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    Didn't want to get up so early but I desperately needed a cup of tea. Cold still in evidence, slight headache. No plans today, would like to see GD1 and baby H

    No sun here Gemini, perhaps later.

    Will pop back later.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning ladies ,
      The sun is out but its very cold ,
      Didnt sleep again last night kept getting awful cramps in my toes and ankles , just when i thought it would be ok to go to bed they started again

      Been to Aldi and Iceland while it was quiet ,
      Not sure if i should take the fleece of my new rockery plants as its forecast wintery showers and frost again tonight , I may leave it one day wont hurt ,
      I took it off yesterday morning and within 2 hours it was hail stoning .

      Gem hope S gets the removal of decking done today what phone model are you getting ?

      Plant take today slowly no need to rush for anything is there , hope you dont get a sore arm on top of your cold xxx

      Nanto taking down sheds is a messy job and a hard job by time you sort it out ,

      Enfys I feel for you it doesnt seem real does it and not being there is so hard , many hugs xxx

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Enfys, sending love and hugs to you as well. It's very early days, so be kind to yourself. I think many people choose the time of their passing, and perhaps your lovely P wanted to spare you those final moments. You were always a wonderful support throughout his long illness, and no-one who saw you together could have doubted how much you loved each other. xxx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning everyone. It's dull and chilly here with very little prospect of any sun today. It's time for this chilly weather to improve.

          Nanto - I hope the shed removal goes well. I'm sure they will appreciate your tea monitoring. It's thirsty work.

          Oma - the cream from the dermatologist is called Efudix (goodness knows who comes up with a name like that!!) Anyway, I've started using it - thank you, Clover and everyone for the reassurances.

          Plant - I hope your cold's getting better and no ill effects from your jab. xx

          Gem - how exciting getting a new phone. I hope it's arrived in time for you to go with S if you want to.

          I've been out for a walk with our new neighbour and her doggo. Both dogs were quite excited this morning but we let them off lead in their back garden for a few minutes and they were fine. Eva's now sleeping it off! I need to get some chores done today and make up beds for the GDs who are coming on Monday morning till Tuesday evening to give their mum and dad chance to concentrate on re-opening the shop.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Yes that is the cream I was given Daisy. It is nice for you to have a new neighbour Daisy to walk your dogs together.

            So far no effects from my jab, just need to get rid of the remains of my cold.

            I was very sad driving to the Vaccine centre yesterday to see lots of magnolias and camellias flowers, including mine, brown as a result of the late frosts.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Absolutely shattered.We to n laws at 10.15 and got home at 4.15.
              Shed removal also turned into a big gardening job.
              Fortunately, some other family members came to help.
              Anyway its all done now.
              Just had a shower and going to watch the grand national.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Sending love to Clover and Enfys and anyone else who is feeling sad. Hope too that all those hospital procedures/ dental appointments have gone well.

                I've been cleaning out the bottom of my wardrobe and I came across a photo album of the meet up in 2014. I wonder where some of those in the photos are now?

                OH finally got an appointment for his rash with a GP in a surgery 45 minutes from us at 20.45 on Thursday evening! Another tube of Betnovate to keep him going. He said it sounded as if she couldn't care less about it. We shall mention it again when he sees his oncologist, as he suggested last time it might be good to see a dermatologist. Hopefully our new GP will not be in special measures! Sent photos to the Plastic Surgery unit about his would and they seem to be quite happy about how I'm looking after it! Finish antibiotics and another telephone appointment next week to check. No results back yet from biopsy.

                Took a load of stuff up to Emmaus yesterday. Hopefully, they can get some money for the stuff rather than us just taking it to the tip.

                It's brightening up now after a gloomy old day and it's not so cold. Took doggo out earlier, but if it wasn't other dogs it was people with buggies! So I was quite glad when he decided he'd had enough and turned back home! From a dog who didn't make a sound when they first got him, he's certainly found his voice! Barks at the door to be let out or in and when it's time for his food! It's almost as if he's talking to you the variation in his barking!

                Have a good evening ladies whatever you're up to!x
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  Nanto I hope you can have a rest day tomorrow.

                  Plant I’m glad your jab went smoothly.

                  Daisy how lovely your new neighbour is a “doggy” person. More friends for Eva too.

                  Gem I hope your new phone arrived safely and you enjoy getting to know it😀

                  Enfys my lasting regret is that I couldn’t be with G so I completely understand how you feel Hugs to you.

                  I found a child’s old tricycle in the loft the other day. I washed and sanitised it and put it by the front gate with a notice saying if anyone could give it a good home they could take it. It was gone within half an hour.😀

                  We’ve had a nice day here and the washing dried well. It was a good job I brought it in when I did though as soon after we had a terrific hailstorm!


                    Plant - pleased to hear you've had no side effects from your second jab. I'm sure your cold will be better soon. They run their course, don't they. Neighbours across the road from us have a magnificent magnolia tree in their front garden and it seems every year the huge flowers get frosted or blown off. It's such a shame.

                    Nanto - that was a marathon - no wonder you're tired.

                    WeeGranny - you don't have much luck with your GPs, but I'm glad the plastic surgery unit are happy with the way your OH's wound is healing. At least doggo tells you when he's had enough exercise. Eva never does that!

                    Clover - it's amazing what will be given a new home if it's left out at the front with a notice on.

                    Gem - how did your day go.

                    Oma - I hope you sleep better tonight. x

                    I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped today. After lunch I felt very tired and slept for nearly 2 hours! I'd better have an early night tonight to I can get things done tomorrow ready for the GDs arriving on Monday morning.

                    I've got the date for the dermatologist - next Friday, and the Covid test on Wednesday - both 9 am. Still no news though about our second jabs! I think it's "end of alphabet syndrome". We're at the end of most alphabetical lists!

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Clover and Enfys I know the saying goes 'Time is a great healer ' but sometimes it doesn't feel like that does it.
                      Take each day as it comes, you will have better days and you will have days when you are feeling extremely sad . We are here for you whatever sort of day you are having x

                      Not a lot of sleep going on here tonight. Our cat is doing her usual night time yowling so at the moment I have given up on the idea of any sleep. OH has just nodded off so I have made myself a cup of tea and will wait until she goes back to sleep and then perhaps I can get a few hours sleep myself.

                      On Friday DD took me to Ross for my mammogram. GD was also in the car with us . As she is only 17 she hadn't come across anyone who has had a mammogram before so I was explaining the whole process to her . She knew roughly about how your boobs are squashed between two very cold pieces of metal but the fact that someone else 'man handles ' your boobs, placing them on the metal plate took her from shock to hysterical laughter.
                      DD said , " Its part of being a woman, it will throw up all sorts of embarrassing situations '!

                      You have to laugh, one of the reasons for moving was so that we could have a wet room as opposed to having a shower over a bath as it was getting difficult to climb over the bath to get into the shower which usually resulted in me 'putting my back out'
                      Yesterday , after having a shower I bent over ever so slightly to sprinkle talc on my toes and 'put my back out ' Unbelievable!

                      Saty safe everyone
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Mimi,hope you managed to get some shut eye, and hope your back feels better soon.

                        Sun is shining this morning,although the forecast is very cold weather.

                        Thought the weather was going to be against us yesterday,we had a little flurry of snow.
                        But then the sun came out.

                        Been up since 5,done a couple of jobs i didn't get done yesterday with being out all day.
                        Shopping this morning.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning ladies ,
                          We had a hard frost during night ,
                          I have just been out and removed the fleece from my plants it will go back on tonight and lifted the cloche of strawberry plants and sweet pea seedlings ,
                          Well i say cloche its a see through plastic toy box but does the trick

                          Mimi sods law isnt it , we have a little foot stool I sometimes put in wet room for B to dry his feet on cant sit on it as he would never get up but he can manage to get his foot on .
                          Hope your back isnt too bad xx

                          Plant how you feeling today how is the cold , is it any better ?

                          Not much on today ,
                          We have Storm till after lunch , GS1 has a match this morning , Buzz beat Storm up again yesterday so they now friends at the moment , what a naughty cat he is Storm is terrified of him

                          B has his 2nd Jab today ,
                          I wish SIL's age group was done I would feel happier about him re opening the shop tomorrow , although he has worked all through the Pandemic business has been good , they have been able to fit carpets with clients being in another room and taking all precautions but now its people popping into the shop to face .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning everyone.

                            Nan2, I think you should have an easy day today after yesterday!

                            Enfys and clover, what Mimi has said so well above it so true.

                            WG, Daisy gave us those photo albums I'm sure.

                            Mimi mammograms sound barbaric and ridiculous, which they are. I hope by the time my 11 year old GD needs them they will have worked out much more efficient and less personally invasive way to get the same results!
                            Have you considered getting some heavy duty earplugs for the night? I haven't tried them but I have heard that there are really good ones which actually work nowadays. Sorry about your back

                            Clover it's funny you should say that about the bike. Only yesterday DD1 was telling me a friend of hers got rid of a lot of things by doing what you did.

                            You must have need that nap Daisy.

                            I hope the cold is improving Plant.

                            Frost overnight again here. OH is having to heat the greenhouse at night to protect the plants. It's was a sunny morning, but cold when I woke up but it is clouding over now - and snowing!!!
                            Yesterday my phone didn't arrive until 1.30. It wasn't all bad as I had the perfect excuse to stay home alone and watch the first two episode of the new series of Greys Anatomy
                            Oma, its another Motorola. Very similar to my last one, but bigger screen and lot more storage (64 as opposed to 16)
                            DD3 then phoned to update me and we had a long chat. The cause of the leak still cant be found. Now its not coming into their house but next doors! No one would like that but the man next door is particularly obnoxious and acts as if DD has inserted a hose pipe through his letter box on purpose! He is horrible to her, not as bad when SIL is there. I cannot repeat what I think of the despicable fool.
                            Anyway, they were going to come here again, as they had to get the water company to switch off the water to the house again, as that is the only way to stop in going into next door. Instead they are staying in the house of one of DD's dads friends. It's been empty all year as she is staying with her dad in Coventry. DD and SIL weren't happy sharing our space for so long (for our sakes not theirs) plus that house is not far from their own for popping back and forth. This is a good arrangement as the plumber can't come back until Wednesday and then there will be several days work, maybe.
                            I went to DD1's for cuppa with DD and GS while OH and SIL finished off. She had managed to whack her nose with a plank which shot up and it had scraped the skin

                            No plans today. We may go to mum's house to do more sorting out. The Care Home fees go up by £80 from next month, so we need to get on.

                            I hope everyone is well and has a good Sunday.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good Sunday morning everyone, including Nanto's cheery teddy friend.

                              Mimi - the thing about backs is they find any excuse to catch you out and remind you exactly what part of your body is in charge. Take things gently and rest when you need to. I can imagine the scene describing mammograms to your GD! Your poor kitty. Has the vet got any suggestions to help her to settle at night?

                              Nanto - you have done well getting jobs done this early after yesterday's long day. Enjoy your shopping.

                              Oma - Your plants and seedlings are getting 5 Star treatment! I hope they reward you eventually. Poor Storm, Buzz doesn't give him an easy time, does he! I hope B's jab goes smoothly. You must be very relieved he's getting his second shot.

                              Our DS2 and DIL reopen their shop tomorrow. They've scrubbed it, cleaned it, disinfected every surface and have a big notice saying only three people at a time - it's very tiny. They're looking forward to it and aren't unduly worried. The counter is screened off and so are the kiosks and the area where they take passport photos. They can't do any more. We're having the children and dog for two days so they can totally concentrate of work without the normal distractions, and then the other grandparents are having the girls between them (they're divorced) for the last 3 days.

                              Today I need to get the girls' bedroom ready, perhaps do some baking and get the ironing out of the way! If it's not too cold I'll mow the lawn as well. It could be a busy day.

                              EDIT Gem, you posted while I was typing. Your poor DD3 being subjected to such an obnoxious man. Staying at a friend's house seems a good arrangement and the friend will be glad someone's taking care of it. I hope the plumber can find the leak on Wednesday. When My DS1 and DIL had a leak recently the water board came and did a flow test because the leak was under the house! They only knew about it because they could hear the water gushing under their fridge in the kitchen. I hope they don't have to go through all that palaver.

                              I hope you enjoy your new phone. The bigger screen will be good.

                              I'm not heating the greenhouse over night, but the seedlings are in a heated propagator and the tender plants are ok with just being in their instead of outside.

                              I hope you can get on with your mum's house. It's so hard, I know, and you almost need a deadline to work to. When my mum died she was living in a sheltered flat about 70 miles away, and we had to clear it within a very short space of time - about 2 weeks, I think, because there was a long waiting list for the accommodation. It was hard, but at least it was done, and she was very minimalist so not the same as having to decide what to do with a life time in a family home. I do feel for you. xx

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I'm sure your DS and DIL are so glad to be able to reopen their shop Daisy. It sounds very safe. The girls will be excited to be with you
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

