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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Well, I'm back home after my shopping trip. It has served to remind me why I hate shopping so much! It was pouring with rain when I set off, so went out in a raincoat and nice warm jumper. Forty minutes later, after sitting behind a 'holiday driver' doing 25 mph for 7 miles, then stuck at one set of roadworks, I all but lost the will to go anywhere at a 4-way stop set of lights. Then there was another traffic jam in the car park because of the 4-way lights! (It's normally 15-20 minutes)

    By then the sun was out and I felt silly in my raincoat! Dropped in to DS2's and DIL's shop to get my passport photo done, and watched DIL deal very politely with an extremely rude customer.

    I spent ages in the local department store, looking for a new bra. They all seemed to be designed for AA cups or E++ cups - nothing in between. Spent a long time waiting in Specsavers for some new ear parts for OH's hearing aids. Even longer choosing 14 birthday cards. Then popped into Morrisons for some of DIL2's favourite choc chip cookies and found what I hope is a bargain - a huge rump steak for under £7!

    Back home to find I should have got OH 2 pairs of hearing aid parts, not one!

    So the highlight of my shopping trip was a lump of meat, and the lovely cheerful staff in Superdrug , and DIL who has done her best to make my passport photo as good as possible, given the subject she was working with!!!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      What happens at Grandmas stays at Grandmas Gem 😂😂😂

      The cough is still there but not as barking like a dog as much , thank you for asking.

      It has been really cold hasn’t it,
      Glasses are not cheap some designer ones are enough to make your eyes water 😀
      Last edited by Oma; 15-04-2024, 04:48 PM.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Hallo everyone, we have had the showers this afternoon, as forecast, we went to aqua in the car, a good thing we did as there was a cloud burst! We would have been soaked!

        Daisy, what an exciting shopping trip you had!

        Oma, your MIL would annoy anyone with the way she goes on. She certainly would annoy me.

        Plant, I do hope you managed to clean your rug.

        Mimi, specs do differ in price, they do here anyway.

        I just got a strange mail, my Mac will be delivered tomorrow evening between 19 and 21 hours! I hope it is a delayed mail as my Mac is up and working.

        Oma, my hands were playing up in bed last night, I must have held them wrong, I will take paracetamol before I go to bed and hope that it helps.

        Plant, I haven't had a land line since I got my first mobile phone after my hubby died, that was 23 years ago in October.

        DB2 phoned this afternoon, they have just returned from Cyprus and are now going to Spain for 8 weeks, travelling there along the French coast, they lived in Normandy for a while so will call in there for a look around first.

        We have hail now, sun and rainbow to go with it.

        A lady from aqua fell in the street last week, tripped over a loose paving, she was there today to drink coffee with us, what a mess her face is, poor woman, covered in bruises.


          Lizzie, gave carpet a good clean , not sure until it dries if I have removed the stain.

          Been quite cold today and windy, about 4pm we had a down pour, it sounded like hail but I think it was very load rain.

          Daisy what a frustrating shopping trip for you. I always enjoy a trip out.

          Had to deliver a card to a friend what had broken her arm so instead of going back home to sit indoors I called in the local cafe for a sandwich and a coffee. I also bought a helping of lasagne, that will last me for two days.

          I have had to throw the towel in with my new hearing aids, they just keep whistling. I have made an appt. To them looked at, got my old aids in now. DD wants to come with me, she feels she ought to know something about them, she likes to come with me to doctors etc now so she can help if needed. I sometimes get confused about some medical details, I have so many now.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Sorry, I had to leave off to get dinner as OH was going out at 6.30.

            Plant, what a nuisance knocking the drink over. I hope the carpet dries ok. Yes, we still have a landline. OH uses it all the time because he says it's better reception than his mobile. Also, he know if it rings I'll answer it and take messages etc. It's a good idea for your DD to go with you to appointments. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything the specialists are saying.
            Gem, what a poppet baby E is. I can just imagine how excited he was to see you on video call. I bet he had a great time with S this morning while you were at Aqua. No wonder he's got you wrapped round his little finger.

            Oma, happy birthday to your MIL. Ninety is a big milestone, and I bet those flowers were beautiful. What a pity they didn't bring her pleasure. Yours GS1 is wonderful. He (and Lucie) clearly love you both and enjoy your company. I'm glad your hand's a bit better, and hope B is getting better as well. It's useful for anyone to have an emergency number they can actually remember, just in case. The numbers I remember (all 3 of them) are landline numbers. DIL takes good passport photos, especially given you have to keep a straight face etc.

            Mimi, it's very windy here as well, and we've had several really heavy showers. It's blowing the blossom off some of the trees. Your OH did well at Specsavers, although I think it's things like special coatings or varifocals which bump the price up.

            Lizzie, I hope your hands are ok tonight and don't keep you awake. Your DB2 sounds quite a globe trotter, but I'm sure the trip down through France will be lovely and hopefully there will be plenty of sunshine in Spain. I hope y our friend from Aqua gets better quickly. What a shock that must have been for her.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I didn't bother doing any washing,Not enough for a load and i don't mix them.

              Been a day of sun,strong winds and rain,when it raines it certainly rained.

              Oma, happy birthday to MIL.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                I think I would have wanted to sit in a dark corner and cry after that carry on ,
                Poor you and you don’t like shopping at the best of times do you 😱

                Hope your DB has a lovely time quite a traveler isn’t he.
                Poor lady I bet it was a shock and bruises to the face take a long time to fade.
                Hopefully they don’t deliver another Mac , it’s the trouble of sending it back isn’t it .
                Hope you get some rest tonight
                Im wearing my Arthritis glove I got from the Hospital, it’s like a compression glove , it gives some relief and keeps my hand straight.

                Its a good idea your DD goes to these appointments , sometimes if you can’t hear clearly you miss things , another set of ears are always welcome I think.
                How did H get on at pre school today ?

                We have just been putting a new shoe storage cupboard together for the hall,
                my other cabinet one of the drop down drawers got damaged and B tried to repair it but it kept falling
                So a new one was needed,
                I say we put it together , what I mean is B did the work I just sat supervising 😀
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Busy chat box today

                  Daisy, not the best shopping day!

                  That poor lady Lizzie. I have a real dread of doing that for some reason.

                  Plant I went with my mum to her appointments for several years before she went into the care home. Her hearing wasn't that good, and it was useful as I may have remembered or understood something she missed .

                  Oma, friends who called in over the weekend were laughing at me saying we had done this and that, as they knew full well OH was the one actually doing it

                  Good night everyone.
                  I wish a fine dry day for us all tomorrow!

                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning. It looks like a better start today.

                    Hoping to get bathroom towels washed and out for a blow after being showered and cleaned the bathroom.

                    Hubby out for a couple of hours, after he gets home, I think we are going to his sisters.
                    So, it will probably be just a pizza for dinner.

                    Daisy, not the best of shopping days for you yesterday.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                      Dry here, still windy and looking cloudy.

                      Library as usual on a Tuesday morning. Slightly different Tuesday afternoon this week. Instead of picking up GS1 from school I will pick him up from a different school at 5pm after a dodgeball tournament. This other school is nearer to us . He is not a sporty boy so we are pleased for him to be doing something like this out of school hours.

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

                        Nanto, it's a better start to the day here, as well. Hopefully it will stay like that while I get the whites out on the line! Those cute little birdies would have trouble balancing on flowers here - the wind's blowing up again. I haven't had pizza for ages - can I pop round, please?

                        Gem, Some children just aren't sporty, are they, so I think it's great your GS1 is trying something different. I'm not sure what dodgeball is, but I hope he has lots of fun.

                        I've got plenty to keep me busy today - both inside and out, so I'll see how the weather goes.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Morning Ladies

                          Its blowing a gale here trees are swaying alarmingly.
                          Hope GS enjoys dodgeball x

                          What a lovely graphic made Me smile
                          Enjoy your visit I bet there is lots to chat about😀

                          Just having a cup of tea then we off to the Salvation Army shop with all the coats and ball gowns,
                          From there we will pop to Morrisons and B wants to go to the Lindt shop.

                          Next door was having a episode during the night , 6 police officers there and a van , she was screaming at them then kept setting her house alarm off,
                          Finally went Quiet just before 4am ,
                          Not sure if they took her off by then I was too tired to care . First one she’s had for a while but we knew it was coming by her behaviour this past week.
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Daisy, GS does dodgeball at school and seems to enjoy it. I presume the aim is dodging the ball

                            Oh dear Oma, I thought you hadn't mentioned that neighbour for a while.

                            Golf course is open so OH is happy.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem, that's what I thought about dodgeball, but I'm sure there must be a whole set of rules and a structure to the game. Great that he's got involved. For some children it's just a matter of finding the right sport, in't it. xx

                              Oma, oh dear, your neighbour has been quiet for some time. I hope she's ok, and you got some sleep eventually.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Well I dropped off all the coats and the ball gowns ,
                                There was a lot of ooh’s and Aah’s over them from the girls in the shop,
                                I was tempted to grab them and bring them home again but I didn’t I was good and let them go .
                                They said they are always asked for cruise wear or Prom dresses so they will be gone in no time .
                                Im going to miss the one I had the problem with the Spanx under 🤣

                                Its Freezing out, that wind is cutting .
                                We went to several card shops trying to find a 90 badge for MIL but everywhere they stopped at 80 ,
                                Obviously your expected to be dead by 90 😜
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

