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    Good morning ladies
    A very thick frost when I opened my curtains, brrrrrr!!

    Sometimes a day at home is just what you need Nan2, especially at this time of year.

    Today is the rearranged dental appointment for my mum's lost filling.You may remember she cancelled it on the day last time.
    I will also do her shopping. I doubt she will come to a cafe with me, but I will offer.

    Have a good day ladies. Keep warm. Or cool in Qwerty's case
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Nanto - good morning, and to all who follow later. The girl in your graphic looks so cute wrapped up against the cold.

      Thanks for the information about slow cooker recipes - I'll have to have a browse round.

      A day at home for me today. OH is going to a funeral this morning and the friend he's giving a lift to wants to stay for the wake, so I don't expect he'll be back until after lunch. It's a new crematorium - one of several new ones around Southampton in recent years. I suppose it's one of the services we don't realise gets stretched as our population increases.

      It's quite frosty, but the sun's out, so hopefully I can get into the garden later on.

      Waving Enfys off on her little holiday <waves> - have a lovely time, both of you.

      Oma - it looks as though you didn't sleep well last night - I hope you can get a Nana nap later on. xx

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Jack frost has visited overnight, nice and sunny now. Aqua for me this morning, hope the side roads are okay.

        I hope Enfys has a sunny few days, her DD must be home now.

        Lets hope your mother gets that tooth fixed Gemini, I hope she goes to the cafe with you, she misses out quite a lot not wanting to join in.

        Enjoy your day at home Nanto, I hope you don't get a call from the in-laws.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Gem - sorry I didn't see your post before I posted. I do hope your mum is ok today at the dentist. xx

          Plant - enjoy your Aqua. Hopefully the side roads will be ok if they were dry yesterday like ours were.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Thanks ladies, she had better go today!!
            I agree Plant. We always have some sort of cake as a Thursday afternoon treat, which I buy with her shopping and we have at her house. It would do her so much good to sit in a cafe and have something though. She gets more and more anxious being out of the house at all now, so I will be very surprised if her answer isn't 'No we'll just got back to my house shall we?'
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies a lovely bright crisp morning .

              Gem it would be such a change for her im sure she would enjoy it if you could persuade her to go to a café , but just getting her to Dentist would be a feat in itself

              Nanto enjoy your day at home it must feel strange not dashing around though .

              Daisy have you anything planned for your day in ?

              Plant be careful walking out there if its still frosty xx

              Hope Enfys has a lovely break away .

              Well as I didn't go to bed till 4.30 I got my washing done and dried , I was up again at 7 so I ironed it all before the dog got here ,
              did a bit of a tidy not much to do just hoover really as I dusted during the night ,

              Took Storm for a long walk it was lovely and crisp but not freezing .

              Came in he went to have a drink , came into the sitting room and Vomited like a whale all over my carpet and kept walking so it was in several places

              Why he couldn't do that while we were out I don't know

              He is happily asleep in the garden now after he watched me clean it up and shampoo the places he had been sick

              May try for a nap later but we have a new oven coming anytime between 12.30 & 4.30 and we have GS1 from school so may not get the chance , as you can bet I would lay down and they would come with the oven

              Have a good day ladies whatever you get up too xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oh why couldn't he have been sick outside as you say Oma?!!
                You must be so tired. I don't know where you get your energy from.
                OH has decided to go over and paint the drainpipe at my mum's which she prepared last week. Thursday afternoon is a golf one so she can't go over when I do.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem - I hope your mum made it to the dentist, and hopefully to a cafe as well. It's such a pity that she's reluctant to go out anywhere.

                  Oma - I didn't have much planned, but did a batch of food prep for Eva - we're going up to Leek next week for 3 days, so need to get supplies organised for her while she stays at DS2's. So I did all that, cooked liver for treats for her, then did a bit of keyboard practice. Although it was quite sunny the wind was biting, and I didn't fancy gardening in the end. The back garden still had frost on the lawn until lunch-time. Hopefully, tomorrow will be warmer. I bet Storm enjoyed his long walk. A walk's not the same without a dog to keep you company is it.

                  I wonder what made Storm vomit so badly. There's a nasty doggy bug doing the rounds, D&V bad enough to need a trip to the vets, so I do hope he hasn't got that. I never understand why house-trained dogs who would be mortified if they had an 'accident' in the house don't feel the same when they are sick!!

                  I hope your new oven is ok. You don't seem to have much luck with them.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Daisy he was sick another twice and very quiet , so he hasn't had anything else but water and he hasn't wanted anything either , he was at Day care yesterday so we wondering if another dog has had this bug and he has picked it up poor lad .

                    No haven't had much luck with ovens so B bought quite a expensive one this time a NEFF slide and hide , the ones where the door slides into the bottom see how we go with that , Maybe paying a bit more will do the trick .
                    The one we have is fine but its very noisy the fan rattles and we have had it changed but no better

                    Gem did you get Mum to the dentist ?
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oh poor poorly Storm I hope he's better soon.
                      Too cold for gardening Daisy

                      Mum has been to the dentist!! He was very nice but I had to repeat everything loudly for her to hear! He has sorted the broken sharp tooth and she has to go back for two small fillings later this month. She was very crabby with me on the phone about it all this morning. It's like taking a child to something they don't want to go to they and blame you! She was numbed by an injection so I didn't suggest going out to a cafe in the end, as it's not much fun with a numb mouth.

                      I had to call SIL2 to rescue us from the dentist car park It is a small car park at the back. I did consider parking on the quiet side street at the side of the dentist but as there was only one car in the car park I parked there. Less distance for mum to walk. Big mistake. Other cars came while we were there and when we came back the car park was full. The only way I could reverse out was a sharp turn with a wooden fence with concrete posts on one side, a car on the other and a flower bed with low stone wall diagonally behind me. Not impossible but far from easy for someone who hates reversing and doesn't want her new car scratched! I tried a few times but couldn't do it. OH was on the golf course. Luckily SIL is a wonderful driver (took all the advanced driving tests possible) and works only a few minutes away. As it is their own business he doesn't have to ask anyone for time off. So, I had to phone him to ask him, and bless him he rescued me, and gave mum a hug and kiss too I do love my SIL
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gem always best to ask for help , some of these parking spaces are ridiculously small and full of hazards , I would have done the same thing ,
                        Pleased you finally got her to Dentist I thought you were going to say she had cancelled again

                        What a lovely SIL sounds like mine
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, hope Storm hasn't picked up a bug.
                          Good luck with the new oven.

                          Gem, well done for getting mum to the dentist this time.
                          Good of your SIL to come and rescue you.

                          Weather was lovely today. it was a frosty start,but quite pleasant when the sun came out.
                          i even put the washing out on the line,and it had a bit of a gentle blow.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            It was a lovely sunny day here too Nan2, after the frosty start. Blue skies and sunshine 🌞
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Oma - I do hope Storm hasn't got the bug that's going round. Pam our trainer was talking about it last night and when I asked if it was a vet job she said an emphatic 'yes'. Storm's a young, healthy boy, but if you or DD are in doubt I'd at least ring his vet. Your new oven does sound very posh - I love those slide under doors!

                              Gem - thank goodness your Mum made it to the dentist. I hope it doesn't put her off going back for the two small fillings though. But at least the main problem has been sorted out. What a lovely SIL you have. I often get OH or DS2 to reverse my car out of DS2's drive. I usually park in a parking space in their cul de sac, but sometimes it's full and a new neighbour has taken to parking his very large car so that it half blocks the drives of DS2 and the neighbours either side. It means I have to park touching GS's garage door and then have to reverse out avoiding DS's car, the car of the neighbour who shares their drive and their other neighbour's hedge as well as the badly parked car! There are several chances to cause mayhem, especially when it's dark.

                              Nanto- it was sunny here too, but so cold I would have frozen trying to hand washing out. Are you in a sheltered spot, because I notice you're often able to dry washing outside when the weather's too damp/cold here?

                              Plant - how was Aqua? Was your usual instructor back?
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy DD going to ring vets in the morning if he's still throwing up xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

