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    Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

    Originally posted by Gemini View Post
    Daisy, new toilet brush AND holder I'll have you know
    Good night everyone xx
    Gem, you know how to live it up. Enjoy your aquafit and massage today, plus coffee with your friends, of course. A nice 'fitness' day will do you good after last week which seemed extra busy for you.

    Nanto, what a nice, cheery graphic. I bet your DS1 is already anticipating his full English. Two trench coats! Puts Gem's new loo brush AND holder in the shade.

    Plant, I hope your hearing aids settle down. I sometimes forget to adjust mine for things like noisy environments, or forget to change them back to 'normal' until I wonder why something sounds odd! Robins are so bold, aren't they. Our current resident robin was just outside out back door this morning on the edge of a pot, and I gave him/her a good talking to about not building nests on our caravan this year!! Enjoy your busy day.

    Oma, it always amazes me that you have been out and visited several supermarkets before I've even had my first cuppa! I know they are close by, but I still think you must be super-organised. Don't cars get dirty quickly in this weather. Mine looks as though it's been driven through a mud bath! How is your hand today?

    OH has gone off to another member of the Last of the Summer Wine car group to do whatever they have planned. He and our next door neighbour were making lots of wooden gear knobs yesterday. Still it keeps them out of mischief - more or less.

    Eva and I have got our usual training afternoon, but I must take her for a walk first. Before that, I need to run the sucky up thing round the house - everything is covered in a layer of dog hair. I don't know where it all comes from, it's not as though she's long haired!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      My hand is still sore but improving every day thank you for asking , unfortunately my left wrist is starting now ,
      When I get a flare up it seems to work its way around my joints then disappears for months 🙄

      Hope dog training goes well , Im not sure who enjoys it more Eva or you 😁

      Well B took the car to the car wash all nice and clean then the heavens opened and it’s blowing a gale still ,
      At least the worse of the muck is off for now ,
      I really want to get out and sort the flower boarder but it’s to wet and cold , I don’t mind the wet but can’t be doing with the wind and cold.

      B is ordering a new fridge as I type,
      we have one where the shelves pull out rather than static ,
      Had it for years now and things keep braking on it.
      B has repaired and renewed the handle a couple of times and the salad box has cracked , then this morning one of the runners the shelves are on broke
      They don’t make the pull out shelves anymore so had to go with a normal one from Bosch , Im sure we will get used to it .

      Cant complain the years of use we have had out of this one to be fair.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, i'm sure you will get used to your new fridge.
        Everyone enjoyed their full english.

        Weatherwise,it was lovely and sunny with a breeze up to 2.30
        Then it rained for a minute,then turned to hailstone.
        If we had snow and fog,we would have had the lot today.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Well B ordered the fridge , He was ordering it from Curry’s and it was £30 delivery charge.

          Before he did he checked JL and they had the same fridge at the same price with FREE delivery on Saturday.
          So of course he went with JL.
          How can they Deliver free and Curry’s charge £30 ?
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            John Lewis is brilliant for electric and electronic goods Oma, especially after care. We got so many things from there. We really miss our York branch.

            Changeable here too Nan2. Rain, wind then bright sunshine. The washing almost dried outside.

            Daisy, it's so nice that your OH has friends and interests. Lots of retired men don't. Our friend P is an example. I know C wishes he did. He would be lost without her!

            I hope your hearing aids behaved themselves at your board games afternoon Plant.

            I am liking having 2 aqua sessions a week now. Massage was good. It's not relaxing to have done as she is getting all the knots and tensions out. I feel relaxed and better afterwards though.
            When I got back Mr Tesco was parked across our drive so I had to park in the road and get in to help OH unload. I had hoped he would have been long gone by the time I got home ​​​​​​​
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oma, sorry to hear about your left wrist now. What a pain - in every sense of the word. I hope it's soon better. We got our new Bosch fridge (and a freezer) from JL just before Christmas. We kept the salad boxes from our previous fridge-freezer and they sit nicely on one of the shelves. I was only thinking the other day how much better it is than our old one, except - I still haven't found a home for the bottle of tomato ketchup and the barbeque sauce bottle! They are like lost orphans, being moved from one place to another in the fridge!

              Gem, I'm glad the massages are helping. A bit of pain but a lot of gain. Also the 2 aqua classes must be keeping you fit as well. How is your knee feeling now? Sometimes it feels as though my OH has too many hobbies, but as you say, it's better than not having any. He's out in the shed, sorry, workshop! tonight working on a huge bowl that's been on the lathe for months. Our neighbour is on the smaller lathe making a bowl for his sister's birthday. Naughty Mr Tesco - he should have got going quicker.

              Nanto - I don't suppose there were any left overs from the full English.

              It's been cold today, but at least it's stayed dry. I think Eva and I enjoy the training equally. I love to see how excited she is when we arrive, and how she loves playing the various games. She's really reliable doing heel work now, and I feel more relaxed because she's not suddenly going to go off in a different direction. It's become a joke in the class that Eva has to go and sniff all the other dogs' beds the first time she walks past them each week.

              Tonight I cooked the bargain rump steak I'd got from Morrisons on Monday. It was fine - I cut it into two and pan-fried it, and did air fryer chips, mushrooms, fried onions and a tomato and basil salad. OH likes steak well-done, so I had to juggle a bit to get his burnt to a cinder and mine still slightly pink in the middle. Still, each to his own, and we both enjoyed it.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning. Nice bright morning, hubby is convinced it looked frosty earlier.

                No cooking for me, we are going for a pub meal.

                Oma, hope you are pain free soon.

                Daisy, if my hubby had nothing to do he would be climbing the walls.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning Nanto/Ladies.

                  We had frost first thing so maybe hubby did see it,

                  Just been watching the little birds picking all Storms fur of the grass to take to their nests ,
                  About 6 in total , with it being Astro turf his fur sticks to the top , I either brush it away or hoover it but I’m leaving it if the birds want it .

                  Need to go to B&Q this morning

                  B went online to arrange for the council to pick our old fridge up ,
                  Cant do it till 13 th of June 😱
                  It will have to go down the side of the shed behind the bins till then we have no where else to put it,

                  SIL could take it to the local tip but having a big Carpet van it’s classed as commercial and he would need a permit and it’s £25 each time and the permit takes a month.

                  GS was in the recording studio yesterday recording a song he wrote and he wrote the music to go with it
                  Connor provided the vocals gosh he has a good voice ,
                  The piece is Jazz not my kind of music but he sent us an audio last night , I know I’m biased but it was good .

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                    Pub meal, lovely Nan2

                    Daisy, I'd love to see Eva sniffing all the other dog beds, like a canine Goldilocks

                    All these aches and pains are no fun at all are they Oma?

                    Baby E day #2. Golf for OH later. Fine and sunny but very cold right now.
                    My lower back is aching, either from too many back kicks in the pool or just after effects of the massage. A bit of both maybe but I suspect the former. I have my wheat bag at my back and have taken painkillers so will be fine soon.

                    Have good day ladies, whatever it holds.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma, Storm's fur will make luxury birds nest lining
                      My SIL2 was in a band with friends at J's age and they still have the odd 'revival' and he is 50 now!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Oma, well done to your GS and Conner, is that part of his course or just for fun?

                        Gemini, 2 Aqua classes and massage a week, you will feel the benefit but don’t over do it. Baby E will keep you busy today.

                        Daisy, your Eva is quite a character, keeps you on your toes.

                        GD1 will be here this afternoon after she picks up H from pre-school, she is going to do my cleaning. I have an appt. With my doctor later to talk about my blood test and breathlessness.

                        Nanto, love the flowers, enjoy your meal out. My OH was never bored after he retired.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Good Thursday morning, everyone. It's fine and sunny, but chilly here. There may have been frost last night. Our temperature went down to 3C, and I'd covered some plants up just in case.

                          Nanto, what gorgeous flowers. It's great our OHs keep so active, isn't it. We have a friend who just sits and reads the paper and watches television all day. He's dropped all his activities - tennis, golf, badminton - and leaves everything to his wife. He's never been into any sort of DIY either. It's very sad to see. Enjoy your pub meal.

                          Gem, they say there's no gain without pain, but I hope your back is ok, especially with having baby E today. I bet OH is enjoying her golf after all the course closures. Can she use a trolley or do they have to carry their golf bags? I know that puts one of my friends off - she just can't carry her bag even for 9 holes. . I had to smile at Eva being like a canine Goldilocks. She's the right colour, and she does sometimes consider some beds "just right" and wants to sit on them!

                          Oma, we got JL to take our old appliances away. I think it was £25, but it was better than all the hassle of trying to use the Council services. No wonder people fly tip if they have to wait so long for the Council service. Imagine if you were in a flat with no outdoor space and nowhere to keep something as big as a fridge for weeks on end. . How exciting for your GS to be recording his own composition. He must be really pleased to have Connor providing vocals and modern recording methods are exciting. I do like jazz - I'd love to hear what he's done.

                          I put some fur out for the birds - and they ignored it!

                          I've got washing in - hopefully the sun will hang around to dry it. When it's a bit warmer I'll do a bit of gardening.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Hallo everyone, it was cold here this morning, very cold cycling home last night, I got my warm winter coat out again. It is lovely now though.

                            I have been to have my hair cut then went to the market in Delft for cheese etc, very busy of course.

                            Thinking about taking appliances away, for years we pay a certain "tax" when we buy an appliance, it isn't expensive at all, then when you buy a new one they take the old one away, it has been like that for years here, handy!

                            Gem, I hope your back has improved, I have made an appointment for a scan on my shoulder really playing up again.

                            Oma, the music boys would be proud of themselves.

                            About staying active, I have admiration for the men that have been doing the tax forms etc, a few are younger but some are early 70's and have been doing it 4 days a week for the last 2 months, then, they do so many over things as well. By the way, they say the same about me!!!
                            Photo on 18-04-2024 at 10.41 #2.jpg

                            Very rare, a smile!


                              Ooo a lovely photo, hair looks lovely as well.

                              Daisy,hubby would go spare if he had to stay inside and watchTV all day.

                              Gem, enjoy your baby E day.

                              Oma, well done to the boysfor the music.

                              I washed the towels this morning,and put them out on the line.
                              Dried lovely,but i'v brought them in as rain is forecast this afternoon.

                              Just been in the shower and i'm ready for the pub now.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Lizzie, thank you for showing us the lovely photo - your hair looks lovely, and I'm sure you smile lots. xx

                                They always say, if you want something doing ask a busy person, don't they, and you are certainly a busy person. As Nanto and I have been saying about our OHs, most people need to keep busy and productive. But I take my hat off to the people doing the tax work to help others. They have to be bang up to date and on the ball, because if they get it wrong it could be serious for the 'client'.

                                Nanto, it sounds as though you are going on a bit of a bender, but I'm sure it will be fun.

                                We've still got sunshine, but it's a bit chilly. I've been pottering in the garden, but not achieving much.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

