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    So sad about those little children. The poor families, you can only imagine the pain they are feeling.
    Also the police and rescue service, it has to have a

    A trip to the hairdresser this morning ​​​​​​​ it's well over due

    Yesterday evening we posted our neighbours christmas cards .Where we live, all our bungalows are in a 'fenced gated area ' and all bungalows have lightning so we aren't actually walking around in the dark. We are well away from the dimly lit streets. It feels really safe to be out when it's dark which is rare in this day and age.

    Apart from the hairdresser we don't have anything planned.

    ​​​​​​​Keep warm everyone
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Good morning everyone.

      Another cold one indeed. Not so long ago we were all baking in the heatwave!

      Keep warm in town Nan2.

      That sounds a nice safe area where you live Mimi.

      I had a lovely Christmas meal out with my friends last night. I had the turkey dinner followed by poached pear with raspberry sorbet. And wine, as I was chauffeured
      DD3 is coming down today. SIL is dropping her off on his way to work.
      This afternoon I am going to see my friend T and deliver his Christmas card. Then I will collect GS1, bring him back here for an early tea, then he and I ho back to school for the Christmas Fair. OH will drop us off and DD will meet us there after work and drop me home. I hope my back holds out for all this think it is a bit better.

      Have a good day everyone and keep as warm as you can.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning, everyone. We decided late last night to go and do some essential shopping today. We must be mad! But we're going early (for us) in the hope of being back before lunch-time.

        I'm really looking forward to the morning when I can sit down with a cup of tea, read everyone's news at leisure and be able to comment as well. For now, it's rush-rush-rush, and not because of Christmas. We've got a couple of presents to get but that's all.

        Please take care in this awful weather - Gem, keep warm and be careful with you back. Mine is always worse when it's cold. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning ladies
          ​​​​​​ Daisy
          your right when it’s cold our aches are worse arnt they ,
          hope you get back by lunch and able to put your feet up for a couple hours .

          Do take care walking last thing you need is to hurt a already sore back ,
          Dinner out sounds delicious especially the pears yummy .

          Nothing wrong with fish fingers , I like fish finger sandwiches 😁


          Nice to go out in the dark and feel safe ,
          I dyed my hair yesterday it was looking a bit like your graphic 😂😂😂

          Im off to my Sisters today take Christmas cards and her Anniversary card for Saturday ,
          then down to Iceland for a few bits .

          Ive just been hand washing one of Bs cardigans it was a ton weight as it’s quite chunky ,
          I just don’t have the strength in my hands and wrists anymore to squeeze the water out so I had to put it into the washer on a spin cycle ,

          Its still very white and frosty here I haven’t been out yet but B put the bin out and said it’s bitter cold .

          DD & SIL popped in last night they had been to the shopping centre across the road and came for a cupper,
          Dont often see them on a night it’s usually during the day ,so a lovely surprise

          Keep warm and safe ladies xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning, Mimi, like you I have been to the hairdressers, I went in the car so did some shopping in the next village whilst I was there. It is lovely and sunny but very cold, it was minus 6 when I walked to the gym this morning, at least it is dry.

            Gem, you are a busy bee! Out for meals etc etc.

            I have knitted a hat, a beanie, good for this weather. We have a really good wool shop in the village, 2 young men started about 15 years ago selling wool from their house, they now have a huge business and this wool I have bought has their name on the label so they must be doing well, one of them does books etc for crochet and knitting.


              Lizzie, that sounds a useful shop to have close by. Keep up the knitting.

              Gemini, You are such a social butterfly. That meal sounded good, especially the pud. Have a nice time with DD3 and baby I presume. Try and get time to rest that sciatica pain.

              Daisy, You are a busy lady without Christmas arrangements. I hope the shopping is a successful one.

              Oma, I like having surprise visitors. I hope Storm is back to his old self.

              I feel like Old Mother Hubbard, nothing in the cupboard. I still can’t get out to do a food shop. I can’t see our road but I am told by Sil it is not good to drive on. I have plenty of meals in the freezer but only frozen peas go with them. I had a jacket potato with baked beans and cheese yesterday. I have 2 eggs, half a loaf, some wraps, some milk, and a scraping of yogurt in the fridge. I must get something like corned beef when I do get to the shops.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Plant, I have always knitted, a lot, only I have arthritis in my fingers and can't do it as often as I would like! A hat is just handy for me to knit.

                I hope you get something to eat soon! Can you do an order on-line?


                  Lizzie, i used to do a lot of knitting. Mainly for the grandaughters.
                  As they got older though knitted things wern't there cup of tea.
                  When the internet came along, i stopped knitting altogether.

                  Oma, i popped in iceland as well this morning, just to stock up on pizza's.
                  We ended up with pizza for dinner. So what i planned for today will now be tomorrows dinner.

                  Gem, take care.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Sil gone to farm shop, he is bringing me back some veg. I am hoping to get out tomorrow if we don’t have more snow.

                    DD and GD1 have gone to J. Lewis, I have the dog.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Had a lovely morning with my Sister ,
                      Lots of laughs some grumbles and we put the world to rights 😁
                      Looked through old photos of when we lived next door to each other and our children were small , can’t remember being that young 😁
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        It is SO cold!!!

                        DD and baby are still here, SIL will collect them on his way home. They and OH went out for a walk this afternoon.

                        I wish I wasn't going out again, but it will be warm at the school fair and GS is singing with his class so it's important.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Can’t miss that Gem ,
                          How is baby and DD are they both ok now xx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Gem, no way would you want miss GS singing.

                            Hubby's sister and hubby came this afternoon.
                            They are coming back tomorrow,BRO in law going to help hubby put the lights on the tree.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Sorry for the shortish post last time it was a bit busy round here

                              Back from the very busy and noisy Christmas fair now!

                              Oma, they are both doing well thank you. She wasn't having such a good day yesterday hence her wanting to spend the day here today. However her period started this morning, so that explains it. She feels much better now .
                              That sounds a lovely time with your sister.

                              Don't go out in the snow if you don't have to Plant .

                              Nan2 my mum knitted for all the children as babies and untill, as you said, they don't appreciate hand knits any more.

                              It's good that you can at least still knit hats Lizzie.

                              Daisy I hope you get a lazy restful morning soon!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning.

                                Only plans for today are BROin law coming to help hubby put the lights on the tree outside.
                                Its a big bushy tree.

                                Stay warm everyone.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

