lizzie, busy day for you. I haven't seen the Roy Orbison specials.

                            Plant we have those plungers, but he clamped his mouth shut and if we did manage to get any in he let it drop out again and wouldn't swallow! Most babies like the taste of calpol but not this one!

                            Baby a lot brighter today I am so happy to say.
                            OH, GS2 and I went to a museum of farming ( sounds boring but isn't!) today. GS's choice as he loves it there. It's only about 4 miles away and our tickets are a pass for a year. We were there for over 4 hours. Mummy had some Pokémon things sent here from Amazon as a surprise for him. I didn't tell him until we got in at 4, so he's been happily occupied with those since then 😊 We had a video call from Spain from DD so he was able to tell her how happy he was.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem, glad to hear the little one seems to be on the mend.

                              Oma, hope your BIL got his strong cuppa.

                              Our shopping trip was good. Didn't buy anything out of the ordinary.

                              Lizzie,that was a busy day for you.
                              I haven't seen any of the Roy Orbison specials. I did like some of his songs.

                              Daisy,good idea to check your receipt for the shopping.
                              Hope you enjoyed your walk.

                              No update on BIL today.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Nanto, I'm sorry you haven't heard any more news about your BIL, but, as they say, no news is good news.

                                Gem, thank goodness little E is feeling better. You can't blame him for not liking the taste - it's awful! I think the Six Plus comes in orange flavour, but I don't know if the baby version does.I don't think the farm museum sounds at all boring, and it must have been interesting for you to spend 4 hours there. What a lovely day GS2 has had - sleepover, favourite breakfast, a nice outing, Pokemon gifts and a video call from his Mummy!

                                Lizzie, it's amazing how doing one little job and develop into a much bigger one and gobble up a whole day! A pity your DS's timing was off though! He's certainly got a busy couple of weeks ahead of him. Does he enjoy travelling for work?

                                I must watch the Roy Orbison programmes - I always loved his music, it was always different and not just sugary 'pop' songs. Some of his best:

                                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                Plant, I'm sure your banana cake will have plenty of takers once the family know it's there! Did you enjoy the rugby?

                                The group dog walk this afternoon was good. It was a bit chilly - I was glad I'd taken a scarf but felt a bit guilty I hadn't taken a coat for Eva, although once we got going she was ok. She was really good - there were 8 or 9 dogs, and she walked happily and calmly with three she knows and one she doesn't. She's slept all evening!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

