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    Good morning.

    Lizzie, that sounds nasty. Hope draining the cysts makes things better.

    Gem, hope the antibiotics kick in soon.

    Plant, hope you are feeling better.

    Oma, how is B this morning.

    Car is booked in for it's MOT this afternoon. Doesn't seem like a year ago since it was done.
    Time flies.

    No cooking today, we are eating out.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning everyone.

      Enjoy eating out Nan2 Fingers crossed for the MOT.

      I hope B had a better night Oma.

      I am glad I got the antibiotics. Upwards and onwards! My throat is sore now but I hope it may improve as the day goes on. I have cancelled todays aquafit and have no plans. I texted the only aqua friend who was going today to say she was very welcome to come here for coffee after the class if she's free.
      OH had to wear a BP monitor for 24 hours. We both thought it would disturb us during the night but it didn't. I heard it once but it was when I was awake anyway.

      Keep well ladies xxx
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

        Nanto, it looks like the party is round at your house today, with all those happy party goers in the car. I hope your real car passes its MOT. As you say, these things seem to come round very quickly. Enjoy your meal out.

        Gem, I'm sure the antibiotics and a quiet day with help you feel better. I hope your OH gets good news from the 24 hour BP monitor. I would have thought it would disturb you both as well.

        Lizzie, the cysts must be painful. Thank goodness they can drain them.

        Oma, did you and B have a good night? Has the sickness stopped. B must be really fed up with yet another cold to add to everything else.

        Plant, poor little H. You do feel for them when they're not their usual bubbly selves. Did she settle down despite the cough? Is the weather good in Normandy for your DD and Co?

        It's the usual Wednesday plans for us today. OH is just putting his heavy metal saw bench in the car to take to his pal's - something to do with making a wooden running board for the car they are restoring. The next door neighbour's giving him a hand because it weighs a ton! I need to get a casserole ready for dinner tonight, get some washing in and walk Eva before going to dog training at lunch time. Yet again there are road works between here and where I'm going, so I need to leave early.

        I'll pop back later though.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning ladies it's cold,
          We have had snow and sleet now sunshine.

          Fingers crossed this antibiotics work , coughing constantly is very draining.

          It's always nice to have granny around when you need advice and Mum isn't there.
          I hope H is feeling better today ,
          Being at nursery they pick everything up and usually bring it home too.

          How did you manage a walk after that gardening🥴
          I wouldn't be able to move 😁

          I've had 1 cyst removed from behind my knee many years ago ,
          I remember the relief it was still sore for a while but I remember not as painful.
          I had to see the physio for my knee and when she got me to stand with my feet together from the back she could see the bump,
          I didn't even know it was there.

          Enjoy lunch out , fingers crossed for the MOT

          Well we were dropped in again with the shed ,
          He text at 6.30 yesterday morning to say he was coming for it then didn't turn up so B text him at 4 to say he was offering it to the next person on the list as he hadn't replied to Bs texts or said he wasn't coming .

          The next person rang B and said definitely today or tomorrow and offered money for it ,
          B said no we just want rid ,
          So hopefully third time lucky.

          People are so rude it's for free but then they can't even text to say they have changed their minds or can't get here.
          It's not a cheap shed , we went online to the place we originally bought it from and they are now £920.
          At the time I think we paid £499 for it.
          Mind you we have had it years but it's been well looked after.

          I think Gem was messed about once with something too not so long ago.
          The man that's coming has just text to ask if this afternoon is ok to come.

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Happy dog training Daisy!

            Oma, that is so annoying about the shed. It's so rude. Yes we have experienced this with our own things and my mum's.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oma, how rude of people not to turn up, I hope it will be third time lucky. I do hope B is feeling better today, coughing wears you out.

              Nanto, enjoy your lunch and no cooking. You certainly have a car full today. H had a reasonable night and her cough sounds much looser. I think GD is going to keep her home today. They are having their hair cut, hairdresser is here and so is GD2 and her partner. The hairdresser cuts 4 lots. Games afternoon for me later.

              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Men have been and dismantled the shed , they are coming back with a flat bed lorry to take it away ,
                It looks weird all the space.
                They just got it down when it lashed down with hail stones , I bet they were glad they didn't get caught in it.

                B is feeling sick all the time ,we went around to the Drs this morning for more sickness tablets that the hospital prescribed, I think he should see the Dr but he said he is seeing the kidney Dr next Tuesday so he will speak to him about all these colds.
                I hope H feels much better .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Well, my cysts are still there, the main physio was there, he has been my physio 40+ years, all scans etc and the pain is most likely from my hip!!! Arthritis !!! Going next week to see if they can strengthen the muscles round the hip.

                  Oma, you will be pleased that the shed has now gone. Poor B, he is going through it.xx


                    Lizzie I'm supposed to do exercises to strengthen my hip ( for knee pain!)

                    B must be so fed up Oma xx

                    I hope you had a good games afternoon Plant .

                    I went with OH to return the BP monitor this afternoon then we went to Tesco. I must be improving as last week the slightest thing wore me out, and I feel fine
                    A real day of sunshine and showers today, and the showers were torrential!
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma, hope the shed goes this time for definate.

                      Lizzie,Gem and Plant,hope you all feel better soon.

                      Nephew called this morning. He's a painter and decorator.
                      I mentioned to him that we wanted our kitchen units painting.
                      Said he was available from the 24th,so he's booked in.

                      The car passed.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Reading through it seems so many people are on the sick list. I do hope improvement is soon on the cards for them all.Touch wood I’ve escaped so far with just a heavy cold a few weeks ago. PoorDS1 hasn’t been so lucky. A while ago after agonising pain and sickness he had a scan which revealed a kidney stone. The Consultant thought from it’s position that it would find it’s way out naturally and we assumed it had as he had no more pain until two nights ago when he ended up in A and E, again in excruciating pain. He has been given meds to hopefully widen the way out!
                        I’ve just been for a walk and though the sun was out the wind was bitterly cold.Talk about March winds . There is the old saying that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Let’s hope that’s true and then we’ll be in for April showers!
                        Take care all.


                          Don't push yourself too much too soon xx

                          What colour are you having the cupboards,?

                          Your right in the sun it looks lovely but that wind is biting isn't it.

                          Poor DS , kidney stones are apparently like labour pains
                          B had them when he was having Chemo and one blocked his tubes,
                          They were about to operate when it suddenly moved but it wasn't pleasant passing it.
                          I hope the meds work for DS xx

                          Well the shed is finally gone, I can't believe how big and bright the garden looks,
                          We didn't realise how much light the big shed kept out ,
                          It was a big 10ft x 7 ft
                          The new shed will be half the size .
                          They actually brought a milk float it fit on perfect,

                          Now it's cleaning up and pressure hosing the paving slabs before the new one arrives .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, good to hear the shed has finally gone.
                            We are having the cupboards grey.
                            We thought about a new kitchen altogether,but neither of us want to change the layout.

                            Clover,hope DS is ok.

                            Its been very cold here as well.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              It looks as though we've all had several seasons in the weather today. DIL1 has had snow - just when she thought she'd take the dog for a walk.

                              Plant, I hope you escaped the snow. You must all be relieved that H has bounced back and is on the mend, but it was sensible to keep her home today, especially as it turned out so cold.

                              Oma, your garden must feel very different with the shed finally gone. I can't understand these people who say they want a really good freebie and then don't turn up! I really feel for B, and wish there was some way to stop the sickness. It terms of how he must be feeling next Tuesday is quite a long time to wait. Even just a phone call with the GP might help to put your mind at rest.

                              Clover, well done on escaping the worst of the lurgies everyone seems to be getting at the moment. My OH has had kidney stones twice and I was left in no doubt about how painful they are, but you feel helpless to do anything useful. Everyone says the same, so I do hope the meds help him to pass the stone less painfully. I remember my OH saying you know when you've passed it/them as you can hear them ping into the loo. I'm hoping for a better summer than last year. The garden needs some sun and warmth.

                              Nanto, painting the units will give a whole new look to your kitchen. It will feel like a new one without all the hassle. Win-win. Does it mean you will also have to decorate the rest of the kitchen as well, and new flooring? Good to hear your car passed.

                              Lizzie, I hope the physio can help you with the strengthening the muscles to help relieve the pain.

                              Gem, it makes sense that improving the strength of your hip will help your new knee as well. My sister-in-law keeps getting told different things - they can't seem to decide whether she needs a hip or knee replacement. Unfortunately she can't have either at the moment as she's having treatment for something else.

                              I'm so glad you're feeling better. Perhaps taking it easy for a few days has helped. When will S get the results of the heart monitor?

                              Dog training was fun today. There was a new dog last week and after a bit of initial shouting they all settled down and worked well. Today a dog who has missed class because of being spayed was back, and she was really good - but all the rest of them were jumpy, edgy and not concentrating. I'd love to know what goes on in their minds.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

