Oh, Lizzie, poor you. I hope if it definitely is shingles it doesn't hit you too hard. It's strange isn't it, because it can affect different parts of the body. Take care, and keep warm. xx
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Lizzie shingles are nasty , B had it when he was on Chemo and you wouldn't believe how bad it got for him , his leg swelled to twice its size and went purple from toes to groin
He still has the effects 3 years later , probably wouldn't be as bad but the Chemo just made it go out of control .
My Brother has had it a few times on his head and my FIL used to get it on his side .
Hope it doesn't cause too much pain , good to hear you already on antibiotics , take care lovely lady xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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thankyou, oh dear Oma, mine isn't as bad as that, I did read that it can affect people on chemo in different ways.
I hope the pain has gone now, it was like a fire inside over the weekend. I will take care. My sister isn't too well at the moment, I am waiting for either her of my BIL to phone me, she was taken to the hospital yesterday with fluid behind her lungs. Will see how and why when they get some results.
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This was his Lizzie but as I said it was the Chemo that caused it to be so bad ,
They had to do biopsy to confirm it actually was as it didn't look like normal Shingles .
Hope your sister is ok how old is she ? xxYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Oh Lizzie, feel better soon. My OH had it a few years ago, luckily not too badly. The worst thing for her was the pain that we didn't know the cause of. Once the rash came out we knew.
I hope your sister is OK.
My friend and I had a nice chat, we hadn't met up since December.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Oma, that was dreadful, mine is nothing like that!!!!!!! I haven't heard anything yet about my sister, she is 77, thought 76 but remember her telling me she was 77 on the 7th day of the 7th month. I have a neighbour on the first floor, he is 97 years old today, he told me a few years ago that his birthday is 2-3-23, I can't forget that can I!
I had the pain on over the weekend Gem, especially in bed.
DS1 has just phoned to see how I am, he was supposed to be going to Dubai on Friday for work but it has all been cancelled because of the Corona virus, the rest of the business for a month at least he said.
It was GD2 birthday last week, first school day today after the holiday and they take "treats" in for the class so she was one happy little girl this morning, over the years they have made some fantastic things between them! They did go round all the classes with treats for the teachers but something tells me that has been stopped as they were being over fed!!
GD2 bought airpods last year, she told me " they all have them at school nan" ! I had a few things here in the shed belonging to them to put on Ebay, I told her I would put the Boretti cooking hood on Ebay and if it sold the money was hers to pay for the pods, it sold the very first day so she bought them, last week she told me she wanted new ones as these weren't working like they should, I was shocked, not a year old and cost a fortune!!! (Well to me anyway) !
I came home and did my research and they are fully guaranteed for a year, I told DS1 if he phoned I would take them in to be repaired, he just told me he took them into Amac on Saturday and just got a mail that it was of no fault of GD1 that they were not working right and that they will be replaced with a new set. The young lady in the shop told him that they often get returned from people wearing them under the shower etc, then they won't be replaced.
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Lizzie - well done on getting your GD2's airpods replaced. I think they're expensive as well! Has she got one of those recharging cases for them? I think that's such a good idea.Haha - I love the idea of your GDs' teachers being overfed.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
It’s been a very pleasant day here, sunny and not too cold.
We went out this morning and bought a new cooker. A Zanussi induction with a self cleaning oven! It’s had good reviews and was a reasonable price from John Lewis. Because it has an induction hob I have to buy new pots and pans but most of mine are very old anyway so that’s ok. Luckily my lovely new pan recently bought is ok for induction hobs. So that’s our little job for tomorrow.
It was no lovely this afternoon I even got out into the garden and did some weeding and emptied some pots of old plants. The green bin is emptied tomorrow so that was a good job done.
I feel like we’ve achieved something today and we both feel better with the improved weather.
Have a good evening everyone 🌞
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Lizzie, pleased the airpods will be replaced.
Enfys,been a pleasant day here as well.
Have fun shopping for new pans,to go with your new cooker.
Spoke to my SIL earlier, and it's secondary cancer.
She doesn't know what treatment she will get,until she see's the specialist on Monday.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Nanto - I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law, but hopefully there will be treatment she can have. It will seem a long time waiting until her appointment on Monday. Do they live anywhere near you?
Enfys - what a good productive day. Your new oven sounds good - is it a free-standing one or does it go into existing housing? Good reason (not excuse) to choose new pots and pans.
Lizzie - I've got this lovely mental image of teachers wobbling round the classrooms like Weebles!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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