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What are you Doing Today?

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    Good morning everyone.

    Today we are looking after the baby for the day. They will bring him over this morning and we will take him home before his bed time. DD and GS1 are coming over this afternoon too.

    I hope you all have a lovely Christening day for Finlay Oma. I bet it made B's day seeing so much of GS1 on his birthday

    Nan2, carvery dinner is always a good choice.

    Don't fall into the chest freezer Daisy!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oma, I often wonder where all the washing generally comes from for just 2 of us!

      Enjoy Finley's Christening. I hope MIL behaves herself and keeps any grumpiness under control. Your GS and his GF are so lovely - I don't think many young girls would think about going to see their BF's grandad on his birthday. I'm sure you'd be quite happy for gS to move in!

      Enjoy your day. xx
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Gem, have a great day with baby E. I hope DD and GS1 are as ok as they can be.

        Haha - I can't quite reach the bottom of the freezer, so it's a possibility!
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Oma, pleased that B had a good birthday, three visits from GS, he is a lovely young man. Hope Mil behaves herself at the Christening today. Have a lovely family time.

          Gemini, have a lovely day with the baby and GS1.

          Daisy, I hope you have escaped from the freezer.

          Baby H is next door plus my eldest GS and his two. Quite noisy so I have come back to catch up on here and have a cup of tea. All three GC were playing ? on the piano when I left!

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Plant escaping the piano 'playing' was probably a good move

            Well, we ended up with no visitors in the end!

            DD and SIl 3 (plus baby) were staying overnight with friends last night. DD texted to say she had slept until after 10 this morning (so SIL must have got up with baby) As it was a half hour drive to us, they probably wouldn't have got to us until late morning/lunchtime. It was fine with us, but I told her if they preferred to move to next weekend that was fine with us. She was glad to, and it meant they had a relaxing morning with their friends.
            I warned DD1 about this, as I knew GS1 was wanting to see the baby. Long story cut short, DD and GS1 went over to see them this afternoon.

            We have made use of the time. We cleaned and reassembled two large garden planters and moved them back onto the patio. We also moved the sandpit back. Then this afternoon I did some more sorting through of my mum's stuff which is littering the garage.

            So. not quite the day we thought we were going to have
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Evening ladies
              Had a lovely time at the Christening but the church was absolutely freezing even the lady vicar was shivering ,
              Finley was amazing as usual so we’re all the other children there none were naughty or loud all were so well behaved .
              Sadly that couldn’t be said about MIL .

              She decided in front of everyone to say to Clare that although her hair was nice today she was a mess as usual.
              I am afraid I got angry again and had to pull her out and give her a piece of my tongue .
              I could see Clare’s eyes filling up and our Martin was busy with other guests ,
              well I wasn’t having that not today .
              I told her she can’t say things like that and it was nasty and she was upsetting Clare , her reply was well I know I am but she is always a mess ,
              That was lighting the touch paper with me and I blew .
              She decided to sit and sulk for a while didn’t speak and that was fine .
              She came out of it once she realised people were ignoring her and tried to say it was just a joke it was a joke .
              No it wasn’t it was nasty .

              Anyway the afternoon finished nicely and we were all friends by time we took her home
              a couple pics , B scrubs up well too 😁
              You do not have permission to view this gallery.
              This gallery has 3 photos.
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Such a shame the celebrations were spoilt by your MiLt, Oma. I think Clare looks very nice!!! I love the expression on Finley's face though!! Tell B he scrubs up well!!

                It's been a grey old day here! Didn't wake up until gone 9, all these early mornings catching up with me.

                Went to get my paper and DD rang to say she was at the football down the road and could she pop in and have a cuppa? It's lovely that we're able to do that now. Then nex door popped in to chat about the fence which is about to fall over, needless to say, it's my fence! Anyway he's propped it up as best as he can and I'm going to get the lads who are clearing the garden to have a look at it and probably replace the whole lot. Next door says it usually falls down at least once a year, but not at this particular bit! I think the previous occupiers did their own DIY, but not very well!!

                Working on my snowman topper for the post box at the moment! Hopefully the post box will bring smiles to the villagers!

                Plant, good news from the hospital. I can see the back of your GS's house now the trees have lost their leaves!

                Have a good evening ladies xx
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  Oma, poor Clare! Good for you for sticking up for her. The photos are lovely

                  WG, it must be so nice to live close to your DD, and I'm sure she thinks the same.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Oma, isn't Finley a scrummy, gorgeous baby, and a little star for being so good on his big day. Mummy and Daddy look very proud of him. As for your MIL, well, all I can say it's a god job you were there to protect Clare from that sharp tongue of hers. I'm glad things settled down ok eventually.

                    As for your B - wow, he certainly does scrub up very well. And he looks younger every day! That's a great photo of him.

                    WeeGranny, you sound so settled in your new home, with lots going on and, best of all, having DD and family so near by, plus the bonus of Plant as well! How is your snowman topper getting on? Fences! They can be such a problem. As you say, you might as well get it fixed once and for all.

                    I've had quite a productive day - the chest freezer is all spick and span, and I've even listed the main items in it, as I can never remember. I've sorted out a load of dog food to make up meals for Eva. Cleaned the hob, cooked a casserole for dinner tonight, did a little bit of gardening and took Eva for a walk. Searched for a new computer mouse, had a chat with both DSs and WhatsApp chats with both DILs. I'm just going to tidy up a bit on the kitchen and then have an early night.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning, lovely photo's Oma, Brian does look well, but your MIL! What a thing to say at a christening.

                      WG, you are certainly getting on with the work in and around the house.

                      Daisy, well done on the freezer.

                      I will have a bike ride to DS1, I got a Lidl box yesterday and will take them potatoes, fruit etc.


                        Good morning Lizzie, good morning ladies.

                        The Lidl boxes do sound good. We don't go to Lidl as it across the other side of town. I don't think they do those boxes here though?

                        A free day here. We were to take out cat sitting friend out to lunch, but she and her hubby are recovering from horrible colds. We have decided to do it in the new year instead,
                        So a trip to Aldi and getting Christmas stuff down from the loft are on the agenda today. I must start writing Christmas cards too. I have my mum's to do as well, but there aren't many to send at her age.

                        This week looks fairly quiet for me compared to last week and next week, so I shall make the most of it!

                        I hope everyone is well, and there is a good week ahead for all of us.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning everyone. Its cold but dry and bright.

                          Oma, lovely photos. That was some joke from MIL.
                          As the saying goes,if you can't say anything nice say nowt.

                          No plans here for today.
                          Gem, enjoy your quiet week.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Gem, friends of mine get boxes from Morrisons, very good they are as well they tell me.


                              Nan2, cold but foggy here!

                              Lizzie, we don't go to Morrison either, I must have a look!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good Monday morning everyone. The rain has stopped - for now!

                                We need to do some shopping but there have been a lot of road closures where we want to go, so I'm just trying to find out what it's like today - no-one seems to know!

                                I'll pop back later.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

