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    Good morning, the weather is the same here Gem, it changed completely during the night, I heard the wind coming up.

    I slept a full 12 hours, managed a shower and feel more myself today.

    Gem, enjoy the aqua and time with you

    Daisy, welcome back!

    I hope to get a pattern made today for a jacket, I have the material, just something to keep me occupied really as I can't do much for a month! I will see what happens tomorrow, I hope the catheter won't be needed any longer.


      Welcome home Daisy.

      Lizzie,good to hear you are feeling more like your self.

      Not sure if we will get the garden done,thats anybody's guess.

      Didn't make any set plans for dinner,hubby's said bung a pizza in.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Lizzie, so glad you are feeling a lot better. Fingers crossed the catheter is gone soon .

        Nan2 sometimes a quick pizza is just the thing 😊

        Just waiting for my friend to pick me up for the pool.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Morning ladies

          hope your Mum has a lovely Birthday ,
          My Mam would have been 103 yesterday.

          Good to hear your feeling better, what colour will your Jacket be ?

          Sometimes something simple is all we want isn’t it , Im sure he will enjoy a pizza😁

          meant to ask did GS move into his flat yet ?

          Did you sleep well ? Bet Eva is happy to be home too 😁

          Didnt have a good night went to bed at 11 but was back up again at 12 till 2.30 then all the rest of the night I was dozing then waking with a start and heart racing .
          That went on till about 6 when I gave up and just got up 🙄

          Need to pop to shop but apart from that nothing planned just go with the flow.

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Lizzie, that was some sleep, hope the catheter comes out soon.

            Nanto, I say go with the pizza.

            Gemini, enjoy your aqua, I am very jealous. I hope you find your mum well and happy.

            I have a flu vaccine booked this morning, just at the local pharmacy. I shall ask him to use the right arm as the other arm is still sore from my booster jab. After such a lovely day yesterday, it is very dull start to today and we have had rain in the night. I managed to get some gardening done yesterday and the weather even fetched my DD out, very unusual for her to do any gardening. I am quite disappointed that neither of my children enjoy gardening.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oma, the material light blue/pink, pale, I have had the material 16++ years, I bought it to make something for my nephews wedding and that must have been 16 years ago!


                At least it’s getting used now 🤣
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good Monday morning, everyone.

                  Lizzie, I hope you are feeling better, and you must be very glad the op is over and done with. By the way, I love your new avatar. The fabric sounds very pretty. Will it be a lightweight jacket? Sorry if this has been discussed already - I haven't read back over the last week yet.

                  Nanto, pizza is a good quick standby, isn't it. Thank you for the 'welcome home'.

                  Plant, my OH's arm is still sore from his last booster jab and he had his flu jab in the other arm. There's a lot to do in the garden at this time of year!

                  Gem, enjoy your aqua class. Will you see your Mum today? I hope she enjoys her birthday.

                  Oma, you didn't have a very good night, did you. xx I hope you can get a rest and a little Nana nap.

                  OH and I both slept well last night. We sleep well in the caravan as well, so can't complain, but yesterday was quite a long day. We now have about a week to get two bedrooms and OH's "play room" ready for the carpet fitters. It's a huge job as OH hordes everything and we've lived in this house for nearly 30 years. Still, it will be good to get it done - I've been nagging him to have a clear out for ages.

                  Eva is quite tired and hasn't even been in the garden yet, although she didn't say "no" to her breakfast!

                  I'd best get on with some washing but will pop back later.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Oma, I slept a full 12 hours, you would be jealous!

                    It is pouring down, I haven't had my walk to the village yet, I have made the pattern, Daisy it is a (smart) edge to edge jacket I want to make, I am looking at fake fur now though to make a body warmer, I have a cream one that I made years ago and now I fancy a black one. I did want to go to the material market in Delft on Saturday but the material I have found looks nice.

                    I don't envy you emptying the rooms Daisy


                      Managed to get the gardening done. Weather was sunny but chilly. Went straight in the shower while hubby cleaned the tools down. Had a cuppa then finished my jobs inside. Just put the pizza in to cook.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Lizzie, I'm glad you slept well.

                        Daisy, I bet it was nice to be back in your own bed!

                        Plant, I hope you don't now have two sore arms!

                        Oma, have you had a nap today? If not I hope you get a decent night's sleep tonight.

                        A busy but good day for me.
                        Early morning aquafit class, coffee with my friend, home for a shower and lunch, then later off to collect mum, via the card shop for a balloon.

                        The tea out went very well indeed. Mum loved seeing everyone and of course adored the baby. He of course was a little angel throughout.
                        Mum got lovely things for her birthday, and when we took her back to the care home the staff were waiting for her with a massive birthday balloon . They asked her about her day and took her up to her room with all her things. Birthday cake would be waiting too

                        When we got back I realised I had forgotten to ask OH to call in at the shop on the way back, so I popped out again for the few things we needed.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem, so pleased your mum had a lovely time.

                          Had a few light showers this evening,and turned very cold.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Gem, what a lovely day your Mum had, and your day was certainly very full!

                            Nanto, I think it's been cold today as well. Well done on getting the gardening done.

                            Lizzie, your jacket will be lovely! A nice cosy body warmer sounds just the job for the colder weather.

                            I only managed one load of washing. It kept threatening rain and I didn't want to have a load of washing drying indoors if I could avoid it. I did get the lawn cut and composted a tub of petunias which had had their day. I cleared out most of a cupboard in my study and can now see some empty space! I've got a nice big box of toys and other bits and pieces to take to the village charity shop. Our neighbours came round for a drink this evening and we had a nice chat, catching up with everyone's news over the last week.

                            Definitely ready for bed now!

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning everyone.

                              It's the downside of holiday Daisy, the washing! Fingers crossed it stays dry today.

                              GS1 from school this afternoon . Since he gave up martial arts we have no after school rushing these days.
                              Golf for OH, and I must deliver some newsletters which were given to us before we went on holiday! I'm hoping if I can do half today OH will do the remainder tomorrow morning when I am at aquafit.

                              I hope Lizzie is recovering and everyone else is well.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Sunny,but there is a nip in the air. Bit of a breeze blowing the washing on the line.

                                Daisy,i'm surprised we got the garden done yesterday. It kept looking like rain,but it held off.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

