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    Good afternoon. Hope you feel better soon, Oma.

    Just back from hospital for DHs prechemo appointment. His white blood cell count was low so he can’t have chemo until it comes back up. So another blood test next Monday then we shall see. He has to rest and stay away from crowds as he is more prone to infection at the moment, he is very fed up. Just another blip to contend with.

    At the least the weather is better here, dry and quite pleasant out. Don’t feel like doing much though, so I think we’ll have a relaxing afternoon. Dexter is here so fun and games in the garden with him too.
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      Im back , very long un-comfortable day ,
      Scans a doddle but had to lie on a rock hard scanner with my head bend back for 40 minutes not moving while they took lots of scans from different angles
      That was after having a radio active dye injected , we then went to MIL's just up the road and had lunch before I went back for another round but a least that one was only 15 minutes but my neck and back are hurting now . At least its done and over with .

      Enfys its a pain when that happens but its dangerous to give Chemo when they are that low , and his immune system is compromised , fingers crossed by next Monday they are at a more acceptable level , its one step forward one back isn't it xx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Afternoon all.
        Second appointment at the dentist went well, sort of .
        She tried to tell me that the filling/ repair of my broken tooth would not have caused me to keep biting in the inside of my cheek every time I ate and the problem was my fault not hers but I stood my ground and insisted that she examine my mouth . She then had to admit that the fault was with the previous denial work .
        Hopefully its ok now she has redone the repair work .

        Our bus station is situated at the back of Tesco. It’s a very busy and even dangerous place if you haven’t got your wits about you. This morning was no exception. Because of local flooding buses were stacked up waiting to leave . An ambulance was also parked up with the lights flashing, the crew were attending some one in Tesco who had become unwell.
        I , along with many, many other people were waiting for the bus to arrive. Suddenly an elderly man ( who reminded me of my dad, wearing the same coat he always wore and carrying a white stick ) could be seen struggling to find his way. It was obvious to each and every single person who saw him that he was blind.
        I watched alarmed as he stumbled into the road. I glanced around to see if anyone was going to help him as I was some distance from him. 3 bus drivers were sat in their buses watching him, a young couple actually walked around him to avoid him. It was then I made my way to him and asked him if he needed help.
        He was so grateful, he said he was confused as to where exactly he was. He was trying to make his way to Tesco.
        I helped him cross the road and Gide him into Tesco where he said he could manage. We chatted while we walked, he said he had glaucoma, ( just like dad) . He was such a nice man , he was worried that I might miss my bus bless him .
        It makes me so angry that no one went to help him. There must have been at least 40 people there .

        Enfys so sorry to hear that P is feeling fed up , it’s not surprising, he has been through so much, well you both have in fact.
        Sending you hugs x

        Oma hope you aren’t too uncomfortable.

        Hope the the rest of our ladies are feeling ok and welcome home to those who met up at the weekend

        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Oh dear, hope all those feeling under the weather feel better soon.

          Mimi, when i was on my way to inlaws this morning, a little girl about 3 fell. She banged her forehead on the kerb edge.
          She was crying and screaming and her mother was getting upset.
          I went over to ask if i could ring or get someone for them.
          Mum calmed down a bit,and said she would be ok. The little girl was going to nursery.
          I told her to make sure she told the nursery what had happened. Can't be too careful with bumps to the head.
          By the time i left them, little girl had a right bump and the bruising was already coming out. Been thinking about her all day.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Oma, what a pain of a day. I hope you feel better soon.
            Mimi, thank goodness you were about to help that poor man. How can people be so uncaring??
            Enfys any set back like that is bound to get OH down and you too. As Oma says it is for the best, and I hope the levels go up soon.
            I hope that poor little girl is OK Nan2.
            I hope the decorating went well today Plant. Sleep well in your living room

            GS did very well at his swimming class today. Getting totally water confident for Florida!
            I had a horrible drive home. Dark with lashing rain. I was glad to get in!!
            I have an appointment for the cat at the vet at 9am tomorrow. With her not eating as much it is very much like last time, which ended up in a tooth abscess.

            Good night everyone.
            (It's possible that we may have some forum work done overnight. If so it will be closed at some point between midnight and 5 am, just in case you come along during the night and find us closed!
            They haven't confirmed that it will take place tonight, but just a warning in case they do.)
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oh dear, raining again.

              Gem, good to heat GS is getting more confident in the water.
              Hope the appointment with the vet goes well.

              Hope Oma and P are feeling better today.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning everyone.
                Wet and dull here too Nan2. OH's golf competition is cancelled.
                I have the vet this morning, then my friend C dropping in with some outgrown toys of her GC's for mine.
                Then if my knee permits I will do part of the newsletter delivery, and more tomorrow.
                I am meeting a friend at 5.30 for a chat and something to eat.

                Have a good day, I hope your cold is no worse Oma.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning ladies , sorry if I haven't commented on posts last night I was in bed for 9pm ,
                  I feel rather rough today didn't get much sleep couldn't lie down properly im so bunged up ,

                  I will try and keep up today but head and neck are hurting and I just want to lie down , fingers crossed im ok tomorrow for the dentist as I already had to cancel once xxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma I hope you get better from your cold soon. They can make you feel really miserable. 40+ mins in a scanner is a long time. No wonder your neck hurt. I know I shouldn't but your loo story had me in fits.

                    Enfys I'm sorry to hear you're both a bit low. It's understandable. Thinking of you.

                    Gem, I'll go on the iPad next to see if I'm a robot or not.😉 It's also wanting me to join in a game to win a mobile fone. Off out for a pub lunch for OH's 59th.
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Oma, please don't worry about GransRus! Post when you feel up to it. Everyone deserves a sick day or two, and you are one of our very best posters! Feel beter soon.
                      Nana all Robot problems should be gone now.

                      the vet gave the cat an antibiotic shot. He says she hasn't given up on life, and he's not ready to give up on her. He said what I hoped he would. Lovely man only charged me £6 for the injection, no consultation fee.
                      Our friends C and P came and we had a coffee and chat.

                      Miserable weather here.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Just a quick post to say my Robot problem gone now thank you Admin
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I'm sorry this is yet another very quick 'hello' from me. I am just about to go and collect the girls, so only have a minute.

                          I haven't read everyone's posts, so apologies for not commenting, but sending a big hug to Enfys - it's hard on P but it's also hard on you. I do hope his white blood cell count is up by Monday. xxx

                          I have dog training tonight and then we're off back to Leek tomorrow until Saturday. I hope the traffic is better than it was for OH last Friday. It does mean I won't get much chance to be on here. It would be nice to think this will be out last trip up there, but I doubt it! there's still a lot to do. This morning we sold my cousin's car to With travelling and collecting Cooper that seemed to take up most of the morning.

                          I must go now. GD1 got her first guitar yesterday and I know she'll be anxious to get home to play it. I've a feeling it will need tuning though - I can do it with a tuning app, so I'll have to download one. I can't do it by ear!

                          Love to one and all. xx

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy, another trip to Leek. It seems to be never ending for you.

                            Hope you got the guitar tuned. I bet GD1 was excited.

                            Had a lot of rain here today.Hope its better weather tomorrow.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Cardiologist appointment went well today. Medication for the foreseeable future as it's working. Discharged so one less clinic to go to. 👍
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)


                                Great news Nana!
                                I hope the traffic is better for you tomorrow Daisy
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

