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    Good morning Lizzie, Nan2 and all who follow!

    It snowed lightly here overnight but only a light covering. The temperature is still in the minuses, but due to climb to the near tropical 1 degree for a few hours
    I hope your family are not feeling too bad today Nan2.
    Did your family get their results Nana? They get them back very quickly generally.
    Lizzie, that virus must be driving you mad. I hope it runs it's course soon. A sad day for you all yesterday xx
    I have several of what could be classed as junk drawers I think!

    No plans today.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning Nanto beautiful graphic

      Lizzie your poor eye its giving you some trouble isnt it , I do hope you get some ease soon ,
      I agree these sewing machines sound good at the time of purchase but your paying extra for something unless you do a lot of crafts that involve embroidery it is just wasted money.

      DS's new bedroom sounds posh ,

      Nana hope the results come back negative xx

      Had a decent nights sleep last night so I was up at the crack of dawn and I have had a good dust through , all downstairs and upstairs ,
      I did a damp dust , then hoovered and cleaned bathroom ,
      Gave the worktops a good clean and the sink is nice and shining again ,
      Having a cup of tea then I will polish and anti bac the door handles throughout

      I got a new Puzzle book with my shopping yesterday so i want to have a couple of hours doing that .

      How are we all ? anyone not feeling well or down ? sending hugs if you are ,

      The snow in our cul-de-sac has turned to ice all the cars made it very slushy yesterday and over night its froze .
      Just watched the post van turn very slowly you can hear the crunch of the tyres , The rest of the snow has gone but it takes ages to go in the square as its in the shade .

      A update on the YEO thread about man and his Mother
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Our posts crossed Oma!
        I'm glad you had a decent nights sleep. You are lovely asking after us all.
        I'm soldiering on here!
        Happy puzzling
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Sorry Lizzie I forgot to mention your sisters funeral ,
          I think her DS was sensible to advise the children not to travel ,
          How good you were able to see it not being there is hard isnt it xxx

          Gem we always seem to post together hahaha xxxx

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning everyone. I got a bit behind with Chat posts yesterday - I wasn't ignoring anyone, promise!

            Lizzie - your eye must be really dragging you down. Take care of yourself and get some rest - you're a very busy bee but I'm sure all the pain and discomfort must take its toll. I'm glad you were able to follow your sister's funeral on a link. It's not the same as being able to give your BIL and nephews a hug, but hopefully is some comfort to you. Sending hugs. Your DS2 has worked miracles with that top floor - he must be so pleased with it.

            Nanto - best wishes to your son and family. I hope they all get well soon.

            Nana - I hope your DD and her boys get negative results.

            Oma - it's quite a comfort to know that even you have a junk drawer. I solved the problem of putting junk in the bedside table drawers in the spare room by getting rid of them. We've just got bedside tables now and I haven't missed the drawers at all. There's just the rest of the house to deal with now. I don't know how we accumulate so much 'stuff', mostly junk or things we've forgotten we've got.

            Gem, take care in the heat wave - we're not used to tropical temperatures like that. I hope you're ok not having any plans - I know you usually have a few things on the go. Is your knee ok? Sending hugs. xx

            I had a look at the Sketchbook Challenge last night - she's done several of them and it's very relaxed with no pressure. I might pick it up later. I really want get back to the paint pots today. I've moved all my art stuff into the dining room. Everything was damp from being in the summerhouse, but it's dry now and I'm ready to get going.

            It's interesting reading the comments about clever sewing machines. I've always had a basic machine - the latest is a Singer I bought about 30+ years ago! Very basic indeed. Then one day someone persuaded me to go with her on a quilting course and the lady running it allocated her very upmarket Bernina for me to use. It was like driving a Rolls Royce when you're used to a Robin Reliant! I was intimidated by it. I still can't sew!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Oma, it was hard watching it and not being there, I have just phoned BIL and he is coping. He said DS1 drove back to Alnwick and it went fine.

              Daisy, I love the description of the sewing machines, comparing a Bernina to a Rolls Royce! That is about how I described it to the neighbour. DS2 is pleased the top floor is almost finished, as I say now the studio, he knows how he wants it etc.

              I went to the village at 10am as GD1 wanted a new front tyre fitted and I had made an appointment at the bike shop in the village, we walked to a chemist and within 30 minutes she was on her way home, with a new tire. I want to go to my veg man, the sun is shining now so will put my sunglasses on for my poor eye.


                Lizzie, I hope your eye gets better soon. That must have been a comfort to you to be able to watch your sister's funeral. Your DS must be very clever taking on all that work.

                Nanto I hope your family are not too poorly

                Nana, have your family had their results?

                Lizzie, I changed my machine a few years ago, it is just a basic machine with some extra stitches but it has a needle threader. I think Nana has an all dancing machine, she is very clever.

                Sunshine here this morning, I hope my GD1's test comes back clear so that they can report to the hospital at 8am in the morning. They have estimated the baby is already 9lbs and they don't want her to get any bigger. I do hope everything goes smoothly for them. Her partner is on 3/4 weeks paternity leave now.

                I feel quite smug that I do not have a drawer containing things I don't know what to do with but I do have a bowl on the kitchen table that contains goodness know what, an elastic band went into it yesterday. I do have a man drawer started by my OH.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  My DD has just had a phone call to go at tea time to have her first Covid Jab , Her and several staff are going today and some tomorrow

                  That's one worry off my mind , I just need B to be vaccinated and I will be happy ,
                  Once they done i will be happy to wait all year for mine if need be
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Just found out my Brothers Grand daughter has tested positive ,
                    She works in a nursery and out of the 10 staff members 7 have tested positive , the other 3 are waiting results ,
                    She said she's ok apart from flu symptoms and not feeling good .

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oh dear Oma. I hope it doesn't affect her badly. Although my friend P was very poorly his wife wasn't too bad at all. It does seem to affect men more badly on the whole.
                      There are so many cases now it is making me scared to go out at all.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        My DD txt this morning to say that their results came back as negative. Phew. She said they're not out of the woods yet tho as the family they are in a bubble with have to be tested again as they couldn't determine their results. They are isolating still until they know.

                        I must admit Gem that I don't go out much now. I went to the Supermarket last week & was appalled by the lack of Covid safety measures. I'm full of cold, so goodness knows how I caught it. OH makes me laugh as he keeps popping up with the temperature 'gun' pointing it at my forehead. Glad I had my flu jab.

                        Lizzie, all this with your sister must have been so upsetting for you. Like Oma these times makes it so much harder when you loose someone you love & can't say your goodbyes.

                        Plant, you give me too much credit re sewing machine. 😉 I have an old Bernina for free stitching & a Brother one. I returned an all singing, all dancing machine (computer incorporated) because I couldn't figure it out & they exchanged it for the Brother one. I lost out on that as there was quite a difference in price. I'm not sure if it's WeeG who'se ace on the sewing machine front.

                        Oma sorry to hear about your brother's GD. Hope she's not too poorly.x
                        Last edited by Nana; 09-01-2021, 06:51 PM.
                        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                        (Doe Zantamata.)


                          Well they have their bags packed and off to the hospital tomorrow just after 7am. Not expecting much to happen before lunchtime. If the birth is not much before lunch, I can't see them coming home tomorrow. Everything very low key here atm but we shall be getting anxious and excited tomorrow. Fingers crossed everything goes swimingly.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good luck for your GD for a safe and not too long delivery Plant. Inductions seem to to take a slow route these days, so it may be a while before anything gets going.

                            Nana good news about your family. Two of my DDs have had to have Covid tests which were fortunately negative.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Plant - I bet the whole family is in a state of high excitement. Not long to wait now. I hope your GD has an easy labour. I can imagine the medics don't want her delivering a 10lb baby, so it's better to do it this way with everything under control. I would think they'd keep her in for one night just to make sure everything is ok. Wishing her the best of luck and an easy delivery. xx

                              Oma - I do hope your brother's GD is ok. It sounds as though the whole nursery is struggling with the virus.

                              Nana - thank goodness your GD and GCs are negative. I hope their friends are negative as well when they're re-tested.

                              Lizzie - I hope the sun didn't affect your poorly eye this morning. I often find the winter sun is so low it's dazzling.

                              The temperature rose above freezing today - a staggering 2C!!
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Cold this morning,but i can see some brightness in the sky.

                                Plant,hoping all goes well GD. Won't be long now.

                                Lizzie,sad that you couldn't be at your sisters funeral. Glad it went well.

                                Oma,sorry to hear your brothers GD has tested positive.
                                Nana, good that your daughterd family tested negative.
                                Gem, also good your DDs were negative.

                                Doing a roast pork dinner today.
                                DS2 is feeling better than he was,and wants a dinner.
                                Making extra, and if his partner and her DD don't want to eat,he will freeze it.
                                Hubby will take it up later,along with some milk he needs.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

