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The Daily Drop-in

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    We have had no sign of snow here but a hailstone storm for a good hour last night,plant pots blown over and next door's shed door blown off and sent down her garden my front garden is covered in leaves which have swirled around the close and come to rest under my windowsill I am deciding wither to brush them up today or leave until tomorrow as it may be as bad again in the morning, I was worried in case my shed collapsed because it it not too steady luckily it has stood the test this time.I have lost one of my croc's I kept them outside my back door for when I went down the garden but only one now so when the wind dies down I shall go on a wander and try and find said missing shoe.

    Daisy Jim is fine he is coping well the Social Services have stopped his carers coming in as they reckon he can cope well enough on his own totally unfair imo he needs someone to check he is taking his medication on a regular basis but the cuts in service are the problem I think,I am still making sure he has hot meals such as scouse/soup etc .

    Today even though the weather is not too good I am off out to visit my friend Margaret for coffee and a chat we may pop into our local Weatherspoons and have some lunch that saves me having to cook a hot meal tonight when I can just have a lite snack for supper.

    Keep safe everyone in this horrible weather and keep warm & cosy.
    Glamma xx

    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      Lizzie - I thought it would be odd if the gym was a free for all. Bookings are a good idea.

      Plant - that was an interesting talk. I've read about what a harridan Wallace Simpson was. It's nice to hear about speakers giving a good talk and raising money for a worthwhile cause as well. It's so easy to forget that polio used to be a terrifying illness here, and it's a tragedy that there are still children not being routinely immunised against it.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Glamm - our posts crossed. I'm pleased Jim is doing well, but it sounds as though he still needs a bit of help - at least he's getting well-fed. Enjoy coffee with your friend - lunch out sounds perfect!

        I've just spent a long time online ordering dog food. I'd run the freezer down so it needed a good stock up, and I ordered a few treats for Eva. I was telling OH what I had ordered, and he looked puzzled. I said it again and he looked even more puzzled. He heard "I've got Ian some shiny water beer". What I said was "I've got Eva some Chinese Water Deer". When we'd finished laughing he went to put new batteries in his hearing aids.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Well we went to Lidl for fresh bread
          My goodness the damage it’s everywhere .
          trees down huge branches snapped off
          the new houses at bottom of estate several had no fences , they haven’t been up long so should have been stronger .

          A huge 8ft Trampoline in the middle of the road had been lifted from the garden over a hedge and fence ,It was wrecked .
          when we came back the owner had broken it up and it was on his car port .

          MIL rang and sent us photos her front garden fence is down and in pieces and slates off the roof .
          She is in council property so thankfully they will do the roof but not the fence .

          The council had sent a text to all tenants saying due to the wind unless it was a danger to life they won’t be repairing anything on roofs today .
          only trees that are dangerous or across roads will they remove due to the volume of jobs they have

          it’s snowing now and the wind is not easing

          all over there are problems . One family has had to move out as the gable end of there house collapsed onto their car at 3am this morning
          it’s so dark too .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Attached Files
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, you must be right in the middle of it all! It is scary!


                Thank goodness we haven't had the problems like in Oma's area.
                The snow was thawing earlier,but hubby says its freezing now.
                Royal mail didn't do any deliveries today,they said the roads were too bad.

                We went to Asda this morning,but only our local one instead of Wakefield.

                Daisy,hope Ian enjoys his shiny water beer.

                Plant, enjoy looking at the Christmas trees.

                Lizzie, i heard on the news this morning that you were going back into lockdown.
                I know quite a few countries (ours included) have stopped flights from South Africa, due to a new variant.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  It's cold and we've had a bit of sleety snow here on and off today and it's still windy. No problems at Mum's property. OH set the lamp timers there to come on at four instead of five now it's getting dark so early.

                  Oma, gosh its devastation there isn't it?
                  Lunch in Wetherspoons and no cooking sounds an excellent idea Glamma.
                  Daisy, I had to laugh. That is exactly the sort of conversation my OH and I have!!! Amusing and so frustrating at the same time.

                  We are glad we don't have to go out tonight! Stay warm folks.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Daisy Shiney water beer sounds interesting

                    Glamm it seems cruel to take Jim’s help away when he clearly needs it , what are they thinking

                    Gem a nice night in with GS where it’s safe and warm , glad your Mums house is safe and no damage .

                    Plant how was the tree display was it good .?

                    Nanto has the snow turned to slush ? When that freezes it’s leathal .

                    Lizzie the more we hear on the news the more we realise how lucky we are not to have any damage in our garden or home .

                    DD back from Derby she said it was fine there .
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      DS back this morning. Flight on time so no hanging about. Got to the pay machine for the car park, did a double take at the price...£15 for an hour! The bloke at the next machine was less polite than I was when he saw the price. Next time I'll pick him up from the mid term car park which has a drop off/pick up zone, free for an hour. I'm sure it's not nearly as expensive as at teh airport.

                      Anyway, got back in time for me to go to my screen printing course ,which was really good. Didn't quite complete all my tea towels, but I can finish them off with block printing at home. I can't remember the last time I made so much mess! Classroom was freezing and then we discovered two windows had been left open. Tutor closed one and it made quite a bit of difference temperature wise.

                      Storm whatever his name has hit us now. Strong winds and heavy squally rain and the temperature is dropping quickly. Don't think I'll be late in going to bed tonight after my early morning start!

                      Keep safe and warm ladies and enjoy the evening. xx
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        Forgot to say, DS was saying they were in curfew from 8pm until 5am and were only allowed essential shopping trips. Schools were still open though.

                        And it had started to snow there last night!!!
                        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                        Theodore Roosevelt.


                          WG, pleased DS arrived safely.

                          Gem, the snow had turned a bit slushy in parts. Freezing again now.

                          Roll on summer.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            WG I hope you don’t get the storm as bad as we had it .
                            we have heavy snow now and it’s swirling around ,
                            Your DS got home just in time didn’t he ,
                            £15 is shocking they take the eyes out of people these places , I can imagine what the other man said
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Let's hope this storm passes soon - what a lot of damage it's caused, and I believe two people have died . We've got off very lightly - just windy, a few showers and a bitter cold wind. We were going to go to the paddock today, but decided not to! We lit the wood burner at lunch-time but by tea-time the house was too hot! Sometimes you can't win.

                              I've started the painting for my niece - at least I've prepped the canvas and given it a coat of slightly off white paint. I must get on with it, because I'm a very slow painter.

                              I hope the weather has calmed down for everyone overnight - nobody wants to wake up to find half their garden, or roof, blowing down the street. xx

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                🌤❄️☃️Morning Ladies ,
                                Its very cold this morning but thankfully calm .
                                snow still here we were hoping it would rain during night to clear it but it didn’t .
                                Hope everything is ok for WG they were getting high winds last night she said .

                                Did you see the damage it did to the Caravan park at Crimdon dean not far from us ,
                                Huge Mobil homes smashed like fire wood 😱

                                I will pop back later see how you all are xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

