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    Oma, your tooth root is obviously a tough customer, and I should you re more than happy to leave it until after Christmas. Although not a nice procedure to have on your mind for a month. Still, you can make the most of Christmas goodies, and if anyone comments you can say you definitely won't be having treacle toffee or whatever in January! Poor B. That cough is hanging about, and the constant headache won't help. Is he taking anything for it? Watering Christmas trees with sugar water sounds a good idea. Yes, it was scary when Eva disappeared. I kept catching glimpses of her but she seemed to be ignoring me. I remember losing Rusty in a similar way once, and he was so relieved when he came running up to me after about 20 minutes!

    Nanto, glad you're all ok. I hope GS2 and his partner arrived safely and have had a good time. You've done well to dry towels outside at this time of year.

    Plant, yes I think Eva did frighten herself. At the time I wasn't sure whether she was being a little tinker, or genuinely didn't know where I was. But we did a different walk this morning as I didn't have much time, so didn't let her off lead, but she certainly stayed closer to me than she usually does. We also got a huge welcome when we got back from the hospital at tea time. Have you sorted out your car? (Sorry if I've missed it anywhere.) Are you still pleased with your newly-decorated kitchen, or are you taking it for granted now?

    Gem, how did your lunch with your and Lizzie's friend go. I'm sure you both had lots to talk about if you haven't seen her for some time. Was the meal nice as well? Is GS1 ok?

    We're back from the hospital. We left plenty of time to get there, but the traffic wasn't too bad, but all the car parks were full and there was a queue for the one we opted for. But there are a few pay and display spaces round the outside of the car park area and OH spotted a tight space which was just big enough for my little Yeti. So we were early! But they saw him before the appointment time and we were back home about 5 pm. He's feeling a bit sorry for himself at the moment, but I've put gel in his eye, given him Paracetamol, lemon drizzle cake and a cup of tea!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Aww poor J give him a hug from us .
      B just taking paracetamol and honey & lemon drinks .

      Its still raining over 3 days now , my neighbour across the road are having a conservatory put up and the side wall taken out it’s attaching too , workmen been there all day , she was standing in her kitchen with her coat and woollen hat on ,
      My other neighbour spoke to her when she came out to go to the shops she said she was freezing with all the house exposed to the cold and they coming back tomorrow , they have put tarpaulin up to weatherproof it for tonight ,
      I wouldn’t like to be in there at the moment .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        The travellers arrived back safely and they have enjoyed Rome.

        Hope J and B are bothh feeling a bit better tomorrow.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Poor B Oma, there are some horrible colds around this winter.

          And poor OH Daisy, I'm sure the lemon drizzle cake will help

          I'm glad they enjoyed Rome Nan2.

          I had a very nice time with my friend catching up. Although we had booked a table presuming the main menu would be available (in a city centre hotel on a December lunchtime) they presented us with a very small sandwich menu. After much discussion we were told the main menu was only available from 5.30, but chef would be along in half and hour or so and he may agree to cook us something from the main menu!!
          We had chosen somewhere convenient for school pick up and only had about 2 hours so no time to go anywhere else. In the end he did cook for us and it was very nice. They did offer us a free coffee as well whilst we were waiting which we accepted. Next Christmas will will avoid a school pick up day so we will have more choice of restaurant.
          GS was fine, he's coping so well. He does get the bus with his mum from time to time, but rarely with me, so it was a novelty. I made him wash his hands as soon as we got in though as he was drawing pictures on the bus window with his fingers

          There was an extra tub of Cadbury's Heroes in my Tesco order I realised when I was putting everything away
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem, it's so funny how some things just seem to find their way into grocery orders, isn't it!

            I'm glad the restricted menu and wait for cooked food didn't spoil the get-together with your friend. There is at least one very good hotel restaurant near us not doing a lunch service at the moment - they just don't have the staff.

            It's nice not to have to keep an eye on the clock for school pick-up, but I'm sure GS1 was delighted to go on the bus for a change. Children are amazingly resilient sometimes.

            Nanto, was it their first trip to Rome? I hope the weather was kind to them so they could make the most of it.

            Oma, your poor neighbours must be freezing. I was thinking the same thing about a house in our road today. I think they are extending at the front and the whole side of the attached garage and hallway is open to the elements. It must be pretty chilly! It looks a big job and I can't see it being done before Christmas, so if the builders are taking their usual 2 weeks off over Christmas and New Year I hope the owners have got family or friends they can visit!

            I'm going to try and persuade OH to have an early night. I may have to twist his arm though if the football's still on!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning all.

              Daisy. I did order 2 tubs of Heroes and 1 of Roses, presents, but we got 3 tubs of Heroes! I have checked and they are not on my order and I wasnt charged for them. With the eye watering bill for my shopping I am not going to be honest and hand them back next time

              I hope your OH isn't in too much pain today.

              A busy day for me. Aquafit this morning. No coffee afterwards as I have to dash back to look after baby GS3 while DD goes to the dentist and does a little Christmas shopping. Then later on to see GS2 as narrator in his school nativity
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning, I am feeling better, still a runny nose though. I am going to the hospital and hope to get into town to treat myself to lunch! I have just done my shopping and got caught in a heavy, cold shower.d

                Gem, I had the same with the sport leggings I ordered for GD1, it arrived with one extra in, the size of GD2 so that was 2 for 1! How that happened I do not know.

                I am going to get ready now and find warm gloves etc.

                Enjoy the aqua Gem.


                  Brrr, its cold this morning. I have put the washing on and made a cup of tea and now I am back in bed. I can fully understand why my nan used to wear a big thermal nightdress and a bed jacket. I firmly hope I am not on the slippery slope to that so of apparel. I used to a sleeveless short nightdress girl but now I wear M and S pyjamas( with bed socks if needed)

                  Yesterday I had a appointment with the dentist and my one broken tooth is actually two broken teeth. I waved goodbye to almost £100 with an appointment booked for January to have a proper filling as she has just put a temporary one in for now.
                  On the plus side our neighbour gave us a lift into town and dropped us off right outside the town hall so we were able to post the Christmas cards at the scout collection point.
                  Then we went to Wilko to buy some few bits , then into the market for some Christmas themed 'twigs ' for the large vase that stands by the fireplace.
                  Unfortunately for us the bus that brings us back home drops us right outside the pub and it sort of dragged us in and before we knew what had happened we were eating lunch there . ( This means we still have some stew left in the fridge, it's like the magic porridge)

                  Today I am planning to wrap some Christmas presents and write Christmas cards out for our neighboneighbours

                  Lizzie48 good to hear that you are feeling better today
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Its a cold one today.

                    I've been to the post office and had an early morning chat with SIS in law, who lives in Wigan.

                    Lizzie,nice to see you have had a turn on the advent calendar.

                    We are eating at the pub today. Hubby suggested it yesterday. It would have been rude to say no.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      It is very cold here but we have sunshine. I am out to lunch with the WI later. I have to drop my car off at the local garage at 12 and my friend is picking me up from there.

                      Oma, poor B that cold is lasting a long time, hope he feels better soon. Is he back in the marital bed now?

                      Daisy, I hope your other half is feeling a bit better today and slept okay. Eva will not be letting you out of her sight for a while.

                      Mimi, sorry about your broken teeth. Lunch out was a must after that news.

                      Nanto, Enjoy your lunch out.

                      I have ordered quite a lot of presents on-line some time ago, I presume the postal strike is holding things up, at least I got them ordered early.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Morning ladies
                        everyone was so busy yesterday , I hope everyone has a quieter day today ,

                        enjoy Aqua and the Nativity , I do miss going to them .

                        nice to hear your feeling better but do wrap up well when you go out ,
                        If it’s anything like here its Arctic cold .

                        Hownice to be eating out today saves cooking 😀

                        Well your getting your moneys worth with that stew 😂😂😂 it’s like pasta the more you eat the more that seems there and you never see the bottom of the bowl 😅

                        how is J this morning did he have a early night ?

                        Well nothing has gone to plan again today ,
                        We hadn't had a good night both of us so we were up very early ,
                        Got all my housework done and had a shower as The workmen were coming at 8am to fit the Electric Car charger ,
                        They were supposed to fit it last month but couldn’t .

                        7.45 got a message to say they had cancelled so to ring to rearrange .

                        Apparently there had been a emergency so couldn’t do it today now coming on the 3rd January.
                        so that’s Dentist and car charger in January .
                        We decided to go for some shopping in Aldi, it’s absolutely freezing out , I shivered all the way around .

                        We did bump into a old neighbour of ours we haven’t seen for years , it was lovely to see her so that was nice .

                        Builders are back across the road I wouldn’t like all that work today ,
                        Having said that in our old house when we had our windows renewed the day they came it was a snow blizzard and they still fitted them .

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good Wednesday morning, everyone. It's a bit on the chilly side here as well. What I really mean is "it's arctic"!

                          I was up very early (for me) as I was too tired to sort the kitchen out last night and it was a mess. So I did that, had a shower and washed my hair, and was just dressed when the Sainsbury's order arrived. OH was very tired last night so I left him to sleep, put all the shopping away gave Eva a broken egg, fed clothes into the washer and the tumble dryer (there's not enough sun on the back garden during December and January to dry outside unless it's warmer and windy). Topped up the bird feeders, had some breakfast, and OH has just woken up, so I put some of the gungy gel into his eye, and finally got to sit down for a few minutes to say 'good morning' to you all! OH says thank you for the good wishes, and his eye is feeling a bit better this morning.

                          I need to track down a couple of presents, so I'd better get on with it before I take Eva out, get lunch and then go to dog training!
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            I am home again after a hectic start, I did see the police car outside the apartments when I did my shopping, I met neighbours on the way to the station and there had been a burglary last night, a lady on the second floor, she had been to celebrate St.Nicloaas with family, on returning home she couldn't open the door, she got the police, housing etc to get the door open, only to find she had been burgled !! They must have climbed up the balconies then broke her window open with a crowbar, put the safety locks on the door so that when she did arrive home they could make a getaway! It is the first time in 52 years that I have heard of a break in in the apartments. From what I heard they had taken jewellery, money etc. Scary!

                            I then went for the tube, one passed as I was almost at the station, they do go every 10 minutes so no problem there, only, something went wrong along the line and we had to wait 45 minutes for the next one, it was packed as well. I managed to check in at the hospital at exactly 11am so I was on time.

                            The urologist says the bulkamid isn't going to work for me and wants me to go to a specialist in Maastricht, only 3 hours away. I will think about it when I get all the information.

                            I had lunch in town, I tried one of those duvet coats on, not my thing, I felt massive in it, like a Michelin man!! I did try a nice DFKY one on, it was smart.


                              Good afternoon. It’s lovely and sunny here. I had a nice morning out with DD, first time I’ve been able to do that for ages. I bought some long sleeved thermal vests in Sainsburys, they look very cosy. Got the dog and cats’ Christmas presents (yes, we buy for the animals!😀). and a couple of things for DGS’ girlfriend.

                              The knee held up ok until the last half hour then I went and sat in the car. I will be pleased to,get the injection done but haven’t hear about it yet. I’m sitting with a cup of tea recuperating! At least my step count in up for today.
                              Last edited by Enfys; 07-12-2022, 01:54 PM.
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                If it will make a difference that is better for you maybe go see this other specialist,
                                He maybe able to suggest something better.
                                Scary about the breaking and the fact it was on the second floor , do you think maybe it’s someone who knows what this lady had in her flat that’s why they targeted her.

                                Your poor knee , it’s awful when it stops you doing stuff , both myself and Gem know what it’s like ,
                                The jabs don’t work for everyone but they were amazing for me ,
                                I hope you get yours soon ,
                                How you feeling now after your family went home it’s sad to see them go I bet xx
                                We buy for the Animals too , toys and treats and they get wrapped up ,
                                Storm loves ripping the wrapping paper off 😁
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

