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    Clover thinking of you and sending HUGS
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Clover hope your not to tired today and you eventually enjoy the day , hugs and best wishes xxxxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        We have just came home from DD house been there since 11am what a lovely day we have had ,
        As usual DD went overboard with the food , The Turkey was so succulent not one bit of dryness , I didn't have any Gammon there was just too much to choose from .

        I did so well present wise , B bought me a Dyson hairdryer , Airpods and £250 gift voucher then when I got to DD's there was a huge bag of presents from them and more vouchers ,

        They were lovely but it was only a small part of a special day spent with family and our friends , James had prepared games and a quiz we laughed a lot , We face timed SIL's brother and SIL had a good giggle with them ,
        I even had two snowballs

        My head aches with laughing and im more than a little tired , we would have stayed longer ut poor B was falling asleep

        Going to take my makeup off and put PJ's on to watch telly ,
        Oh and DS sent pics of the children too

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Happy Christmas Grans, hope you all have a lovely time with your families xx
          Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


            DS1 and GD2 came for Christmas dinner. They went home about 5ish.
            Been a lovely day,but feeling a bit tired now.
            We got some lovely presents, too numerous to mention.
            Millionaire is on at 9,and after that i'll be going to bed.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I hope everyone's day went to plan. Clover - sending you hugs.

              DS2 and family arrived about 11.30 which was great timing as I needed him to help me lever the turkey in and out of the oven for basting. Oh, bless him, has put his back out, bending down to move the dog bed! We've still managed to have a lovely day - the girls loved their presents and enjoyed seeking out the naughty elves who had gone off and hidden themselves! They all left about 7.30, and OH and I have been dozing in front of the tv, after a lovely, happy day.

              Night, night everyone. xx

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I'm glad you had a lovely day Daisy which is what you deserve
                You too Oma, and Nan2
                Nice to see you Avo!

                We did too, breakfast with our friend T, then, opening our presents, then Christmas dinner and the afternoon with my mum. We took her back just after 5 (she was ready to go, with another day out tomorrow!) We came back, fed the neighbours cat, then got our PJs on and watched TV. We didn't watch any last night as our friend was here so we had plenty to watch

                I must confess to a little envy at seeing DD2's photos on FB of their Christmas dinner and walk in the woods with SIL's parents. The grandparents spend every Christmas Day at DD's, and we spend ours here with my mum. Envy is not a nice quality though and at least I will see everyone tomorrow

                Night night all, talk on Boxing Day xx
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Pleased to hear that you all had a happy day. Clover I'm sorry to hear you feeling sad. I wish that we lived nearer. If only for a chat & coffee.

                  Our day was lovely too. The dinner went well & we were all able to chill. Someone is definitely looking down on us.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Good morning. I'm shattered,been awake all night.
                    Early night for me.

                    Clover,hope yesterday wasn't too bad for you.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning everyone.

                      Hope you all had a good Christmas Day. We had a very nice time at DD’s, lovely food, fun and games. Went home just after 9.30, we were shattered. We have a lazy day today until teatime when we will go over to them again. DD and DGS are off to football.....Bournemouth v Arsenal, they are very excited ....and SIL has a big cycling event. It’s pouring with rain so he won’t be very happy ☹️.

                      We both had some very nice gifts, even though I told DD not to bother buying much for us as she has been saving hard for her trip to see DS and DGD ( she leaves on Jan. 1st). But she was very naughty and we had some really thoughtful gifts. She said nothing cost much but a lot of thought went into it, she’s very good at that bless her 😀.

                      We also spoke to DS and family and DGD which was lovely. So a very happy day for us. P was quite tired but he hasn’t been sleeping well lately so that didn’t help. I made him a big mug of Horlicks before he went to bed and he said he had a much better night so hopefully he’ll feel better today.

                      Hope you all have a lovely Boxing Day. Clover, I do hope things are better for you xx
                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        Good morning ladies.

                        Oh Nan2, poor you I hope you have an easy day today.
                        Enfys, it's lovely to hear you and P are having a lovely family Christmas I hope P slept better.

                        Today is the family day for me. We will collect my mum at 12.30 then head over to DD2's. How long we stay will depend to an extent on mum. I would like to stay into the evening, but it's tiring for her, and with over half an hour drive each way we wont be dropping her home and coming back.

                        Happy Boxing day, whatever it holds.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Boxing Day morning from me.

                          Gem - enjoy your family day. I hope your mum's having such fun she doesn't notice the time.

                          Enfys - what a lovely day you had. The power of a big mug of Horlicks is wonderful - I'm so glad he had a better night last night. Your DD sounds a really kind and caring person. xx

                          Nanto - poor you. I hope you can take it easy today and get a Nana nap at some point.

                          Today is our 'day off'. We have nothing planned except taking Eva out, but OH has hurt his back, so he may not feel like it.

                          Whatever you're doing today, have a good day. xx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Morning ladies ,
                            Nanto I didn't sleep well either I had very swollen ankles and they were quite painful couldn't rest , I sat around a lot yesterday and that's not good for me I need to be on the move ,
                            Hope you sleep better tonight , try have a nana nap even 20 minutes helps xx

                            Daisy is J up yet how's his back today ? enjoy your walk with EVA

                            Gem I do hope your Mum stays a little longer but she must tire easily at her age , enjoy your day

                            Enfys your DD sounds a lovely thoughtful girl , pleased P slept better and you did too xx

                            We having a lazy day today need to recover from yesterday ,

                            B phoned Martin this morning , his Mam spent the day & Night with them but Martin had to take her to emergency Dr this morning she has a bad chest infection and had a bad night , so she's back on antibiotics ,
                            She wants to come home at lunch time although Martin would prefer her to stay ,

                            Have a good restful day ladies xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Strange Christmas day for us. Family gathering for present opening then we all went our separate ways. Unfortunately Sil's mother had a fall during the night before and was on her bedroom floor all night, she now has a bad chest infection so was unable to join DD, Sil and me to have Christmas dinner at the restaurant so we were just three. Taxi came, we had all been drinking bubbles, and afterwards a taxi took us to her house to see her and give her some food. Her four local children are taking it in turns to go and see her as she lives on her own. Taxi brought us home about 9. Not our usual family Christmas day. GGS was lovely opening his presents, they have left some under the tree for another time as he was on his way to his other GM's and more presents. Today we are all off to DS's and Dil's about 3pm for a curry feast together with lots of their friends (hope he has cooked enough curries). I have offered to be a driver, so no drinking for me. Very strange Christmas for us.

                              Clover, I really do wish there was something I could do, I know we are all wishing the same.

                              Pleased your mother managed to stay the course Gemini, shame you have to leave early.

                              Daisy, hope you manage to have a walk. Did you have a lovely sunny day as we did yesterday. Hesitate to say, it was like a Spring day.

                              Oma, hope your ankles are more comfortable today, perhaps you will be able to raise them. Sorry Mil has a chest infection, hope she feels better soon.

                              Nana, your family day sounded good and you feel happy.

                              It is now 11 am and I am not dressed so must get a move on.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                My mum is now not coming to DDs house. I had my doubts to be honest. Several family visitors for her in the run up to Christmas, plus a day out here yesterday is too much. I think if Boxing Day was a week later she would cope! She insists she is fine, just too tired to go, despite my trying to persuade her.
                                I will pop in to see her tomorrow.

                                I'm sorry your SIL's mother had a fall Plant. Enjoy your curry!
                                Rest those ankles with feet up today Oma and I hope your MIL is soon better.
                                Have a good Day Off Daisy.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

