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    Welcome home Plant. Sorry to hear about the UTI.
    Sometimes it needs a different antibiotic to clear it I think.
    I bought more puppy pads from B&M and popped into Tesco for a couple of things, then spent an hour or so with mum. Her friend phoned while I was there, which was lucky as I was able to make arrangements for them to get together. DD3 is going to see mum tomorrow, so a social week for her!
    OH is making our tea, then we are off to the quiz with friends later.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Nice bright morning here.

      Plant,hope the infection clears up soon.

      Gem,how did you do at the quiz?

      First visit of the week to in laws.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Morning Nanto/ladies ,

        Hope in laws are good today Nanto

        Plant I hope your feeling slightly better this morning , those kinds of infections are horrible poor you xxx

        Gem how was your Mum ? did you have a good time at the quiz ? x

        Plant it was my Freezer that blew up we were taking to tip , no one around to help get it out of car but we managed it came out easier than we thought

        New Freezer coming between 11-2pm , Dog asleep and the washer nearly finished apart from that a lazy day

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning all, the start of another week.

          We didn't do too well at the quiz Nan2! We weren't bottom but if we had been at least we would have won the consolation prize chocolate orange! We had a good night though. Our friends brought two albums of photos of their recent wedding and family cruise, so we had those to look through and make suitable comments

          Our cat sitting lady is coming for lunch today. I was chatting online with her yesterday updating her on kitty. She said she would be in the area today so could call in if we were free, so I invited her to lunch.

          I cant remember what else I am supposed to be doing today, but I'm sure there is something!
          Have a good day everyone.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Of course it was Oma. Enjoy your lazy day.

            I have to go to the doctor's surgery for a pot before I can get a sample. The paramedic who tested it before I went away and prescribed the antibiotic gave me a form to take a sample in today, she wanted it checked again. Fortunately it did the job whilst I was away, just during the journey home it was a bit painful. I have had a bad night so can't wait to get a prescription.
            I will not be going to bowls today, just a quiet day.

            How did the quiz go Gemini? I hope your cat is feeling better. Our cat is very pleased the cat belonging to GG1's family has gone to their new house now.

            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oma, in laws were fine today. Hope the new freezer has arrived.

              Plant,once you get the antibiotics,i hope they kick in quickly.

              Gem, chocolate orange woul have been nice.

              I haven't done much since i got home from in laws.
              Hubby replaced one of the lights under the kitchen units,so power was off.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Our boiler which is in the loft, has sprung a leak. OH has been up and down the ladder, following instructions from the plumber. Lots of plastic sheeting and old towels up up there now. He will be here late afternoon. It's all leaks around here. kitty leaked all over my trousers this morning! I forgot to put a sheet under her. Waiting for vets to phone back about increasing her dosage.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good afternoon all. Hope I find you all well.

                  I didn’t pop by yesterday as I was completely shattered from the previous day.
                  The wedding was beautiful. The whole event was held in a covered barn/ farm house/ lean to. The actual ceremony was held in a converted barn , the one side had been taken down so we had views across a rose garden and open fields and hills. The old timber roof was festooned with hops and ivy and
                  twinkling lights .
                  We all sat on wooden carved benches . The bride and groom family had chairs to sit on . One of the chairs had a reserved sign on it . Written on it was ‘Reserved in memory of ( her name) , the grooms mother . This brought us all to tears .
                  While photos were being taken we all sat in a beautiful garden in glorious sunshine watching the children playing whilst being served with drinks and nibbles..... (It’s a hard life but someone has to do it)
                  Later we sat down to eat roast beef with all the trimmings, with a choice of many desserts.

                  The evening ‘do’ started with the bride and grooms first dance played by a live band.
                  We then continued to dance ( I use that word lightly as my dancing days have long since gone , I spent more time away from the dance floor than on it) . Late in the evening I sat chatting to other guests around a fire pit toasting marshmallows .
                  We didn’t get home until just before midnight.

                  Plant sorry to see you see you have an infection, hope you get well soon

                  Gem has the leak done much damage?

                  Have a good day everyone
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Mimi, it has leaked in the loft and down the outside house wall onto landing window and slightly inside the landing window. The stairs and landing which were newly decorated not long ago It doesn't seem to have done any damage OH says, and it is stemmed for now.
                    What a lovely and busy day at the wedding. The reserved seat must have been very moving.
                    Plant I hope you get some more antibiotics to sort out your problem.

                    The vet says I can double kittys dose and even treble it if need be. He will see her again in a few days.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Afternoon ladies longtime no see, I can’t read all the posts but some of you have been ill I hope your picking up now, I’ve written in my journal most stuff, just thought I would pop on here to familiarise myself with the forum, Enfys I’ve sent you a message.
                      Gem sorry to hear about puss puss it’s not been a good year for your pets
                      Hope all those that have managed holidays had some good weather
                      We are ok here a little jaded but it’s all in my report
                      Take care everybody and if I don’t get on before you have your annual get together have a drink for me xx


                        Oh Gem hope it hasn't stained the new decorations
                        Poor puss leaking like that

                        Nanto freezer up and running don't have to leave them to settle so long these days , two hours and then we switched it on and it only took another 2 hours to get to freezing temp , so all food collected from DD's and back in the freezer

                        Qwerty Hellooooo good to hear from you xxxxx

                        Mimi sounds like a magical day bet you were worn out though

                        Plant how are you feeling this afternoon ? is it any better ?

                        Just pottered around this afternoon , window cleaner came so chatted to him for a while then sorted a few things out in the cupboard checked sell by dates etc , didn't find any that needed throwing away but I did do this not so long ago so didn't really expect to find any anyway ,

                        Cooked a chicken earlier and made GS1 a roast dinner for coming in from school and as I was doing veg for him we thought we may as well have a roast for tea too .

                        Going to give the oven a spray later ready to clean out in the morning .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Gem,hope the leak hasn't done too much damage.

                          Oma, glad your new freezer is up and running.

                          Mimi, the wedding sounds lovely.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Roast chicken for tea sounds good Oma.
                            Nice to see you Qwerty 😊
                            The plumber hopes to have the new part by Wednesday, he's coming Wednesday night to fix it. Until then no hot water. We can have showers, and will use s kettle to warm any other water.

                            I'm very tired tonight (no idea why) so I'm heading for bed soon. I' ll catch up with the rest of the forum in the morning.

                            Night ladies 🌛
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Nice sunny morning.
                              Plans for today. Hubby will be out this morning,so i will get my jobs done.
                              Will eat when he comes home,then we are gardening.
                              Thats our day sorted.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Very quick good morning ladies - I'm just off to collect Cooper.

                                OH was offered a cancellation appointment at the hospital yesterday, so plans changed instantly and I didn't even manage to get on here to say goodnight.

                                I'll write about it in my Journal later.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

