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    Morning Nanto / Ladies

    Itstarted rather dull but sun is out now, very cold though we even put the heating on when we got up this morning to warm the house a bit .

    Your Mum looked so happy yesterday and the home made it even better with her lovely balloon and cake ,
    I didn’t realise E had gave up martial art, a shame but if he wasn’t enjoying it you can’t force them can you.

    What surprises us is how fanatical GS1 was with his football he now never even has a kick about, he just got sick of all the training and never having time to himself and of course girls reared their heads on his radar 😁

    Howare you this morning, fingers crossed the catheter comes out today.

    Have you started on your antibiotics are they having any effects yet ?

    will this be the last cut of the season do you think , we took a lot of plants out too they were past their best .

    Need to go to the bank this morning and will have a look around our shopping mall while we are there never been up for a while
    Gs coming for his tea he wants spiced chicken and chips πŸ™„πŸ˜
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good Tuesday morning Nanto, Oma and all who drop in later (or while I'm typing!).

      We've got a watery sun, but it's very chilly. It's a good job we're too busy at the moment to sit down or we'd need the heating on! Oma - our lawn keeping growing for most of the year. I'll be cutting it at least twice a week for the next couple of weeks. It was too long yesterday to cut it properly - just gave it a trim. Enjoy your shopping.

      Nanto, It's a bonus when the rain holds off like that.

      I must get on with things - still got washing to do and we're busy with sorting out bedrooms for new carpets next week, plus doing battle with the weeds that took hold while we were away.

      Back later.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Forgot to say, we are going to see GD1 late this afternoon.
        Taking her birthday presents ready for thursday.
        Guess who will be having cuddles with Tommie.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Enjoy the cuddles Nan2
          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oma, it is strange that your GS gave up his football when he was so good, has he considered playing for a local team, they would be pleased to have him. No sign of tablets having an effect on the rash but luckily no side-effects. I think my doctor is reluctant to send me for light treatment as it could be very expensive.

            Gemini, it is a shame GS1 has given up martial arts but there are lots of other clubs he could try, makes it easier for you though and if he wasn’t enjoying it so be it. Those pics of your mother’s birthday were lovely, you have a special family.

            Nanto, have a lovely visit to GD1, I wonder if Tommie will be as vocal today, telling you all his troubles.

            Daisy, you have been very busy since you returned from holiday, amazing how those weeds grow when you are out of sight.

            Lizzie, I hope that catheter comes out today, you will feel so much better then. I used to make some of my clothes but my brain isn’t as bright now and I make mistakes. I still do some craft sewing. Take care and rest.

            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              No GS has no interest at all now and he had so much talent, wanted by lots of clubs.
              He is big into Golf now .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Hallo everyone, the catheter has been removed! They did a few tests, with and without the catheter and each time the bladder was almost empty! What a relieve! It was so busy on the metro at 8am, it was packed leaving our village and has 5 stops after that, I did manage to get a seat but was sat wondering how I would get out! The school children all have those massive bag packs which take a lot of space. I managed though, on the way home I called in at a material shop, quite near the station and I used to buy a lot of materials there, I got the fun fur I wanted for the body warmer, I had found some on line but this saves the postage.

                Gem, if GS1 wasn't happy with his martial arts class, it is better if he stopped. I remember GD2 going to riding lessons, she only went a few times, I took her once and the look on her face said it all, after that she went to acrobatics and now football. She loves that.

                It is very showery here, I did manage to miss them though, I just got home when it started again.

                DB2 and wife are home from their travels, 4000 miles they have covered! I think they may now have a dog, I will be in touch with them later.


                  It turned into such a lovely morning here

                  I delivered my leaflets and it was a pleasure to be out.

                  Lizzie good to hear the catheter is gone. You must be relieved!

                  Not so good that the tablets don't seem to be helping you Plant.

                  GS1 had been reluctant to go to his MA classes for some time. The class he went to which is local to their house and ours closed at the end of last term. He could have transferred to one across town, but as he wanted to leave anyway, the timing was right. He has started a new swimming class and they are on the lookout for something else. He loved the short film making course he did this summer.
                  β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good to hear the catheter is out Lizzie,
                    when they loose interest it’s just a waste of everyone’s time isn’t it ,

                    Its not too bad here now but still cold.
                    Window cleaner just been so bound to rain at some point today, also B took car to be cleaned, two bad omens 😁

                    Did a dark wash this morning so just ironed , there were4 pairs of Jeans amongst it ,
                    Jeans always seem to take ages to iron for some reason ,
                    Also a pair of dress trousers that have to be ironed inside out first to avoid pocket marks so seem to take ages too.

                    They done till next lot πŸ™„
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good evening ladies, checking in after my week in Italy! A mixed week especially weather wise! It was glorious until Sunday when we were due to go to Capri, the highlight of the trip, for me anyway, but everything was topped because of the weather, high winds, thunder and rain you've never seen the like of! Same on Monday, so a gloomy end to the week. I did venture out between downpours, but got caught in one, so I went into the local church until it had died down a bit. I did buy a candle and left a donation!

                      Quirky hotel and there was plenty of food. Had to choose our dinner at breakfast for the evening, your own specific table and wine anad water bottles with your room number on them! Staff were lovely though.

                      I have come home with a stinking cold. At least my coughing and sniffing meant people didn't venture too close to me in the airport! Did a covid test, just in case, but it's negative.

                      Heating is on and the house and I are gradually thawing out. AN early night and a lazy day tomorrow.... apart from the washing!

                      Will catch up with all the news tomorrow, but I hope all those who've been under the weather are soon back to full health xx
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        WG,sorry you came home with a cold. Enjoy your early night.

                        I didn't get any new photos of Tommie. As soon as i got hold of him,he went to sleep.
                        Hopefully i'll get some next time.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Nanto, it was probably your baby-soothing experience over the years that made Tommie relax and go to sleep. I'm sure he will have lots to tell you next time though.

                          WeeGranny, welcome home. I suppose we would all expect it to be sunny in Italy. You don't picture it in the pouring rain etc. Nice to be able to shelter from the weather in a church though. I do hope your cold goes better quickly. There are such a lot about at the moment. Keep warm and sleep well.

                          Lizzie, you are definitely on the mend now. I bet you are very relieved. I'm sure you are itching to get started on your body warmer now you have the fabric.

                          Oma, did it rain on your nice clean windows and car?

                          Gem, it's a pity GS1 has given up his martial arts class, but I'm sure he will find something else he wants to try. I think it's lovely for children to sample different sport and interests.

                          I didn't get any gardening done today, but I did get rid of quite a lot of rubbish from some cupboards and tidied them up. Eva didn't get a walk yesterday - she was very tired after her busy week and all the travelling - but today was a different matter. So I took her for a long walk in the Forest. It was very quiet so I let her off for a few minutes and she came back as soon as I called her. She had a paddle in the stream as well. I've almost caught up on the washing, thank goodness. The ironing is a different matter.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Sorry I have'nt been around for a while. I do hope everyone is keeping well.

                            It's been ups and downs here and this week is particularly hard as we have two funerals to go to
                            One is tomorrow afternoon. My friend's granddaughter died suddenly in her sleep, she was only in her early teens . At the moment no cause of death has actually been recorded apart natural causes.
                            On Friday is the funeral of another friend of ours His was covid related but not actual cause of death.
                            We would have gone to yet another funeral on Monday ,this one was OH 's aunty', but we both had an appointment for our covid booster vacations so we were unable to go.

                            I've been mixing more with friends at last , not so panicky about going out so that's a step in the right direction.

                            Dare I say it but I brought my first Christmas present the other day . It wasn't entirely my idea, DD said that youngest GS has been asking for this particular toy, Jenga , for a while and she noticed that it was on offer ( I'm not one to pass up on a bargain) so I ordered from Amazon.

                            Our tv in the bedroom has decided that it no longer wants to work so OH is busy looking at buying a new one but, men , being men, has to find one with as many gadgets as possible for the least amount of money as possible! This search could take a while.
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Good morning.Chilly but bright.

                              Nice to see Mimi posting. How awful Mimi,about your friends GD,so young.

                              Hubby has got some plans for the garden,he want to go and look at pebbles today,and wants me to go with him.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning to all.

                                Daisy, I need to send my OH over! I sort out all the holiday washing (the easy part) She does the ironing.

                                Mimi, it's lovely to see you here. What a very sad time for funerals you are having. Especially the girl, her poor family
                                I bought a small Christmas present in August!

                                Nan2 I hope you find something interesting to look at whilst hubby looks at the pebbles

                                Aquafit this morning. This is my regular class, Monday's was an extra. I will deliver the rest of the newsletters this afternoon. OH may help me. The sun is coming out so it should be good to be out again by then.

                                I can see a beautiful rainbow from my window!

                                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

