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    Good morning ladies

    Daisy, my GD has always spent a lot of time colouring, drawing and writing. Minimal supplies needed to amuse when they enjoy those activities
    Nan2, I hope it is the best news it can be for your SIL. Generally a new cancer is better news than a secondary. However my OH has lived with secondary cancer for 10 years now, so nothing is hopeless.
    More rain forecast here for most of the morning, but it is quite bright now.

    Usual Thursday for me. Doing Mum's shopping and visiting her. It is getting harder as she now doesn't give me a list. I have to try to second guess what she needs. Last week I put a note pad and pen on her kitchen table (which she never eats at) so when she is getting low on something she writes it down. Having a pad in the living room wasn't working. This is an attempt to avoid the 'I can't think' response to the last few times I phoned for her list. When I went the other day nothing was written on that list and the pen had been moved! I will just have to hone up my mindreading skills I suppose.

    Tonight we are going for a pub meal and quiz with friends, and their great nieces from New Zealand. That pub does the weird phone quiz thing.

    Have a good day everyone.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oh poor C Oma, hope things improve for her.

      So many poorly people, I hope your Sil gets good news next week Nanto.

      I rang the hospital yesterday and was told my sister was on her way home with her eldest GD. I was going to give her time to get settled in but she rang me first. My sister lost her eldest son some years ago and her other son lives in Hong Kong soon to retire to Thailand so she depends on her Dil and her GD's. One of her GD'ds was on her way from London to stay with her for a few days. Aqua for me this morning, so will pop back later.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Morning ladies ,
        Its dull and drizzly at the moment , we are hoping to get a run to Richmond today a change of scenery , it depends how hard it rains I suppose ,

        As you say Plant so many poorly people

        Nanto fingers crossed for SIL its awful waiting for results but a good upbeat attitude works wonders ,

        Clare is struggling not working also , she and Martin work in the same department and she's missing that .
        Its a long day for her, luckily her Mam s going around when she can get time off but she's a Paramedic for Great north Air Ambulance so she works long hours too.

        Plant how did your sister sound ? nice that her GD is going to spend time with her , they sound lovely people x

        Gem its hard work working out what someone else needs isn't it , we often bring stuff for his Mam she has asked for and you can bet your bottom dollar she doesn't like the brand or its not the right size etc

        Daisy its nice when they will have quiet time and colour there books my boys never liked colouring books but liked to draw or paint pictures , my DD loved them and still does , she finds these adult colouring books restful when she gets the chance that is,
        Although she is a trained Artist with a fine art degree just something like this simple and not something you have to think about she enjoys .

        Have a good day ladies and all that follow xxx

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning everyone. It's dull and drizzly here, too.

          Plant - I'm so glad you sister is home and I'm sure having her GD to stay for a few days will cheer her up. As Oma says - they sound a lovely family.

          Gem - how frustrating your mum won't/can't tell you what shopping she needs. Does she have a 'core' of basics she needs every week - break, milk, eggs - that kind of thing? It's impossible to second guess what she wants if she won't tell you. Deep breaths, Gem, deep breaths. You'll be ready to enjoy your night out. xx

          Oma - enjoy your day out if it's not too wet. Poor Clare - it's bad enough feeling so poorly without feeling lonely as well. I'm sure your DD would love to have free time to do more art - she's such a talented lady.

          Nanto - everything crossed for your SIL. She sounds a very brave and upbeat lady, which always helps. x

          Another late start here - we're getting so lazy! It's too miserable to think of going out, and gardening is out of the question. I suppose that means the dreaded housework! There's plenty to do - Eva is moulting. For a short-haired dog she is amazing - she could moult for England once she starts!

          See you later.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Well we ventured out and the sun came out , it was windy and cold but dry ,
            Had a lovely few hours in Richmond and also found a German Café , so we had Currywurst and chips and a lovely hot drink ,
            The lady that runs the Café said she hasn't been open long but doing a good trade with the Soldiers who come back to the Barracks from Germany

            She had a good German menu lots of favourites
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma - that cafe sounds like a good find, even though I have no idea what Currywurst is - some kind of curried German sausage?
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                When my son was in Germany with BFBS, we visited him a few times, enjoyed the food but usually it was heavily meat based and not much veg.

                My sister sounded a bit weary but glad to be home. Her GC are all very good to her because she virtually brought them up. Her son has been married three times and she has 1 GD from his first marriage, 2 from the 2nd and a 4th from his last marriage, non of them are married but have offspring. He is now building a house in Thailand to live in with his new partner when he retires next month. My sisters house has been their sanctuary and still is. Her eldest son died some years ago and his wife, her Dil does my sister's housework, she has an unmarried son who also spends some time with my sister, she is definitely the Matriarch.

                I can remember going to Richmond Oma, I think it was there that we visited a Regimental Museum. If I remember it has a big open square and we had lunch in an hotel there.

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Yes Daisy a German sausage with curry sauce

                  Plant that's the place also has a beautiful castle . The Museum is still very popular

                  Your Sister sounds well loved and rightly so Plant xx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Well now I feel bad as mum had written a small shopping list (but not phoned with it LOL, and I didn't phone her as she hasn't had one in recent weeks. The only thing it had on that I didn't get was eggs. DD3 is going to see her on Saturday so I will ask her to take eggs. On the list were tins of beans and spaghetti but as I know she has lots of each I wouldn't have been getting those anyway!

                    It must be nice for you to know your sister had caring family around Plant.
                    I'm glad you got out Oma.

                    Time to get ready to go out again. Bye for now
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gem - don't feel bad about your mum's shopping list. You can only predict on past performance! Enjoy your evening.

                      Plant - it's lovely to know your sister is so well-loved by her whole family, especially her GCs.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Oma, sounds like you had a nice day out.

                        Plant,its lovely that your sister has got such a loving family.

                        Gem, hope you enjoy your evening.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          The day with GS2 went well. Snakes & ladders & Bug, (I'd call it Beetle...can you remember the Beetle Drives?), walk with GD & J-dog. GD even pushed the boat out & made a pkt mix batch of biscuits. First time OH had ever baked. Very nice they were too. They were both pleased.

                          Oma I'm sorry to hear C isn't well. I remember seeing her Mum on the air ambulance tv programme. Nan2 I hope you're not too worried. Plant glad to hear that you were able to talk to your sister again. There seems to be quite a few poorly people just now. Sending get well wishes.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            Nana do you think OH will try another pkt mix now he's Mastered one ? sounds a lovely day ,
                            So nice when they will sit down and play board games , plus its less taxing than some stuff they want you to do isn't it hahaha xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Too right Oma. GS2 is 6 in about 4mths time. He's a cheeky rascal, (but well mannered & kind) but that's how I like them. Re OH, I'll wait to see if the pkt mix gets replaced.😉😂
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)


                                Good morning. A bit of fine drizzle this morning and its cold.

                                Nana, sounds like you had a lovely day.

                                3rd visit of the week to in laws.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

