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    Good morning everyone and Happy Monday.

    Towels in the wash due to blow outside here too Nan2. It's a lovely sunny morning.
    Oma, we have had people not turn up to collect free things they have promised to, and those who expect us to deliver the free things - once a fridge!!
    Daisy its lovely to see the daffodils out isnt it? The wood DD3 and I went to on Saturday had so many everywhere. OH and the GC and I have been to that wood many times, but I now realise never at this time of year so I had never seen the daffodils.
    That shopping booking slot sound a good idea Lizzie. Nice to have a look round!
    Fingers crossed for that house WG.
    Plant, I hope GGS had a good birthday.

    On the agenda today is walking to the village to go to the post office. I have the applications form on behalf of my mum to send and the theme park tickets to send back registered delivery. We may get a coffee and sit on a bench as it seems such nice day (should there be a bench free!)
    No other plans apart from the WhatsApp quiz this evening.

    I hope everyone has a good day, sending love to all.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Yesterday was a lovely day and we have sunshine atm. I had a wander around the garden, cut off a few spent flower heads. I have to go out today to the post, I baked a banana cake for my sister, I packed it into a cardboard box with lots of bubble wrap, hope it arrives in a fit state for her to eat it, she said she had never tasted a banana cake. I haven't told her it is coming. I made some buttermilk scones yesterday (a new recipe), some have gone next door and some will go in the freezer.
      It is GGS's 4th birthday today, unfortunately we will not be seeing him, I hope he likes his presents, he will be opening them now.

      Daisy, that must be a lovely field with flowers growing in it.

      Lizzie, I like to buy my plants from a grower, of course Holland is well known for it's flowers.

      Oma, Why do people do that, they could at least let you know.

      I don't know what I have done to have changed the typing.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good Monday morning everyone. We've got sun between banks of clouds and a bit of a breeze - good drying weather, so I'd better get something in the washing machine pretty soon!

        I'll see how I feel when I've had a shower, but I might do some gardening. If not, there's plenty of jobs indoors to keep be occupied!

        Everyone seems busy - and only another week before we can meet with another household outside, including our gardens within the rule of six, plus other welcome changes like outdoor sports. It give me an impetus to get up to date with chores!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Sun is shining here.Washing blowing in the breeze.

          Finished cleaning the kitchen,tidied round elsewhere.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            A late hello from me ,
            Did house work and washed all the floors had a shower then went straight out to 3 Garden centres ,

            Ist one we thought we would get everything we wanted but it was rubbish , We were really surprised as they usually are so nice ,

            2nd one was a bit better and bought a couple of plants , then 3rd one a few more ,

            These are for the bottom boarder that doesn't get as much sun so we bought shade loving shrubs and a couple of mound forming plants ,

            Someone supposed to be coming for the TV unit about 1pm see if it happens if not its going to the tip , im not messing with it .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              The nicer weather has certainly got us all talking about our gardens and plants,I had my delivery of shrubs on Friday from the offer that was in The Mail a few weeks ago I have always had good quality plants from them so I have bought some more compost and plan to plant them out this afternoon.I am waiting for 3 x tubs to arrive so I can plant out the potato's the tubs will be so much easier for me to use as the veg patch John used to grow them in is quite difficult to dig over and it doesn't help my aching back one bit.

              I've had quite a surprise this lunch time on Thursday I tidied up the kitchen cupboards again after finding some very predated packets the other week ,at the back of the cupboard was a Pot Noodle not old or anything like that just bought on impulse in case DGS popped in hungry so I put some hot water in as directed and do you what I really enjoyed it to my surprise,I have never ever had one before.

              My car is parked in the front of the house in a small parking bay very convienient for me but at the front I do not have a water supply so when I went to Town last week I found a dry car wash spray in Wilko's my car wasn't too bad as my DGS5 washed it for me with a bucket & soapy water one day last week,where I park is under a large tree which sheds on a regular basis so I decided to give the spray a try I was very impressed to say the least it contains a polish as well as,so in future I may be able to save myself some £s and have DGS concentrate more on the gardens for me,the patio has began showing signs of moss gathering on the back area so he can treat that for me this Wednesday when he calls around he is feeling much better now all the brusing has gone after his bicycle accident 2 weeks ago.
              On Saturday one of his friends from his old 6th form sadly was involved in a motor bike accident near to Port Sunlight and it was fatal such a sad loss for his family and so young,I have always been terrified when either of mine has talked about getting a motorbike,when we lived abroad my eldest boy used to ride from Altea to Calpe for work and I never rested until he was back home in bed of a night time.

              My youngest GD Willow is 3 in May and has been to an open day at her new nursery which she will hopefully start in September I'm hoping she will get in as it is a very popular school with really good reports from Ofsted small classes of just 20 in most classes some of her friends who went to her nursery already go there so fingers crossed for her,she is growing so quickly the time just flies by doesn't it .

              Must get myself started on my planting so a busy afternoon for me,I have not had results from blood tests as yet maybe tomorrow.
              Last edited by Glammanana; 22-03-2021, 01:10 PM.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                Have taken OH for his Covid test in readiness for his operations on Thursday. The centre was in a huge barn and there was a steady stream of cars going in and out. At least I didn't have to do it this time! He's now in isolation!!!

                I popped into Sainsbury's for some milk and bread and a couple of other things. Trouble with not having been shopping for so long is that I couldn't find anything! had to ask staff where thing were! Anyway got everything I needed and some Ketjap Manis for DD which she couldn't find anywhere.

                Washing on line, it's cloudy but warmish, so hopefully will dry. Ironing is waiting for me and I must crack on with decluttering!

                Have a good afternoon ladies x
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  WG I bought Ketjap Manis from a Chinese supermarket some time ago now , I didn't know Sainsburys sold it ,
                  Mind you its so long since I have been in Sainsburys I wouldn't know ,
                  We popped in a few days ago the first time in a year for a couple of things but didn't look around ,

                  Glamm watch your back don't do too much gardening , glad to hear GS is recovering from that nasty bike accident

                  Young man came for TV unit so that's out of the way .

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    We are busy bees, aren't we.

                    Glamm, as Oma says, don't overdo the gardening and hurt your back. How awful your GS5's friend being in a fatal motorbike accident. It's such a shock, a tragedy and a waste of a young life, and hits his friends really hard, as well as his family. My DS2 rode a motorbike - he did his bike test while he was at uni. He had two quite powerful bikes and you can't help worrying. I was glad when he switched back to a car.

                    Oma - glad the tv unit got collected to save you another trip to the tip.

                    WeeGranny good luck with all the sorting out. It's amazing what you find at the back of cupboards etc.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      What on earth is Ketjap Manis? Never heard of it. Pleased to hear you found someone to have your television stand.

                      Yes Glamm, watch that back.

                      I decided to have a walk around the garden or perhaps the woods but I found the wind very cold so came back inside after I had been around the garden.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good afternoon, what a lovely day. I’ve been in and out of the garden all afternoon, it’s lovely out there.

                        This morning, popped back to the surgery with my chart with my BP readings. The nurse wasn’t happy with them and she thinks the doctor will want to,change my medication, so I have a telephone appointment with him in the morning. I’m not worried, just reassured that they want to get it right. Will be good to have a chat about it and I have made a list of things I want to ask. I always think of questions afterwards, when it’s too late, so thoughT I’d be prepared 🙂.

                        Spoke to DS this morning, to wish him Happy baby boy is 52!,! How did that happen. We were talking about the terrible floods in NSW, my friend lives just outside Sydney and her town is badly affected. I am hoping she is OK.

                        Enjoymthe rest of your day everyone 🌞
                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          Plant its sort of a sweet soya sauce we used it as a dipping sauce , im sure it can be used for other things but that's what we used it for
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Plant - the wind has been quite brisk here as well, but it was lovely in the greenhouse!

                            Enfys - I hope they can sort out your BP, and it is reassuring that they are trying to get it right for you. Very happy birthday to your DS, although I suppose it's tomorrow in Australia now. I hope your friend near Sydney is safe - it looks horrendous.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Enfys, how ever can our offspring be in their 40s and 50s?? Surely we are not even that age yet!
                              Plant I was wondering what that was too!
                              Glamma how tragic about that young man

                              This afternoon we walked to the village, got the things posted then bought coffee. We sat on the low wall outside the bank and as soon as one of the 3 benches on front of the church became free we took it It was sunny, warm, so lovely to be out. We popped into Sainsbury's for eggs and ibuprofen, then walked home.

                              We played Scrabble and had a hot cross bun. The towels all dried on the line.
                              Quiz tonight, a nice day.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                It seems a bit of sunshine and the prospect of a slight easing of restrictions next week is making us all more energetic.

                                This morning I washed all the cushion covers and throws out of the living room and they all dried nicely on the line. Then did the dog towels. I did a few jobs round the garden - planted something in the front I've had sitting round in a pot for ages. It was just starting to shoot so I thought it deserved a new home. After lunch I started on tidying up the greenhouse. I washed some seed trays, got OH to rescue an electric propagator from the back of the shed and cleaned that up ready to use. I even gave the lawn another slight hair cut to try and get it back to a sensible length.

                                Tomorrow morning DS2 has an unscheduled appointment with the consultant as a result of the possibility of changing his treatment. But things are never straightforward, and the plumber who has spent all day today working on their central heating system needs to go back tomorrow to finish the job. So OH and I are going up very early to be there to let him in and make sure everything is ok.

                                EDIT How could I forget! This morning I spring cleaned the whole of my desktop - my computer desktop, not the wooden surface it sits on. It was littered with odd photos, documents and all sorts of junk and now there are just 12 items on it - and 6 of them are GRU-related!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

