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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good morning Nan2
    Happy bank holiday to all!

    I have a Sainsbury's delivery this morning. Just cat food, food for our catsitter friend and an easy meal for tonight.
    I am going to colour my hair this morning. Packing and leaving the house nice for our friend are the order of the day today. Checking all the corners for cobwebs etc We have just printed off our travel Covid passes. We can check in online at 5pm.

    Have a good day everyone.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      What a terrible accident Lizzie

      Don't overdo those classes!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Morning ladies

        I read that what a dreadful thing to happen those poor people how sad 😢

        Pleased your home safe , that boy of yours gets around doesn’t he 😁

        Im sure your cat sitter doesn’t see any cobwebs
        Nice that DD finally feels like going out ,
        GD is at that age where she will be happy to just do her own thing , it won’t be long till she doesn’t need looking after so make the most of it 😁

        Not long now till your on that plane 😁

        enjoy your day whatever you end up doing xx

        Well I’m assuming GS1 got back home safe , we haven’t had any phone calls or texts ,
        He was driving home about 11 pm so should have arrived home about 2/3am
        I will find out when DD drops Storm off this morning ,

        We usually have him on a Wednesday but I have myDiabetic screening on Wednesday so having him today

        Everything done just having some time on here with a cupper,
        Its overcast but warm is h so not too bad so far .
        Have a good day ladies xx

        Update GS got home at 10.30 last night , they had enough and decided to come home early ,
        He is still in bed .
        We not having Dog now we may have him Friday , DD taking him for a run at the beach .
        Last edited by Oma; 29-08-2022, 08:20 AM.
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Lizzie,i did hear about the accident. Tragic.

          With hubby going to the car boot this morning, i can't get it out of my mind that its sunday.
          He bought 3 jars of nescafe coffee for £10. Best before date 2024. Not that it will last that long in this house.
          I did chips dinner and thought its not often we have chips on a sunday.
          Put the tv on and thought whats this doing on today,then realised its monday.

          Oma, pleased GS got home safely.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            It doesn't really feel like Monday Nan2.

            You will be happy to hear GS1 is home Oma

            I have done all the packing I can and checked in for us both online.

            We don't set off for the airport until lunchtime tomorrow, so we are quite relaxed.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Lizzie, I saw the account of that accident, dreadful loss of life.

              Gemini, have a lovely time, lots of rest.

              Oma, pleased to hear GS1 is safely back, I hope he had a good time.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Gem, where do you fly from?


                  Oma, pleased to see GS1 got home ok, I bet he is still asleep!!!


                    I never got round to saying 'hello'this morning! I wanted to take Eva out before it got too warm, and we spent a lot longer outside than I'd planned - partly walking and partly chatting!

                    I've had quite a productive day - washed our duvet, flicked the yellow fluffy thing around and ditto with the sucky up thing, cleaned cloakroom and bathrooms and generally tidied up. That shiny light you might see in the south is my halo!!!

                    This afternoon a carpet fitter came round to give us a quote for doing the stairs, landing and 3 bedrooms. All badly need recarpeting, but the small bedroom is OH's "Den" and I enter at my peril, wearing protective gear. The carpet in there is a remnant from a friend's house which got flooded, about 25 years ago!! The carpet fitter agreed it was time for it to be replaced!

                    I am now sitting in the garden, enjoying the luxury of my lovely laptop, and a glass of Jam Shed. (It's a very yummy Shiraz!). Dinner is in the oven and I can finally relax!

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Lizzie, what an awful accident. How can such appalling things happen to innocent families enjoying a holiday. It's devastating.

                      Oma, you must be so relieved that GS1 is home safely. I read that there was a 16 year old boy who died at the Leeds Festival - possibly drugs related. I can't imagine how his family and friends must feel.

                      Gem, is all your packing done? Isn't it a relief when the online checking in has worked and all in order. You must be quite excited now! If not, don't worry, I'm excited for you. xxx

                      Nanto - I keep thinking it's Sunday as well. I was chatting to a much younger neighbour this morning. She moved in in May and is gradually doing odd jobs around the house and garden and she was saying how she was trying to get a whole load of things done before going back to work tomorrow. She asked if we were having a good Bank Holiday weekend, and I could only think every week-end is a Bank holiday when you're retired. . Did your OH buy anything at the car boot sale?

                      Glamm, did you go to Liverpool for the Beatles week-end?

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Lizzie, we fly from Leeds/Bradford. Our airport of choice. We only fly from Manchester or further afield if we have to!

                        Daisy, we are packed apart from last minute things. Friends of ours introduced us to Jam Shed
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem, do you like it? (Jam Shed!) we'v just stocked up because Sainsbury's have had it on offer for a couple of weeks. Hic!!!!
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            GS slept most of the day apparently, woke for something to eat then slept some more 😁

                            went to B&M and Lidle for a few things but apart from that I haven’t done much at all
                            couldn’t be bothered to be honest just a lazy day even had a Nana nap 😁
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Daisy, the only thing hubby bought was 3 jars of nescafe coffee.
                              He paid £10. Just checked the price on asda,and it would have been £13.50.
                              Sister in law and hubby paid a visit this afternoon. Had a lovely catch up.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                I've had a very productive day! Got a text from Dd to say they were coming round, GS wanted to watch the cricket, Sil was going to fix a hook for me( I'd asked his advice and he offered to do it!) and DD said she's help move furniture. I got moving and emptied the wardrobe and bookcase and moved other bits and pieces. I was very pleased with myself because I'd measured up a space to move the wardrobe to and got it over to the space only to find it stuck. I'd forgotten to take into account the window sill Anyway, after much cursing etc I lookad at the wardrobe and saw there was a piece of the side which had been cut out and replaced at the level of windowsill. So I got the saw, and removed it and, lo and behold, wardrobe slotted into place. The previous owners must have had the wardrobe there at some point and had the same problem! Anyway, DD came and we moved the dressing table from my room and moved the bed to face the window and it looks so much better now. Decided to make the bed up as well, so apart from a little bit of tidying, the room is ready for visitors. SiL fixed my hook and put up a mirror in the front room and tried to stop th front door from sticking. We sat and had a nice chat and catch up afterwards.

                                SiL has to go back for another scan on his back to see if something has changed as he's in a lot of pain again. GS waiting to hear about an appointment and he has his knee strapped up.

                                Saw an old plane fly over this afternoon, quite low and he did a couple of circles of the field before heading off. Don't know where it came from or why it was flying over the village.

                                Tomorrow I'm going to go to JL and get myself a new TV. I don't like to think how old this one is, but it needs updating!

                                Safe journey tomorrow Gem and enjoy yourself..and S!

                                Night night ladies xx
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

