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The Daily Drop-in

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    We had a lovely day
    The tea/lunch was lovely and they had decorated nicely for us. We had ordered a cake too, but none of us had any room so we told DD3 to take it home! We all brought boxes of cakes home as it was.
    It was lovely to see everyone.
    We all gave DD the books, which she loved, and some flowers. We decorated baby vests with fabric pens, which was fun.

    Afterwards DD3 and 3 of her friends who are staying with her this weekend went off to Harrogate outdoor pool for a swim. A perfect afternoon for that! DD2, GD, my ex's OH, my OH and I all went to sit in DD1's garden for more chat, then we came home and sat in our own garden! Lots of sun and sitting today.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      She looks so healthy Gem , glad you had a lovely day xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Gem, glad you had a lovely day. Seen the photos on Facebook.

        Lizzie, your photos on here are lovely as well.

        We've had a busy hard working day. Shopping this morning.
        Did the gardening when we got home. Then had a bite to eat.
        Six of us went to Dads.The garden was getting a bit unruly, so we decided to tidy it up.
        One brother refused to help,saying the new owner should do it.
        Told him we wanted it tidy in case the sale falls through and we need another buyer.
        While we were at dads,brother and his partner drove past and shouted don't work too hard.
        All of us ignored them.He doesn't want to help, but wants his share of the house sale money.

        The weather has been lovely and warm today. I think its going to be the same tomorrow.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Nanto we all have that one selfish family member don’t we 🙄
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Nanto - you have had a busy day. I think those of you who did the garden today should "charge" Dad's estate for your time. It's not fair that lazy bones should get the same amount from the sale as those who have worked. How did you GD2 get on with running on such a warm day?

            Gem - what a lovely happy occasion DD3's baby shower was. It must have been great to see the friends of DD3's who you haven't seen for so long. I thought the books idea was brilliant, and I must say all those cakes looked delicious, so no wonder none of you had room for The Cake. DD3 looks so well and happy. I hope your mum is ok. Had she slept badly the previous night, or had extra activity?

            Oma - I think it would do you and B good to get a break when DD and Co get back from their holiday. It might be just what you need to shake off the after-effects of Covid.

            I've never shopped at The Range. Out of curiosity I Googled it and apparently our nearest store is only 10 miles away - on the Isle of Wight!!

            Lizzie - lovely pictures - everywhere looks so lush and green. I hope the weather behaves for you!

            It's been quite a warm day here, but a bit chilly in the shade. We had a lovely lunch for DIL2's birthday, and sat out in the pub garden for a while afterwards, but by the GD1 was exhausted so we all said we'd go home. DS1 and DIL1 came back to ours. OH and DS did lots of sawing up of wood for a project DS is working on. The were doing this on our front drive because they needed to be close to the garage to plug the power tools in. Unfortunately, they didn't move my car far enough away so it's now covered in sawdust! It needed cleaning anyway, but will definitely have to be done now. DIL1 and I sat in the garden and relaxed.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning everyone, thank you for the lovely card. It is going to be hot again today, rain and thunder forecast tomorrow so will see what it is like,I had a lovely bike ride yesterday, 65 km’s round the island, very nice , a lot of it was along the coast so I enjoyed it. Last night I treated myself to a Poke Bowl, I have had them before but this one was very good.

              Nanto, it is shame that one family member is like that, he will be the first in line for his hand out though.

              Daisy, you would enjoy the lunch, does your GD get fysio treatment for her muscles?

              Gem, the baby shower looks good, plenty of cakes!

              I am going for my early morning walk before breakfast.


                Wet this morning. I was under the impression it was going to be nice again.

                GD2 did good on the run yesterday. She raised £440. Proud of her.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Nanto, nice here but rain forecast tomorrow. Your GD did well raising su much.


                    Good Sunday morning everyone.

                    Nanto the poor girl in the graphic could be here - it's very showery, and looks set in for the day. Your GD2 did very well. I hope she's not aching too much today.

                    Lizzie - your bike ride sounds wonderful. Are there special cycle tracks or were you on ordinary roads? I probably should know what a Poke Bowl is, but I don't. It sounds like a tasty treat of some kind?

                    There's no physio on offer for GD2 - she's just been told to try to build up stamina gradually. No real suggestions about how she might do this.

                    The weather has wiped out our gardening plans for today, but it gives me a chance to catch up with some paperwork and housework. Wooppeeee!

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Morning ladies
                      dull and drizzle here ,

                      Lizzie that was some bike ride 😁 what is a Poke bowl ?

                      Nanto well done GD2 raising that amount Hope her legs are not too sore today ,

                      Daisy men don’t think about dust do they ,
                      Good to hear GD had a good day but I hope it hasn’t knocked her back today , I suspect it most probably has ,
                      One step forward one back isn’t it ,

                      We have to go back to B&Qthis morning ,bought a shelf yesterday it’s the wrong size so take that back

                      not much to do , had showers and towels in wash , cleaned worktops down and general dust etc so see what the day brings x
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning everyone.

                        A damp cloudy one here. It was glorious yesterday!

                        Lizzie, I hope you enjoy your birthday away

                        I'm glad you all got to celebrate your DIL's birthday Daisy. It must be so hard for GD, and the rest of you xxx

                        Nan2, well done to your GD!

                        Oma, we will look in our diaries and suggest some meeting dates

                        A golf morning for OH, and I am going to the supermarket (haven't decided which one yet) for a few things.
                        No other plans today. I should start the Minutes from last week's meeting.

                        Happy Sunday to all.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Arrived in Exeter yesterday afternoon after stopping twice, once at a garden centre for coffee and then in Weston super Mare, it was very warm and very crowded being the weekend. Room okay, they are not servicing the rooms because of covid so we have to ask at reception for the tea tray to be replenished. We going on a ride through the Exmoor National Park and then onto Lynmouth and Lynton at 10.30 and will be out most of the day. Dinner last evening was a bit naff but the breakfast this morning was very good. Coach driver very good and quite entertaining. Hope the weather is kind to us.

                          Gemini, baby shower looked fun, not long now, I do hope the house move happens soon.

                          Lizzie, I hope the weather holds up for you.

                          Nanto, what a strange way to behave about your in-laws garden and what a strange thing to drive past and make a comment.

                          Oma, I think you and B need a holiday, you have been so busy lately.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Nice to hear from you Plant
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Plant - pleased to hear you've arrived safely. Enjoy your day in Exmoor and Lynmouth and Lynton. Will you get a chance to go on the cliff railway between the 2 towns? I hope tonight's dinner is better than last night. x
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I have had a really nice birthday, at breakfast the couple sung Happy Birthday for me and gave me a lovely present! I have had lots of calls and messages. I have just been out for a meal, lovely, I ordered coff and the owner said he would be back, he came with a small tart, made especially with for me for my birthday, so, after months of no sugars I decided to eat it and it was delicious, I have walked and cycled so much the last few days that I have earned it🤫

                                After the meal I had a walk round the herb garden.

