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    Gem you can breath again now for another 6 month , hate these check ups , stomach always in knots when you go xxxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Been to Aqua this morning, have a hospital appt. this afternoon, I will call and get food shopping done so I don't have to do it when I get back from Birmingham. Decorator getting on well, I think there will be a coat on the walls tomorrow.

      Pleased to hear S had theall clearGemini.

      Hope your Mum enjoys her Birthday Lunch Gemini.

      I doubt I will. be posting again today so I will see you ladies in Birmingham. Safe journeys
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        As I probably won't manage to get on here tomorrow, I just wanted to wish all those Birmingham bound a fantastic weekend. I shall raise a glass to you on Saturday evening and hope that you're having a wonderful time....and not mis-behaving TOO much!

        Clover, I think haemoglobin is one of those things that can change from one day to the next, so I wouldn't worry too much about it...not easy to do I know! Chemo comes in so many different forms these days and you're not necessarily hooked up to a drip. OH takes his daily in tablet form and it's no different to taking a aspirin. If they were really worried, your next appointment would be sooner than 4 months!

        Spent morning packing and I just hope we've got everything we need . Too bad if we haven't! Remembered to pack sun cream as it looks as if it might be a bit hot.

        Unlikely I'll be in touch for a while, so I hope that everyone and their families keep well, birthdays/ anniversaries are suitable celebrated/ good company enjoyed and journeys safely travelled xx
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          Reassuring info for Clover there WG.
          Have a good trip.

          Mum is enjoying her birthday, and we are all enjoying an afternoon of tea, chat, and food . We have saved some for OH when she gets in from golf 😊
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Just had a phone call from the drs.
            Apparently my blood test came back showing problems with my kidney function. I was expecting to be told something about the pains in toes and fingers and if I had Rheumatoid arthritis.
            As I haven’t been asked to see my GP at once , I have a telephone call booked for 7th October, I supposing it’s not an actual emergency.
            I know RH can have serious effects on the heart and eyes so maybe kidneys also are effected also .
            Added to this I have to go back to the dentist as my tooth that was repaired is rubbing the inside of my cheek and when I eat I bite the inside of my mouth.
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Gem,pleased mum is having a lovely birthday.
              Also pleased OH check up went well.

              Mimi,sorry to hear there might be a kidney function problem.

              Ladies,have a good time in Birmingham.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                WG Thanks for your info.about haemoglobin and chemo. I asked consultant what sort of chemo I would have if the time comes. He said probably tablets and/ or IV . Have a wonderful holiday.

                Gem so pleased S’s bloods were fine. Another relief for you this week. Glad your Mum is enjoying her birthday.

                Mimi not too long till you can speak to the GP and hopefully get reassured. I had a blood test at my GP’s request ,separate from the hospital one.When I rang for results I was told I needed to see doctor so made appointment for next Tuesday.

                We had a trip out to another shopping centre where there is a Morrisons,TK Maxx and an enormous Next among the shops, which we can’t normally get to.I confess we had a coffee and calorie laden jam doughnut in Morrisons

                Those ladies off to Brum, have a good, safe journey.Having had the pleasure of joining you in the past I can picture where you are and what you’re up to.


                  Evening ladies just managed to get on to say have a fab weekend away you ladies wot lunch ,have a drink for me and I will do the same
                  Oma I will be back for Christmas but don’t know what date no flight booked but some time in December
                  To everybody else hope you are all ok , I read there was a few not so good so hope you are feeling better
                  Enfys love to you and P 😘
                  I will write in my journal at some point let you know what we are up to 🤔
                  Last edited by Qwerty; 26-09-2019, 05:12 PM.


                    Hi Qwerty!
                    Mimi, sorry about the kidney function thing, but as you say, it doesn't sound as though they are treating it as urgent .

                    Looking forward to seeing those who can come tomorrow. We will miss those who are not coming this time.
                    I haven't checked in online as we want to do it at the same time and ask for rooms close to each other. OH will drive me to the station tomorrow, which will save me getting the bus.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good to catch up with all the news. Trouble is that I came in on page 3 & read up to this page, 25. Lots to read. I was going to write some stuff but my battery is at 13% so it'll have to wait til another day.
                      Oma thanks for keeping everyone updated on my behalf.

                      Just want to wish all the Brummy bound Grans a safe journey & hope that you have a great get together. Sorry I can't be there. Will be thinking about you all.
                      (10%battery so will have to go. Night night.x)
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        Good morning. Hope those ladies travelling to birmingham have a good time.
                        I'm sure you all will enjoy.

                        I'll be back later.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning, Nanto, and thank you.

                          Sunshine and I are just leaving home. Safe journey everyone - including Wee Granny on her holidays. xxx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Morning ladies , bit of a panic this morning we had a power cut , couldn't boil a kettle or do any toast and at one point thought B would have to get his battery lamp from the shed so I could do makeup and hair would just have to dry as it was , but it all came back on 30 mins ago so been a mad dash to get showered and all done in case it went off again .

                            I could have just had a glass of water but must have something to eat for my diabetes would have had to resort to jam sandwich or a pk of crisps

                            See you ladies when we get there xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning ladies.
                              Safe journey to all , and a happy weekend to those in Brum and elsewhere 😊
                              A fairly leisurely start for me, my train doesn't leave until 10.44.

                              Behave while we are away, we can see you from Birmingham 😁
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning Brum goers and others.

                                We had a really stormy night. The rain lashing on the window woke me up twice.

                                Work for me this morning and a quiet afternoon I hope.

                                Have a good day everyone.

