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    Afternoon ladies! It's been a busy weekend, but well worth the effort. DD and I tackled the shed yesterday and the only stuff in it now is what we are taking with us. The bulk of the stuff is under a tarpaulin waiting for the skip to arrive on Thursday. This morning after a walk along the river we tackled the garage, but there wasn't much to get rid of there. After DD had gone I cleared round the back and side of the shed so that's looking tidier too.

    Yesterday morning a strange man appeared at the door. It was the person who is buying our house, wanted to touch base with us and give us their contact details so we could get to know each other!!!! he said he wasn't too worried about not completing before the end of the stamp duty holiday......I told him very firmly, but politely, that if we didn't complete before then there wouldn't be a sale. Looked quite taken aback at that, so hopefully they'll stop asking stupid questions and get on with it. DD informed him that I was stressed enough having to cope with a husband who's just had a major operation and dealing with solicitors and a house move! Anyway DD, has sent them a reply as I really don't want them to have our contact details. Once the house is sold that's it.

    OH is still in hospital. His drain was taken out this morning, but they're keeping him in until they decide it's safe for him to come home. I spoke to a nurse this morning and she said he was less agitated than he'd been and had had a better night. It sounds as if he's been wandering. I've spoken to him and he's said some very strange things and his conversation is all over the place. So he's obviously deteriorated mentally wise since he's been in strange place and with a strange regime. We shall see what tomorrow brings, but they do seem to be keeping an eye on him and taking care of him. Thank you all for asking about him.

    Went to Ely with DD yesterday and did a bit of shopping. DD got a couple of dresses in M&Co and I got a couple of tops. It felt lovely to be having a wander after so long! Going to have a soak in the bath now with a face mask on!!! Nobody can see me.
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      DD had storm for his walk this morning when he was attacked by a collie ,
      A lad was walking a collie and a Lab with no leads when it ran over to Storm and bit him leaving a nasty puncture wound ,

      Said he didn't even apologise or have a lead to control his dogs ,
      She has bathed it and put antiseptic cream on but I told her to keep an eye on it you dont know what this other dog may have

      So angry as Storm is such a gentle dog ​​​​​​​
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      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        That’s terrible Oma.Poor Storm, minding his own business and then gets attacked. I hope he gets better soon.

        WG I’m sure the hospital is taking good care of hubby. It must be very confusing for him, especially without visitors.At least the drain is out so he’ll be more comfortable.Well done on all your clearing out.

        Oma a bit of sea air is always a good thing.

        Plant you seem well prepared for the growing season. I’m not doing any veg.this year, just lots of sweet peas( I hope 😀)


          WG, pleased to hear OH is being looked after, hope he gets home soon.

          Oma, poor Storm. Hoping he heals witout any problem.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Ahhh, finally back to catch up with everybody. I was just going for a shower when my friend M said could she call round. So she arrived a bit later (and I was dressed and ready!). We had a coffee and a chat. Then it was threatening to rain so we decided to take Eva to the paddock in case the rain set in for the day. Boy, was it cold up there - both OH and I wish we'd taken gloves. But Eva enjoyed herself. Came back and had lunch and a sit down, and now relaxing before starting dinner.

            Oma - Poor Storm. That collie should have been on a lead and muzzled. When Rusty got a nasty puncture wound once, the vet said always get them checked and cleaned out properly. Putting something on them, like a dressing (I can't remember if she included antiseptic cream as well) can trap germs and set up infection in the wound. I'd at least phone the vet and double check. I do hope it doesn't put him off other dogs. Your new bedroom looks lovely - very posh and expensive looking. Are you sure you haven't had a professional designer in?????? It looks lovely, and I like the pinks - they're not Barbie-sugary shades at all.

            WeeGranny - you've been on a roll this week-end. Well done, and to your DD for helping and also taking you shopping. I bet she had to twist your arm really hard! It's good news that OH's drain is out, but he must have been feeling very disorientated and worried. I hope being in the familiar surroundings of home will help him to settle down again. I don't suppose you've got any results from the op yet, but is the wound healing up ok? I'm glad they're not trying to discharge him too soon. xx

            Nanto - I had to put my washing in the dryer - no chance of it drying outside with odd showers all the time. I'm glad you enjoyed your shopping yesterday. I thought about you - and I bet you enjoyed your full English. I got some of the Fish Nuggets on my order this week, but we haven't tried them yet.

            The car boot sales round here are open again, Gem.

            Gem - I hope your second jab has gone ok. Things are looking up - especially getting your tickets for Disney 2022. How is Henry today?

            Plant - exciting wedding plans. The HP themed hen do should be fun! I'm sure nothing will upset H's routine - she's such a happy baby. You have been a busy day today. Seeing the greenhouse all tidy and ready for your tomatoes must be very satisfying. I would have been out with the watering can tonight if it hadn't rained yesterday, last night and a bit more today! Yes, I think you must live quite near my DS1's I did wave but I don't think you saw me!

            Clover - I'm sure your sweet peas will be fabulous. I love to see them, and love the scent of them even more. It's great that the more you cut for the house, the more they flower. Isn't Nature wonderful.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy DD taken him to Vets on Tuesday just in case ,
              Im still not convinced about the pink wall maybe have to live with it a week or so , B thinks its nice though .

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                WG you did get a lot done! The shopping with DD will have done you good. I'm glad you and DD told the buyer to back off.
                Poor Storm Oma and poor DD. That's terrible. I'm glad you had a lovely time with your friends this morning. We will sort something out soon.
                That sounds like a good evening yesterday Plant!

                Sunshine, rain and hail here today. A strange day!
                We got on with quite a lot more at my mums this morning. The DDs are all going on Tuesday after work to sort out some charity stuff.
                I have had my 2nd vaccine this afternoon. It was very quiet when I went.
                The back tooth next to the one I had removed is bothering me. It has been all along , since I had the extraction. I can't eat or put any pressure on it, but now it is getting painful. My appointment isn't until May 26th so I think I will be contacting them when they re open on Thursday for an emergency appointment. This is the second consecutive bank holiday with tooth pain
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I didn't notice your post Daisy!
                  Henry is OK thanks. His eye looks fine and he is forgiving us for wrapping him a towel and smearing cream on his eye twice a day!
                  I had towels on the line and they were SOAKED! I should have used the dryer too.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Oma, just seen your bedroom pics. I really like that colour, it is more of a clover pick, well done. Now give B a rest.
                    Sorry to hear about Storm, I wonder if that dog has done that before.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      WG, I hope your OH will feel more settled when he comes home. He has had a lot to put up with. Pleased you had the company of your DD, you must have enjoyed your shopping trip. Well done to get some sorting done. That was very odd your purchaser arriving on your doorstep, I do hope your move will go to plan and you can get settled in your new home soon.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Oma - I've just had another look at your bedroom photos, and honestly I think it looks clean, fresh and very restful. Ideal for a bedroom. Give it a chance - and B a chance to recover! Glad your DD is staking Storm to the vets - that wound would be nasty if it got infected. Poor Storm - I hope he's getting lots of fuss.

                        Gem - pleased to hear Henry's eye is getting better. What a shame about your towels. Poor you - you must be heartily sick of troublesome teeth. I hope you can get an emergency appointment on Tuesday.

                        Plant - I thought it was a bit odd of WG's purchasers turning up at the front door like that. Wee Granny - your DD did the right thing sending them away. It's best to leave it all to the solicitors and not get involved directly with them.

                        The weather forecast here for tomorrow is awful - rain, rain and more rain. We do need it for the garden, but I feel sorry for those who were hoping to enjoy the Bank Holiday out of doors.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Gem B has a appointment for Dentist on the 4th they keep temp filling one of his teeth and it just keeps falling out so they doing a proper filling then ,
                          Really your tooth should have been treated when you had the extraction it would have saved you a lot of pain , are you able to sleep with it ? xxx

                          Daisy how's the crater is it still bleeding when you have a mask on ?

                          WG just as well your DD was there , I wouldn't want them turning up uninvited like that .

                          Clover we have planted up our sweet pea and putting a fleece covering over them at night just in case of frost .

                          DD had Storm out for a gentle walk tonight and said he was fine with other dogs so it hasn't scared him , he had a bowl of Ice cream to cheer him up
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Not a bad morning so far,but the forecast is for some very bad weather today.
                            Pleased we got the garden done yesterday.

                            Oma, hope Storm is ok.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning, it is very cold, yet again! Oma, I put fleece on the hanging baskets during the night.

                              Oma, what a nasty thing to happen to Storm, I hope they claim from the owner, or is he unknown?

                              Gem, poor you, I hope you can get to see your dentist.

                              WG, very strange having the new buyer visiting.

                              I am going to Delft with some girls clothes DS1 brought yesterday, I can take them to a second hand shop but a friend told me about this, it is for people that use food banks?? if that is what they are called. Later I am going to the physio for my knee. Then hope to take GD1 iPad to see if it can be repaired. A very busy day for me, keeps me occupied.


                                Good morning ladies ,
                                Lizzie he was unknown and just hurried off , If SIL had been walking Storm it would have been a different matter , He was furious .

                                Nanto its nice here but forecast heavy rain later , im hoping to get some plants in today and cover them tonight if there is a chance of frost again .

                                Grauntie if your looking in how are you ?

                                Ironing done housework done day is my own now ,
                                B taking car to have tyres checked as it will be getting its first MOT ever in a couple weeks

                                I was going to go look for fabric to cover the big footstool at end of my bed but being bank holiday Monday the road we need to take will be very busy people going to the Metro centre so will wait till tomorrow now .

                                Have a good day ladies xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

