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    Aww, how lovely I'm sure that did cheer you up Oma xx
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      How sweet, enjoy the cakes


        Cakes look lovely Oma,enjoy.

        Almost another day of lockdown over.

        Hope Enfys and P are ok. i know last week she did say she wasn't up to posting, and thats ok.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oh dear, I keep missing posts in Chat today! So sorry, everyone - I never ignore anyone on purpose.

          Oma those cakes look amazing, and very professional. He's such a talented lad, your GS1. xx Yes, that is the tree you parked under. I thought I'd read the book The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay (by Nicola May) but I haven't - I've read something with a similar title. The big downside with Kindle is I forget what book I'm reading - I've no idea what I'm half way through at the moment!

          Plant - how lovely to see the GGCs - they must be growing so fast, though.

          Clover - I remember Glamm saying she kept expecting her John to walk through the door at any minute. I think it's a natural reaction, love, but must be terribly upsetting. I hope the weather's better tomorrow so you can get out in the garden for a bit. Sending hugs.

          Gem - a lot of people seem to be enjoying Where the Crawdads Sing. I think a lot of us want feel-good easy to read books at the moment. I certainly do, although the one I'm reading at the moment has an undercurrent of menace.

          Lizzie - I don't know what the situation is in Holland, but I hope we don't relax too many regulations too quickly. I'd rather we all stayed safe, even though I know it's a terrible hardship for many people.

          Nanto - I've been wondering about Enfys and P as well. I do hope they are ok.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            We had a lovely surprise this afternoon. The phone rang and it was a wood turning friend of OH's. OH was in his shed (ooops, I mean workshop!) and the friend said look out of your window. And there were he and his wife in their car in front of our house! So I went and got OH and we stood one either side of the car (at a safe distance, of course) and had a lovely chat. It was so good to see them.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Just seen your FB post, they look very professional. How is your DD, is she still working under a lot of pressure?
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Good morning. its dull at the moment. Hope it brightens up.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning ladies
                  Nanto same weather here .

                  Plant yes DD still under pressure but got 2 more staff members back so a little easier but 12 hour shifts are making her so tired . Trying to work from home as much as she can and only going into clients homes in Emergency's . Thank you for asking X
                  What delights do we all have on today ? One day blurring into the next isn't it .
                  Stay safe and well my dear friends xxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oh the Sun has came out makes the day feel nicer doesn't it .
                    just discovered I can print off postage label from post office site . I knew you could for parcels but not for cards and letters .
                    I had no stamps and have to wait till DD can get some for me I need to send this card for my Brother's funeral
                    Thought I would have a look and yes you can print one out . So that's done . My neighbour usually goes out to shops at about 9 so I will try to catch him and ask him to post it , I can put it on car for him to get it . I'm happy now
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good Monday morning everyone. This it to remind me what day it is - days are starting to blur into one another.

                      Oma - yes, it's handy to be able to print postage labels - OH uses it when he's sending parcels off, and I've just realised I could do one for a card to go abroad. I hope your card for J's funeral gets there in time and it helps you to feel you're there with him. Big hugs, xxx I'm glad things are a little easier for your DD, but you must still be worried about how hard she's working.

                      It's dull here, and has rained overnight, but it's not cold.

                      It looks too wet for gardening, though, so it means I'm condemned to pushing the sucky up thing round and doing some washing. I've also got to do the brain teaser of the week - complete my Sainsbury's order!

                      I hope everybody's day goes smoothly. Back later.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning lovely ladies.

                        Dull here too Nan2. I hope it brightens up.
                        Daisy, how lovely! We had had only a couple of distance chats like that with friends (and not for a long time now) but they are a boost. I think we may have to do more of them. I have always said that it's weird that I can be 2 metres away from a stranger in a pharmacy or supermarket queue, but not my own family and friends. I understand the rules, but in that sense they make no sense!
                        Oma, I'm glad you found a way for the card and it's made you happy x

                        Today we are going for a walk. It's been a few days and the rain yesterday was no encouragement. A FB friend (ex neighbour from decades ago), a dressmaker is making masks to sell so I ordered us one each. We can collect those today too. I feel that once we are allowed out more that masks will be needed. We won't be going on public transport but for anywhere you get closer to anyone. I know the benefits of masks are inconclusive and they are to protect others not the wearer, but if it is advised we will have them ready.

                        SIL told us DD3 is really struggling with her anxieties and missing us all. I suspect that is why she cycled over with the bread the other day and had a short distance chat on our drive. It is her birthday tomorrow so that makes it harder. Plus their June wedding is off, as are all weddings. Things must seem so down for her

                        Anyway, let's all get on with another day of lockdown!
                        Stay well everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Sun has broken through but it's still hazy. Haven't had a good couple of weeks but have been following your posts.
                          After watching a squirrel calmly digging up and eating some bulbs I'd planted in my patio pots I need to tidy them up!
                          Some ironing is calling too. One good thing about this lockdown is that I'm keeping on top of the ironing,hope it lasts!
                          D'S tells me they're still in lockdown but there are no new cases. All staff are having to take holidays so he had last week off. DD says that's what will happen with her colleagues too.
                          Right,let's go and face the day. Trying to be a bit smarter and not wear trackpants every day. Bit of eyeliner helps too.......but I won't mention the 💇!!
                          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                          Theodore Roosevelt.


                            Nice and sunny here, I really must go for a short walk or drive up to the pond whilst the weather is good. Lovely to see DD's family on facetime yesterday, the baby of the family is still smiling, I have never known such a placid baby.

                            Oma, pleased to hear they have more staff but your DD is still working long hours.

                            A friend in Sydney said they are allowed to socialise in twos there so she was able to have a day out with her DD. Like Clover and Glamm she has recently lost her OH.

                            Gemini, Sorry to hear your DD3 is struggling with this lockdown, hope it will not be too long now for her to be able to mix a bit more. Enjoy your walk if the weather stays fine.

                            WeeGranny, those squirrels are a pest, I can't plant tulip bulbs on the woods side of our garden, they seem to be their favourite.

                            Have a lovely day in the sunshine today everyone. Lets all have a go on that swing Nanto has posted.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              I'm glad we had decided to go out this afternoon, as it poured down late morning! A lot brighter now.
                              I forgot that tonight is quiz night for our friends WhatsApp group. How could I have forgotten an evening of socialising ?
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                First and foremost can I apologise in advance should the weather take a sudden change to rain , hail and wind
                                We have got the bistro set out of the shed, cleaned it and it is now sitting on the patio ready for us to us which , going by previous years generally signals very wet weather to take hold!

                                I have planted a few dwarf runner beans in the garden , watered the huge bamboo plant and generally tidied up outside.

                                Rather excited to see the birds have taken to using the bird feeder I have hung from the hanging basket bracket. ( I really do need to get a life , I should get out more...oh hang on , I can't can I !) Anyway as I have no baskets to plant up this year I thought the birds could take advantage of it .

                                Oma, I forgot you can print off postal stamps. I must remember that as I only have a few left in my birthday card box.

                                Gem, so sorry to hear that DD3 is struggling at the moment. It's been a long , hard tough time and if there was a positive end in sight it might it would help enormously I'm sure.

                                WeeGranny hope you are having a better time at the moment, sorry to see you have had a couple of bad weeks but steady on , ironing... now don't take things too far ... where will it all end 🤣😉

                                Keep safe and well everyone.
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

