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    Nanto we dont sleep much do we

    Its quite mild out but taking a long time to lighten up , its still dark here ,
    Only us and another couple in Aldi so a nice stroll around the isles in comfort ,

    'Daisy silly question I know as you most likely already done so but have you checked J's hat ? does it have a turn up maybe the aid is in there .

    Gem has your Mums home started this test and visit yet ? i was watching the news last night when a lady visited her Mum for the first time in 8 month by having the quick test 1 hour before visiting inside .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Glamm, there are some nasty people around, your GS must be really shook up after having his bike taken.

      Daisy, those hearing aids are so tiny, I can see how people lose them.

      I got the smoke alarms done, the young man phoned and asked if I was home , I was home so he came and soon got them done..

      We had our update on covid rules last night, the new cases are going down to the rules that came in 2 weeks ago are being eased, the libraries, museums, pools etc can open again, only the restaurants must stay closed and from December 1st we must wear masks in shops etc.

      I posted this twice, lovely morning, sheets blowing in the wind so think I will get out on the bike.


        Good morning ladies.
        A lot of wakeful people about just now. After two very bad nights I'm pleased to report I slept well last night.

        Daisy, silly question as I'm sure he has checked, but the hearing aid isn't somehow stuck in OH's hat is it?! Oma, reading back I see you said the same!!!
        That will make life a bit more normal then Lizzie.
        Oma, sadly for now the care home visiting thing is only been trialed in certain areas, like Devon and Cornwall.
        With two staff members testing positive last week I doubt visitors would be allowed (or want to go in) to mums home just now anyway. Fingers crossed it is rolled out all over the country very soon.

        Highlight of the day today. Picking up a click and collect order from JL.

        Have a nice day everyone.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning, ladies, and thank you for happy graphics Nanto and Oma.

          Oma - you will be getting up before you've gone to bed at this rate! (There's a challenge for you!) I hope you catch a good nana nap during the day.

          Nanto - it feels mild here too, even the wind is quite warm this morning. I think it's due to get colder tomorrow though.

          Oma and Gem - yes, we both checked OH's hat, and all sorts of other silly places as well. It looks as though he'll just have to wait for a replacement.

          Gem - glad you caught up on sleep - I don't know how our regular insomniacs survive on so little night after night. I do hope they get safe visiting to care homes sorted out before Christmas.

          Lizzie - life will feel a bit more normal now. I hope it stays that way for you. Enjoy your bike ride.

          I want to get the last few tender plants cosied up for winter today, so I hope it stays dry.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Just looking in, I have a zoom meeting with my WI at 10am and not dressed yet, will pop back later.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oma yes the Police where involved and they where very good with him they think they know the culprits just need to catch them with the bike which I'm sure has now been sold on I have been looking on local sites to see if I can spot it.
              The sky is black this morning and I certainly will not be going outdoors today so am going to do a tidy up in my bedroom,very boring.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                The Neighbours over the road have been having a new kitchen put in this week , Big White vans there since Monday
                All going well they were due to finish today when they had to rip most of one wall out this morning to get to wires a workman had managed to drill through ,
                The Electricity board is there now so must be a big job , The new units are outside the front door again
                Our Neighbour is outside talking to the joiners he's not looking happy .

                Spoke to him last night and he said it was looking good bet he isnt feeling that now

                Water board van just pulled up so lord knows what they have done , I hope they can sort it quick for them ,
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  The heavens have just opened here! I'm glad we weren't out in it and there is no washing on the line.

                  Oh dear, poor neighbours Oma!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Same here Gem.

                    Oma, bet the neighbours aint happy.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Well looks like the units are going back in so whatever they had done must be fixed
                      Electricity and water board gone
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        The work wasn't being done by the same one Tizzy had trouble with, it started with the letter W?
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          That's what came to my mind Plant but no it was a small local firm
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma - it sounds as though the problem with your neighbours' kitchen has been fixed - what a relief for them.

                            Glamm - I do hope they catch the low life who took you GS's bike. It's bad enough stealing it but to have ganged up on your GS is even more horrible.

                            Plant - I hope you were ready in time for your Zoom meeting.

                            It looks as though I'm not the only one caught in the rain - I was part way through wrapping the largest banana plant up in nice cosy fleece when the heavens opened. I wanted to wrap it up as dry as possible so I carried on and got a fleece jacket on it as well, but I was soaked! I've still got a Gunnera to wrap up and two canna lilies in the greenhouse that need a bit more protection.

                            I seem to have a few vases of flowers round the house at the moment - which I love. But some of them were starting to look a bit jaded so I cleaned them all out and put fresh water and plant food in and re-arranged them. Hopefully they'll keep going for another week or so.

                            It ended up so wet and dark Eva didn't get the walk I'd promised her, but she was quite tired after playing with Cooper yesterday.

                            I hope everyone gets a good night's sleep tonight - night night. xx

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Raining on and off and breezy.

                              Do'nt suppose there will be much happening in this household today.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning, Nanto and all who follow later.

                                If I could send you some sunshine, I would! It's quite windy and a bit chilly but the sun's doing its best - fingers crossed it stays that way.

                                I had planned to do housework, but it doesn't take much to make me change my mind - I'm going to get those few jobs done in the garden and greenhouse while it's dry. I just wish the lawn would dry out too - it's so long!

                                I hope everyone got a good sleep last night and if you're twiddling your thumbs today pop over to my thread Christmas and Covid and tell us what your ideal version of Covid restrictions would be for your family. We can always dream! xx

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

