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    Good morning. Pouring with rain here again, but milder. Yesterday it looked lovely, very sunny, but when we went out, boy was it cold. Really icy so didn’t stay out long.

    Today I am sorting out what we need to take for our little trip away. It’s only 4 nights so not a huge amount, but must make sure to take all medications etc.

    I was hoping to have a walk this morning to deliver a few cards but will wait for a break in the rain. Daisy, I was surprised when I went into Poole with DD the other day how quiet it was. I was expecting it to be heaving.

    Have a good day everyone ☔️
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      Morning ladies ,

      Daisy I think when your on the go all the time you don't realise how much you are doing till you write it down ,then you see it and think my gosh how did I fit it in ,
      That's what we all think when we hear what you have been up too .

      Hope you can get them sorted and at least comfy for Christmas x

      Gem I bet GS2 was so excited seeing all them lights what a wonderful time of year it is for little people the magic of it all and of course Grandma kindly taking them for fish and chips

      Qwerty hows the mouth has it settled down ? hope it doest keep you awak lv xxx

      Nanto enjoy Sheffield will you be having lunch out

      Plat how are you today was clinic ok ?

      Enfys enjoy your little break sets you up for Christmas

      Going to tidy all the chestnut husks out of the garden today while its dry we get loads of them but never see the chestnuts for some reason , I think its the birds eating them and throwing the husks down , plus we have loads of wet leaves to get up

      Been busy the house smells lovely of Pine disinfectant pity the smell doesn't last long ,
      Have a good day ladies xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Party was great yesterday, the large school hall was full of the elderly from surrounding area. Lovely tea, waited on by the students, entertained by the students. I had my nails painted by the 6th form girls, the young lady who did my nails wanted to study stage make-up and is going to Pinewood studios for a year. Very quiet day today, my DD and sil are moving GS2 into his new flat in London. Might put my little tree up.

        Hope your DS and family get settled into their new home, don't tire yourself out too much Daisy. Have fun with your Karcher.

        Have a nice day shopping in Sheffield Nanto, hope it stays fine.

        Is there any cure for Volunteeritis Gemini?
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning ladies, I’m sat listening to some Christmas music that OH added on our playlist with Alexa .
          We were supposed to pop to the cemetery today but as it’s raining we have put it off till Tuesday ( which is forecast rain but we will have to put up with it ) . We can’t go Monday as we both have an appointment at the hairdresser .

          Gem, I knew there must be a word for me always opening my mouth before putting my brain into gear .Volunteeritis !! That’s the affliction I have . Always first to offer to do something even though I sometimes haven’t a clue how I am going to achieve it

          Have a good day ladies
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Afternoon ladies what a day it’s turned out to be today we’ve had rain , wind, sleet and a bit of snow . OH went for my antibiotics this morning as they were out of stock yesterday, he was like a drowned rat when he came in and he went in the car too !
            I’ve been wrapping up pass the parcels it’s flipping hard work ,got one done and I ran out of sellotape don’t you just hate it when that happens, I usually y a few rolls at a time but hadn’t realised it was the last time so everything has come to a standstill 😏
            Volunteering isn’t a name I’m familiar with , I get asked or told long before then 😦
            Sounds like you had a lovely time at the party and nice nails as well
            Oma and for that matter Gem don’t you dare buy address books just saying !!!!!!!
            Oma the mouth is ok today so far , as I said I can go 2 dus and I think it’s gone but then it starts up , there is no explanation for it can’t find anything to blame, sometimes when I come in from the cold it bothers me other times the cold doesnt , can you get phantom teeth 🦷
            Enfys have an amazing break warm clothes and the odd tot of what you fancy is doctors orders Dr Qwertys orders
            Reading a book right now and a glass of water on hand ,I know and there is nothing in it , but behaving myself till Friday, Xmas music on and presents under the tree, fa la la La la doesn’t stop me thinking about Glamma though 😢
            Ive been banned from the garage too he’s up to secret things 😉


              We had a lovely day in Sheffield.
              It was raining when we set off,but stayed dry while we were there.
              Didn't get home till 5'oclock. It was cold though.
              We get going into various shops for warm. Nice to go in some shops we don't have in our town.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning, GD1 phoned yesterday, would I PLEASE go into town with her, she had a party last night and needed presents! I said we could go to Rotterdam or Den Haag, even easier, the shopping centre in the next town, we chose for that, we were early so parking was easy, after going in and out of almost all the shops she got what she wanted, well, not really as what she really wanted they didn't have that in the store in Zoetermeer, she managed to find something else suitable.

                When we were leaving at lunch time it was getting very busy so I am pleased we went early. We called and got a bunch of amaryllis from the grower, it is a friends birthday today, she lives on the second floor, diagnosed with alzeimer, she asked if I was going this morning for her birthday, I remember it was the 15th so I am going later.

                I had to go for a hearing test last week, I got the results on Tuesday, in the right ear my hearing is impaired, that is normal with age, but, the left one has got really bad since my last test 5 years ago, he can compare the results and said it is going too fast, so, now have to go for an MRI scan at the end of January to see what is causing it. Not pleased about that.


                  Good morning Lizzie and all who follow.
                  Pleased your GD1 managed to get her shopping done.
                  Sorry to hear about your hearing test,hope all goes well.

                  Got a busy day, putting decorations up and other jobs.
                  Onwards and upwards.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Morning ladies ,
                    Lizzie its parking too if as you say you don't get there early , its the same the world over ,
                    Maybe your hearing is degenerate and will be solved with hearing aids , B's hearing aids are so small unless you look you cant see them , the back bit behind the ear actually could be mistaken for the ends of his glasses arms ,

                    Nanto good luck with the decorating , I like to see them up but its hard work

                    How are we all ? I hope Sunshine is enjoying her cruise , saw pics on FB looks lovely and warm ,

                    Enfys when do you go on your trip ? did I miss the date?

                    Not much to do today I pottered on yesterday and got lots of little jobs done ,
                    I need to go to our shopping centre this morning I need Meths spirits to clean my mirrors I like to give them a clean with Meths every now and then get any build up off ,
                    I also need a new outdoor broom B managed to break mine yesterday mind you it hangs on back of gate in all weathers and I have had it a few years so cant complain .

                    Have a good day ladies xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good morning dear ladies.

                      It is nice to shop somewhere different Nan2. I will be continuing with decorations too.
                      I hope Enfys and Mr Enfys have a lovely break. I know Sunshine is as I have seen the photos on FB
                      Mimi, some of us are life's volunteers and some are not. All my life I have been offering to do things I often have no time to do!
                      Lizzie, how lovely that GD1 asked you to go shopping with her. Sorry about the hearing thing, but try not to worry about it.

                      We got the Christmas trees in living room and hallway done yesterday. No outside lights yet, as despite no rain forecast it rained a lot.
                      Hopefully we will get them up in a day or two. We had a very good night last night.
                      This morning I am going to my friend M's for coffee and to exchange Christmas cards. Then a little present shopping, and on to my mum's this afternoon.
                      I must finish writing my Christmas cards today.
                      OH is in a golf competition today.

                      Have a good day everyone.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning, everyone.

                        I'm sorry I didn't get back here yesterday. As I mentioned we were going to help DS1 and DIL with house things, as they're due to move back in the few days in after major alterations. Things didn't quite go to plan - OH wasn't very well. I'll write about it in the OH's Health thread. We got home about 8 pm, had a bowl of soup and went to bed. OH is still asleep, and I need to go and collect Eva from DS2's.

                        Today I intend to finish writing cards (nearly there!) and hopefully get some decorations up. OH has a hospital appointment for his eyes tomorrow so that's tomorrow taken up. It's a long day, seeing the consultant, scans, eye tests and the grand finale - an injection. We're not looking forward to it.

                        I've read your posts, but please excuse me from commenting at the moment - I need to get my act together and fetch Eva. Both GDs have a sickness bug, and Cooper has been very sick too. There's wild garlic coming up in their garden and he eats it. We think that's what's making him ill.

                        I will try and get back later, I'm missing chatting.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Oh dear Daisy!
                          I hope all poorly family members and dog soon recover. Poor OH having the eye injection to look forward to as well.
                          Take care xx
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Gem - thank you. xx
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning I think, it’s so dark here I’m not sure if it is actually morning or bed time

                              Nan2 it’s lovely when the decs are up, a bit of a kerfuffle Iknow but well worth it.

                              In this horrible weather the scouts scouts are doing their Christmas post today , bless them , I must look out for them and give them something for their troubles.
                              Yesterday afternoon there was a loud bang on the front door, when I opened it there was two young lads selling arms full of mistletoe . I didn’t buy any as we don’t tend to have any in the flat anymore. I was tempted mind you but OH said no as you don’t know where they got it from and it could bring all sorts to our door. Isn’t it a shame we have become so suspicious, they could just be two enterprising young lads !

                              Have a a good day everyone
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Good morning. Just a quick check in before we leave.

                                im not taking my iPad as I think spending time in it...too not helping my neck so I will be incommunicado 🙂.

                                Had and a quick look through the posts, Daisy, hope your DH is OK. Definately worth a check up.

                                Hope everyone else is OK, just need to finish the packing then we’re off. I have plenty of winter woollies 😀

                                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

