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    Plant, tomorrow when I have more time I will make thread about the pop us restaurant.
    Enfys I am a great believer in following what your body is telling you. If it is saying rest, rest
    Well done to your car WG!
    Daisy, unfortunately my mum's macular degeneration is the kind which cannot be treated. Her sight is very poor now.
    Bon Marche sent me another e mail today, I think for now it is business as usual.

    Terrible rainy day, if it wasn't for supporting family, and meeting my friend, who I invited, I would not be turning out tonight. OH will collect me but I have to get the bus in. I would happily drive but there is nowhere to park anywhere close.
    A Lego/Playdough, drawing and TV day here.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Daisy OMG cooked tripe 🤢🤢🤢 I can just imagine the smell😨😵
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Still raining heavily.

        Enfys,hope all is well when your shopping arrives tomorrow.

        Have a good evening one and all.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Gem - it's not nice going out in pouring rain in the dark, and on the bus as well. Also I'm sure you're quite tired after your busy day, but as you say, it's supporting family and I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss it. Your poor mum, it must be very frustrating if she's can't see to do the things she wants.

          Oma - it's gross, isn't it!!!

          I've done some more sorting out today. Another bag of clothes for the charity shop and about half a bag for the textile bin.

          It's been very windy here today and I didn't take Eva out until 5.30, so it was also nearly dark. We didn't walk very far, but she wasn't happy about the noise of the wind in the trees. I took her to the edge of the river for a paddle but something startled her and she leapt out. Not one of our better walks! After nearly 4 years with us her instinct is to run away rather than stay close if anything frightens her. I despair sometimes.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Its never stopped raining since it started about 11ish yesterday morning.

            Daisy,poor Eva. It doesn't seem like nearly 4 years since she joined your family.

            Going into town for a few bits then to the supermarket today.
            We will eat out.

            Don't forget the clocks go back an hour this weekend.

            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good moaning each.
              Awake at silly o’ clock this morning, no idea why! It sounds rough out there but I have yet to open the blinds. Nothing doing this weekend for a change, so I will get on with some sewing and craft projects. What a happy thought.
              Have a pleasant weekend all,
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                Good morning Ladies ,
                Nanto its never stopped here either , we do need our Wellingtons and rain coat

                GM its a day for stopping in

                Daisy poor Eva and she is such a lovely funny little dog , well not so little when shes sitting on you hahaha,

                Nothing much on today we off to pick up a metal filing cabinet B has been given for the shed ( oh the exciting life I lead ) but apart from that a quiet day .

                GS1 rang at 10.45 last night he was at a concert with friends and it was bouncing down when they came out , his phone had ran down so couldn't phone his dad and our house phone is the only number he remembers , So was ringing on his friends phone
                Anyway B just putting his shoes on to go for them when SIL rang to say he thought they may need a lift back so he was there and GS1 had came out and seen him.

                Have a good day ladies xx
                Last edited by Oma; 26-10-2019, 11:12 AM.
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning ladies,
                  Yet another wet one. Very appropriate morning graphic Nan2. At least Pooh is enjoying the rain
                  Have a lovely sewing and crafts day Grauntie. An excellent choice for a wet day.

                  I didn't have to get wet last night in the end. OH must have had enough of my moaning about how wet I was going to get walking to and from the bus and she offered to drive me in We picked up my friend M on the way, saving a wet walk for her, for which she was very grateful . A lovely night with DD3, M and DD's uni friend T. He and I are both going to Disney next year so there was some talk on that!

                  Free day today, so we shall see what it brings.
                  Have a good one everyone.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning ladies.

                    Wet here too!

                    Everyone seems to be having a quiet day in.

                    I’m getting ready to go away to DD’s for a week. Lots of little jobs to do.I have a list of things that I always have to do that I keep on the kitchen notice board and I tick them off as they’re done. My first job is watering the indoor plants.

                    Enjoy your day.


                      Clover, have a good week. Time with family will do you good xx
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning from the far south - it's not actually raining at the moment but that won't last.

                        Clover - it's amazing how much you have to do before you go away. I always wish I could just close the door on everything, but I can't! At least you've got something nice to look forward to. xx

                        Gem - I'm glad you had a good evening and didn't have to get wet either.

                        Grauntie - what a lovely day ahead for you. Enjoy.

                        Oma - I don't know how you cope with the excitement. Getting a metal filing cabinet must be most people's dream way to spend Saturday. GS1 is very sensible - remembering the right phone number when he needed a lift, bless him.

                        I'm having a slow start today. I woke about 6.30 and decided to have 'another half hour' then woke again at 9 o'clock, but still feel tired. I'll be ok when I've had a shower. My exciting jobs for today include getting bedrooms ready for next week. After all the sorting out they're both in a state. Both GDs are staying Monday night - their first sleep over here for ages. Then DS1 and GSs may be staying later in the week. Their mum is working so DS is planning boy-things for the three of them. I need to portion up a load of dog food - the sleepovers include extra doggy guests, and, worst of all - finish the dreaded ironing.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning all.

                          Clover, enjoy your week away, I’m sure it will do you good.

                          we had a really blowy wet night and it’s still pouring here. I have reorganised the kitchen cupboards and cleaned the fridge out so all ready for my big shop to be delivered. I really stocked my store cupboard and ordered big items so we should be ok apart from fresh produce for a little while. I’m so pleased I haven’t got to carry it all, especially in this awful weather, so I’m a lady of leisure this morning.

                          P is up in the computer sorting out things for his video camera club, he is feeling a bit bette, still tires easily but I’m pleased that he feels like doing things again.

                          Spag Bol for lunch, I did a big batch of mince in the slow cooker last week and froze in batches so an easy lunch today. I think it will be a film and knitting this afternoon. I want to make some scrappy socks for GD, using up my odds and ends of sock yarn, she loves mismatched socks.

                          Have a good day everyone, stay dry. ☔️
                          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                            Good afternoon all.
                            I hope none of you are effected badly by this terrible weather. It’s been raining non stop since yesterday evening and unbelievably our front garden is flooded which is really surprising as we live on top of a hill and the water usually drains away quickly. At the bottom of the hill the fire service are trying to pump out water from two cottages there.
                            The problem is a brook runs along side them and it has burst it’s banks .

                            Oma I almost had to go and have a lie down in a darkened room when I read that you are going to pick up a filing cabinet, it’s non stop excitement at yours!
                            I may well joke but it’s the sort of thing OH would be beside himself with joy and excitement, in fact buying anything for his shed sends him into raptures. Men are strange aren’t they?

                            Im not sure what I am going to do today as this weather doesn’t look like improving any time soon . I did actually go out for a walk this morning and I got throughly soaked.

                            Keep dry dry and warm ladies

                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Only just reporting in as the Rugby started at 9.00 and not long finished. Well done England's young men, they played with such determination. I know most of you are yawning now.
                              A friend has organised a Craft Fair for her WI this afternoon, I should go but although it is not raining, it is looking miserable outside. Enfys's idea of a film and knitting sounds more appealing to me and Grauntie has the right idea.

                              Pleased you didn't have to get wet Gemini, we haven't had so much rain as you Northern Babes. Quite mild out actually.

                              At least home phones don't have so many numbers so GS could remember yours Oma.

                              Have a lovely time staying with your family Clover, it will do you good.

                              Daisy, I feel exhausted reading your itinerary for next week, it will be lovely having your DS and the GSs to stay.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                First session at the gym for quite some time earlier. Full of fit young men and me!! No doubt I shallache tomorrow but it was eally nice to get started into some sort of fitness routine after so long away with this back pain.

                                Raining again here and quite windy too. I have a pile of ironing to tackle and I'd really like to make a start on a design for our C********card. Or I could easily find something else to delay the ironing. trouble is the pile only gets bigger the longer you leave it.

                                Clover, safe journey and have a lovely time at DD's.

                                Enjoy the rest of the day ladies......sounds as if it's going to be an indoor one for most of us!

                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

