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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good morning ladies.

    Nan2, we had a go with the flow day yesterday.
    I hope tea out is uneventful Oma!

    My usual Tuesday. Library (fully masked) School pick up (I am in the large playground near no one) GS's martial arts class (Fully masked and I can move a chair far away from everyone)
    We are having a Sainsbury's delivery between 1 and 2. We both had time to go yesterday but decided it was one more contact we didn't need at this point so put in an order.
    Its dull and wet here this morning.

    Have a good day and keep well everyone.
    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good Tuesday morning everyone.

      It's rained overnight - glad I didn't water the front garden! It's dull, damp and dark this morning.

      The workmen are coming to fit the glass in our bannisters today - it will be great to get them finished, and OH has done a good job painting the white parts and treating the oak posts and rails. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished and getting the rest of the house sorted out.

      Gem - do take care (I know you will). Good idea to get a delivery rather than braving the supermarket at this stage.

      Oma - enjoy your outings today, including tea with MIL. x J tested positive a few days ago, but looking back we think he must have had it mildly for a bit before that. He's negative again now.

      Nanto - how nice to have some 'free' days after all those years of being so busy.

      Plant - how is your DD today? I hope she soon feels better, but getting plenty of rest is the best thing. How are you?

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Woke up coughing and a runny nose, did a test but it was negative. I will see how the day goes as I have a nurses appt. This afternoon. My hand is pretty well healed so this will probably be the last visit to the nurse. I hope I am not going to get a positive result as I have a dental appt. Tomorrow and the doctor on Friday.

        Oma, I hope your Mil is on good form today. I hope you will see a change in your BP now your pills have been sorted out.

        Gemini, good idea to have a delivery, one less chance of you being in contact with the virus.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Good morning from a much colder Holland! I was surprised this morning although the forecast was for it getting colder, we have been spoilt!

          I have an appointment with the specialist this afternoon, I expect it will be hospital tests etc.

          Gem, I do hope you stay clear of the virus, so many have got it at the moment here. DS2 and DIL still looked tired on Sunday, they are still taking it easy.

          Oma, I hope that your BP improves.

          Daisy, you will be pleased when the staircase is finished.

          Plant, I am pleased your hand has healed, the same as Gem, try to avoid the virus.

          I am waiting for my chain lock to be delivered.

          I was talking to the caretaker of the shopping centre in the village this morning, they have those "share" scooters parked there, he was saying the plan was for 5 to be in the area, there are 17 there this morning, the people that live above the centre are complaining but it doesn't seem to help, most of the towns and cities with them have the same problems.


            Good Morning everyone I have caught up on everyones news I have been busy the past few days doing all sorts of bits and bobs.

            Oma have you looked at Homebase for garden furniture I have seen some very nice sets for the smaller patio area I got a cute glass table with 2 x chairs from there before lockdown and it has served me well.
            I am still on the look out for a lemon I like for my bathroom I've not been lucky as yet I am going to Taskers at the week-end with my DD & her partner for another look.

            Tomorrow my good friend from Halewood in Liverpool is coming to stay until Saturday we are going to do a visit of all the Charity shops in West Kirby where they have a better selection of "nearly new " stuff she is looking for holiday dresses but needs to watch her budget after that we are off to a new Bistro in New Brighton for a late lunch 3 x courses for Β£15 so thats good it will be the first time I have been there I usually go to the one at the bottom of my Road with DS & DGD.

            Henry is well settled in he has pride of place on the poof by the window watching the goings on in the Road,he has a little growl when a dog walks past with its owner,he has attached himself to DGS3 who makes any excuse to call in and take him for an extra walk,its funny to see a big strapping boy walking a little man like Henry.

            Enfys its so sad to hear about Cooper the family must be distraught I do hope he is pain free poor man the loss of a loved pet is so hard to get over is Cooper the only dog your family have?

            I'm going now to do some tiding up ready for my guest tomorrow I need to sort fresh bedding etc and do a small shop for fruit etc.

            Bye for now ladies xx glamma xx
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              Had a lovely few hours with my sister ,
              Would have stayed longer but I have a bit of a headache so want to get rid before we go out at tea time .
              Its most likely the change of BP meds .

              Glam we have ordered two Zero gravity chairs , seems the best option for us 😁
              Henry sounds a funny little man 😁

              Daisy how’s the fitting going ? Pleased J is testing negative now xx

              Plant have you still got a dressing on or is it ok to go without now ?
              Fingers crossed you just have a bit of a cold coming on and not COVID , especially as you have Dentist and Drs appointments x

              Gem sensible to get a delivery , no need to put yourself in harms way when you don’t need too xx

              Lizzie we have those scooters everywhere too , they are a menace on the roads to be honest ,
              we almost hit one , the lad came around the corner at a junction on the wrong side of the road ,
              plucky for him we had stopped at the junction , if we were moving we would have hit him

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Plant - so glad you are negative. There are a lot of colds around, so hopefully that's what it will be. You must be very pleased that you may not have to visit the nurse again for a dressing. I hope the dental appointment and doctors go well later in the week.

                Lizzie - you're right. We have been spoiled with the good weather, and it's brought everything on well in the garden which is good. Living out in the sticks we don't see the scooters about, but I'm sure they can be a menace on the roads, or should I say pavements! That was a narrow escape Oma had!

                Oma - I hope your headache has gone and you will be on top form for tea out with MIL.

                Glamm - Henry sounds like the perfect little doggy for you and he's obviously got a whole fan club with your family. Enjoy your few days with your friend from Halewood staying. I can just imagine you checking out the nice shops in West Kirby. The new bistro in New Brighton sounds very good value - enjoy. I alway remember the prom at New Brighton being windswept but I'm sure the sun does shine - too many early mornings getting the ferry to Liverpool for work!

                The stairs are finally finished. OH is just putting the carpet back down for now - we need new, but haven't started looking yet. I'm really pleased with how it looks and both the landing and hallway are much lighter. Eva is lying on the landing watching OH through the glass while he does the carpet. Oma - yes, he's tested negative and he'll do another test tomorrow as we're going up to DS1 and DIL's on Thursday evening.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Well on the whole MIL was ok , went to a place she has wanted to go for a while , so as it was her Mother’s Day we went where she wanted .

                  Got in it was empty , before we ordered food she moaned
                  The carpets are old it needs painting it’s scruffy in here , it wasn’t

                  ordered food , she ordered Roast belly pork , B said Mam you know it will be crispy and you won’t be able to eat it order something else
                  No she wanted that and sure enough she complained she couldn’t eat it , Then she didn’t like the potato or veg it came with .

                  I must admit it was poor quality but even if it wasnt she wasn’t going to like it she was in one of those moods .

                  Apart from that she was good she wasn’t loud and was nice to the waitress so that was a bonus πŸ˜‚

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    So pleased Plant and Daisy's OH have both got negative results.

                    Oma, your MIL is a contrary Mary. Glad she was nice to the waitress.

                    It's been dry today but a lot cooler. I think its forecast to get colder from tomorrow.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Very proud and happy GS1 tonight as he was pupil of the week at martial arts 😊 He certainly deserved it. It is a long time since he was last chosen and he has been longing for it!
                      His parents collected him from us after his parents evening which was very good, so all in a really good day for him!
                      β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gem - a big 'well done' to your GS1 on being Pupil of the Week at his martial arts class. His hard work had paid off, and I hope he is very proud of himself.

                        Oma - it's always interesting when you take your MIL out anywhere, but there must be times when you're treading on eggshells and other times when you could aim them in her direction! What a pity though that she chose a meal you and B knew she wouldn't eat. I'm glad she was nice to the waitress.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Well done to GS Gem I bet he was so proud of himself πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

                          Daisy she keeps us entertained even if we want to strangle her at times ,
                          We try to dissuade her ordering Steak or belly pork as she is never satisfied, she’s ok with Roast beef in certain restaurants but not in others .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Chilly this morning. Not frosty like i expected. I'm sure i felt a spot of rain when i went to the bin.

                            Gem, well done to GS.

                            Dinner prepared.Jacket potato with cheese and beans.Hubby will ask for some rice pudding for after.
                            So, just opened a tin.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning, Gem, your GS1 did well, he would be pleased.

                              Sorry if I missed a lot yesterday, I felt lousy from the tree pollen allergy, I had to go and see the specialist and I now have a different spray and medicine, he said the sounds in my head could come from the damaged cochlea, they saw that on the scan 2 years ago and if it is now getting worse that could be the cause of the filters not working. I have to go for another scan in May.

                              I am running on slow this morning so need to get dressed etc.


                                Morning Nanto
                                Its rained hard all night here and still going ,
                                We we’re up at 2am having a cupper and it was lashing off the windows .
                                I love tinned rice pud but I never buy it I don’t know why , I may get some with my shopping tomorrow 😁

                                Hope everyone is well today ,

                                Plant I have been meaning to ask , Did you get the biopsy results from your hand or is that when you see Dr on Friday ?

                                Everything done just waiting for Dog , a lazy day for me I think 😁

                                Morning Lizzie our posts crossed ,
                                Did they say if they can do anything about your ears or is it one of those things you have to live with ? xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

