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    Avo, I love the first picture. It's a super example of there being a light at the end of the tunnel. Beautiful.

    Sorry I can't reply to everyone's posts but I'm off to the hairdressers in a bit. Oma I'm tempted to make a comment about you cleaning your pipes, but I think you can fill in the blanks.😂🤣😉
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      G'day everyone. After a really heavy downpour just as we were driving from the hospital, the sun's now shining and it's warmed up a bit.

      Avo - thank you for the photos - they're lovely. I love seeing all the different kinds of fungi/toadstools at this time of the year - we have some rally beautiful ones, but I don't know the name of most of them. Walking in the Forest just before dark last night, Eva stood rooted to the spot when she saw two large Fly Agaric (the red/white spotted ones) but I explained she couldn't eat them!! She doesn't need any help to behave like a loony at times. Haha Were the stags fighting?

      Nanto - I love these autumn graphics - they look so warm and cosy.

      Glamm - I'd be frustrated with my laptop behaving like that. Enjoy your creche. It's great to have two the same age and as they get older I'm sure they'll love playing together.

      Gem - have a lovely day. I hope the sun shines for you. It will do you good to get away even if it's only one day. xx

      Enfys - poor you. It sounds as though you're in a lot of pain, and I'm wondering if you should get your ribs checked just in case. Better to be sure than sorry. Sending (very gentle) hugs. xx

      Clover - enjoy your trip to the shopping centre. It is good to have a change of scene - and hopefully a few treats for you both.

      Mimi - you never know, the x-rays may show something besides arthritis that can be treated. Men! Honestly!

      Nana - it is just a quick trim or a whole new hairstyle for you today? I don't enjoy going to the hairdressers but always feel better for it afterwards.

      We were in and out of the hospital today! We got there early as there was no traffic holdups and no parking problems and OH had had his treatment and we were on our way home by 10.10 which was when his appointment was due! Nurse Daisy is ministering to him - painkillers, gunge in his eye, cups of tea etc while he tries to catch up on about 100 missed episodes of Corrie.

      I'm just going to make lunch and then get back to sorting out the next wardrobe. I'll take Eva for a walk in the forest later. Mimi - I agree - I like walking on the beach in the winter too, but we are incredibly lucky that we've got the Forest at the end our our road and the seaside about 15 minutes drive away.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Rain and sun today after a lovely sunny day yesterday. Went to aqua earlier, nice to get back, called in my favourite cafe for lunch, collected new reading glasses from the opticians, now waiting for a man to come and fit my new bathroom blind.

        Enfys, that sounds like a nasty fall, try and rest those poorly ribs. Hope P feels better soon.

        Clover enjoy your trip out, are you hoping to buy something ?

        Keep going Daisy, it is very satisfying I find. Your brave OH, it only seems like yesterday he had the last injections.

        Glamm, have a lovely time with your little ones.

        Love the pic on FB Gemini, I hope it blows all those worries away. I haven't been to the seaside this year.

        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Lovely photos Avo,
          We did have fish and chips Oma, at Whitby's best cafe
          I hope something can be done to help your hands Mimi. It sounds painful.
          You are a good nurse Daisy!
          I bet you have missed your Cornwall trip this year Plant, although I know you have had some lovely holidays.

          What a lovely day we had. The sun shone from the moment we left home until we got, back, and it grew dark shortly after that!
          A lovely warm day with blues skies and the odd wispy cloud. We wore light jackets but to be honest would have been fine without.
          We had lovely walks, took sea air, browsed the lovely little Whitby shops, and had lunch at The Magpie cafe.
          A pretty perfect day, and one which was needed. From tomorrow we have GS2 until Sunday. He is lovely and no trouble, but he is 3, so it was nice to have a little 'us'time first
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Avo, lovely photos.

            Gem, we didn't rate Magpie cafe, their fish and chips were no better than anyone else.
            That was our opinion anyway.

            Daisy,pleased you weren't at the hospital too long.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              B & myself are both up again , we should hire our beds out as we not sleeping in them much these days
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, hope you and B have caught up on a bit sleep.

                I think its going to be a day of sun and showers for us.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Oma. Hope you & B get a little nod some time in the day. Frustrating when you can't sleep. Daisy I hope your OH isn't in too much discomfort. He's lucky to have such a good nurse. Seems to have been going on for ages. Have they given an end date to all these injections. I'm not envious.... forrest down the road & beach 15mins away. Drool.🙁

                  Nan2 what's in the slow cooker today, or is it fish supper day? I wish that I liked chip shop fish as everyone seems to enjoy it. Gem & S certainly did yesterday. Plant, I hope that you got your blind fitted. I bet it all looks super now after the re-vamp. Clover, did you treat yourselves to anything on your little shopping jaunt? Mimi, keep us informed on how you're getting on. Enfys, how are you today?

                  Looks sunny. Another nice day I hope. Enjoy whatever it is you're doing.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Good morning ladies.

                    Not a good night for you and B then Oma?
                    It could be a similar forecast for us Nan2, but atm sun and no showers!
                    You're bright and breezy today Nana

                    This afternoon is the Ladies Roll Up at the golf club, which is usually on Thursdays.
                    GS2 will be here just after lunch, and with us until some time on Sunday. His sister is going to London with her mum and dad. They, with friends and their 2 children are going to the Harry Potter studios on Saturday for GD's birthday treat. She is HP mad and sooooo excited! GS is very excited to be coming to us too. DD always says he lives for Fridays Tomorrow we hope to take him to a donkey sanctuary where GS1 once had his birthday party.

                    Have a good day everyone.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gem, one day could you write a list of good places to take the little ones for me please? We seem to be running out.😉
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        I will Nana
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies ,
                          Its very wet and cold here , been down to Lidl for a few bits and called into Iceland now having a nice hot drink to warm us up ,

                          No naps for us today I have my scan at 2.40 , it will be right on visiting times so a nightmare to get parked

                          How are we all today ? hope anyone feeling unwell is turning the corner ,
                          Everyone we speak too has a cold at the moment xx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning everyone.

                            It's bright and sunny here but I don't know if it will last. Everywhere is soaked or flooded and I really do need to cut the lawn - if it grows much more we'll lose Eva in it!!

                            Nana - thank you for asking. There is no end date to the injections - at least not until some other form of treatment becomes available, which may be in about 4 years' time. There is a chance that he will need them less frequently eventually, but we're just thankful that the damage to his vision remains very slight and doesn't stop him doing anything. Yes, we are lucky to live where we do - it's no wonder house prices have become unaffordable - we couldn't afford to buy a house here now!

                            Nana - my OH isn't keen on shop-bought fish either - you're not alone! I would love to have fish and chips once a week like Nanto does, but it's not worth getting them for me if I still have to cook a meal for OH!

                            Gem - do you feel better for your lovely day at Whitby yesterday? I do hope so. Enjoy GS2's sleep over . It's lovely that he looks forward so much to coming to stay with you, and I'm sure you'll both enjoy the donkey sanctuary. I hope the sun stays out for you. I'm sure GD will adore her trip to London

                            Plant - I hope you're feeling ok now.

                            Enfys - how are you feeling? I hope you're in less pain from your Dexter-inflicted injuries. I hope P isn't overdoing things either. Love to you both.

                            Oma - what a dreadful night for you and B. Hopefully tonight will be one of those really good night you get sometimes. xx

                            Yesterday's sunshine didn't last and we had more torrential rain last night. But I did sort out my jeans and trousers wardrobe. I only got rid of 4 pairs of worn out joggers - the rest were ok but it's nice to open the door and see a neat line of jeans, everyday trousers, posh trousers and joggers all in order. It won't last long though. Today I want to sort out t-shirts, tops and fleeces and socks! Oh the socks! They're in such a mess. It's a nice feeling getting them done. I also want to make a couple of batches of soup for the freezer.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Soup making time Daisy, haven't used my soup maker for some time. I hadn't realised that the injections were an ongoing treatment for your OH. It does feel good to get those wardrobes sorted. My sock drawer is still a bit of a problem, too many.

                              Oma I hope the sleep fairies visit you tonight. Hope the scan goes well.

                              My GD who is 25 is still a HP fan Gemini. Have a lovely time with GS2.

                              I hope your injuries are less sore Enfys.

                              Sunshine here this morning, DD and Sil are on their way to Spain for a week with friends, GD and partner are back tomorrow, DS and Dil are in Cannes until Sunday, very unusual for me to be on my own. My eldest and youngest GSs are nearby if I need any help. I went to Aqua yesterday and I think it helped my back but the cold has now settled on my chest, will be pleased to see the back of it. Bathroom blind fitted, really pleased with it. Bedroom blinds will be several weeks before they are ready. I am having to get undressed in the dark, don't want to frighten the neighbours.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant - I got this sudden urge to stockup for the winter! A couple of bowls of soup aren't much, but it makes me feel good.

                                I hope you can shrug off that chesty cold quickly - keep warm and don't do too much. What colour is your bathroom blind? Does it feel strange when all the family are away, and I suppose you are in charge of kitty-feeding etc.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

