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    Hello everyone. Nanto - thank you for such a cheery start to Saturday.

    Clover - it might be worth ringing your local surgery and explaining that you're in the current age group for the jab but can't get to the distant surgery. They might be able to direct you somewhere more accessible or even do it at the local surgery. Don't forget to mention that you're on a watch and wait diagnosis as well. I hope the weather hasn't been getting you down to much. Every time I see a huge cloud and rain on your area on the tv weather maps I think "thank goodness Clover had her roof done."

    Plant - I hope you're all stocked up if you're getting more snow. Stay warm and safe.

    Gem - your OH and I talk a lot of sense!! I'm so relieved your DD1's test result was negative. She must be fed up with having them.

    We've had plenty of rain here. The roads are flooded everywhere - thank goodness we have a car that's high off the ground and can cope. I think the incidences of flooding are getting more frequent round here compared with when we moved here in the early 1980s.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy, I don't really know why DD keeps having them! She's working from home and following all the rules.
      I think moving house and having removal men in must have spooked her this time.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Nice to hear from you CLover. Our local taxi firm is doing deals to take people to and from vaccination centres if they have no other means of getting there. Might be worth checking if anything like that's happening in your area. You certainly shouldn't have to wait as you're classed as vulnerable with your lymphoma. Hope you don't have to wait too long.

        Miserable sort of day here, raining earlier and there's something in the wind! Rain or snow, who knows? DD said it had been snowing heavily with her, so I expect Plant's had some too.

        Am trying out a new curry recipe for dinner. I don't know if you've seen TasteSmiths advertised. Well, it's one of theirs, so we'll see what it's like.

        Having a Sunday lunch from the local pub tomorrow. That'll keep us going for the rest of the day!

        Hope everyone is keeping warm and safe. Take care xx
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          Clover,lovely to see you popping in.
          I hope you can get the vaccine soon.

          Went to our local surgery for my jab. Straight in and out.
          No waiting for 15 minutes after the jab. They were very efficient.

          All shopping got done. Went to the farm shop for meat,then onto the garden centre for a few bits.
          Last stop was Asda. All put away now.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            WG, here a company called Y--- Wheels will take people for a lesser fare than a regular taxi. I saw someone praising them for the service on our local FB page.
            Nice to see more of our members being 'done' !
            Sunday lunch from pub is an excellent idea WG!

            We have been for a walk. To the pharmacy at the other side of the village, to collect our prescriptions. It was very cold! Despite painkillers, every step was painful. We are told that walking is good for arthritis and doesn't make it worse though, so heigh ho.

            Inside again now with a warming cuppa.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Me again!
              Thanks for your suggestions re.vaccination. Our local surgery will be doing them at some stage,hopefully soon.
              We do have a voluntary driver system but I don't think it's operating at the moment. The vaccination invites were very short notice anyway.

              Just been having daily chat with my sister.They seem to be on an even keel at the moment,fingers crossed!

              There was a very cold wind on my walk this morning.It was coming straight off the sea!I don't mind though as it's the price to pay for being able to see the sea and the famous Three Cliffs Bay every day.

              Gem I'm sorry your walk was so painful. I hope the knees are having a nice rest now.

              Off to Zoom with family now so I'll wish you all a good evening.


                Clover - I do hope your local surgery offer you a vaccination soon. I think I'd put up with a cold wind blowing off the sea at the Three Cliffs Bay - it's such stunning scenery and I'm sure it blows the cobwebs away. I'm pleased to hear you can speak to your sister every day, and they are ok.

                Gem - I'm glad you managed a walk, but feel sorry it was so painful. I know they say about exercise being good for you, but you do wonder when it hurts so much.

                WeeGranny - I haven't heard of TasteSmiths, but I hope your curry is delicious. Sunday lunch sounds good, too.

                Nanto - I'm glad your jab went well as well. Was your garden centre very busy? I called into our nearest one this week, and they had none of the things on my list apart from some bird seed.

                Time getting on and I haven't decided what to do for dinner yet!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Daisy,the garden centre was busy,so was the farm shop, but they always are.
                  Asda was quite busy as well.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning, there has been a keen frost, sunny now, there was a bitter cold wind yesterday, I did some shopping and that was all! I almost fell off my bike at the Lidl, I usually go on my shopping bike but called in whilst out on the E bike, it must be just that big higher and I didn't lift my leg high enough, how I didn't fall I do not know.

                    GD2 was playing football in the cold, if all goes to plan the junior schools return on the 8th, we will know more this week.

                    I was just chatting to a woman I swim with, her granddaughter, she is 13 years old has anorexia, started with the first lock down, she was in hospital a few months but is home now, still on liquid feeding, she can eat a few solids but it isn't easy, so they are hoping she recovers. I was reading so many young people have anorexia and need help.


                      Keen frost here as well Lizzie,but sun is shining.
                      Hope your friends GD makes a full recovery,poor girl.

                      Ah well,onwards and upwards. Will be back later.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Lizzie, Nan2, everyone else.

                        Thank goodness you didn't fall Lizzie
                        Oh how sad about that girl. At secondary school DD1's best friend was anorexic, and bulimic (a result it turns out of being sexually abused for many years by a neighbour ) It was all so awful. She was in and out of adolescent treatment units. I don't know how I would cope with it all. You cannot make them eat.

                        I hope all receivers of the vaccine are well (and everyone else of course!)

                        This morning OH is going to do the Bird Watch. She settles herself in one of the back bedrooms, overlooking the garden and bird feeders and does her hour from there.
                        I plan to give her some reflexology today, it has been such a long time, and I really can't say I don't have time! I am missing mine so much, my knee would not be quite so bad if if I was having my monthly treatments.
                        Friends who have bought a house in our village bit not moved in yet and coming over to check on progress on the improvements, so I hope they will knock for a doorstep chat.
                        My turn to set the quiz tomorrow night, so I will work on more questions today too.

                        No other plans.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies very white and frosty ,

                          I have done some ironing , I washed yesterday but felt to tired to do the ironing ,
                          I usually do them as soon as they dry but didn't have the energy yesterday .

                          Gem the cold effects my knees they are always more painful in the winter , put your feet up and rest them for the day , xxx

                          Lizzie its a awful thing , My late sister was hospitalised when she was in her 20s she went down to 5 stone and couldn't walk ,
                          her's was all down to a abusive husband ,

                          She came to live with us it took many years to get her back to full health , lots of relapses ,
                          You cant make them eat that's the thing .
                          First time they put her in a psychiatric ward , where they force fed her , in those days they were treated as mental patients ,

                          I took her out after a week its was horrendous treat like animals ,
                          Thankfully they now know more about this , yes its mental health but they do not need to be locked away like that .

                          SIL is treating us to a take out Sunday lunch , he is picking it up at 1 so see what its like , never had takeaway Sunday lunch before .

                          hope everyone is well take care ladies xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Thats the ironing done.
                            Meat from the farm shop has been sorted and in the freezer now.
                            Left some sausages out for tomorrow. Not had them from the farm shop before.
                            I like minced beef from there. Don't like the supermarket mince. Its all in long pieces.
                            What i call wormy mince. Also got some chicken breast fillets.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Oma, how awful for your sister, yes, they know much more now. As you say, it is mental health but is treated so much better nowadays.

                              I hope you enjoy the lunch. Don't overdo things if you are still feeling tired, the ironing will wait!


                                Good Sunday morning, ladies from sleepy-head! I've just woken up. No after-effects from the jab, apart from a slightly sore arm, but I must have slept for ten hours!

                                It's not bad here - dry and dull and not too cold. I can't decide on what to do today, so it might be nothing at all.

                                Lizzie - thank goodness you stopped yourself from falling. Anorexia is such a cruel disease, I do hope your friend's GD is ok.

                                Nanto - it's nice to get out for a bit, and I suppose garden centres are relatively safe as most of them are semi-open air.

                                Gem - I hope your OH sees lots of birds on her bird watch. I was thinking of doing it but with all the building work going on next door our local birds are steering well clear, and it's not fair to try and entice them into our garden at the moment. I put a small amount of food down each day for a few hardy residents, but hopefully when the next bird watch comes round we can be a bit more welcoming.

                                Oma - it must have been agonising watching your sister suffering like that. You did the right thing taking her away from such barbaric treatment. How thoughtful of your SIL to organise a take away Sunday lunch for you. Enjoy - it sounds as though you need to be taking things easy at the moment. xx

                                I'd better go and get a shower and get dressed - otherwise I'll find it's bedtime again before I've even started on today!

                                Take care everyone.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

