

have a good weekend everyone

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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Greetings from Bratislava where it has been a glorious, warm day! Enjoyed lunch sitting on a terrace by the Danube, which sadly is not blue but a rather drab grey!
    Met DS's GF this evening and she seems a lovely girl. Maybe this will be the'One' and he's settle down. Who knows!

    We're off to visit an art gallery on an island in the river tomorrow ( I think) and visiting friends of his with 2 children on Sunday. GF will also be there!

    Hope J soon recovers Daisy. Plant's GGS is gorgeous and I love his name! Have a GC free weekend Gem!

    Enjoy the weekend ladies, I'm sending some of this beautiful weather your way ! XX
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      enjoy the lovely weather, hope it is the one for your DS keep your fingers crossed 😁
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        WeeGranny, enjoy the rest of your trip. Sitting outside eating lunch by a river is always lovely - even if it's grey instead of blue. I bet your DS is pleased you and his GF like each other. I hope the art gallery has lots of inspiration for your art work. And finally, could you bring some of that warm weather back with you, please. We really need it. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning. Had overnight rain.

          Daisy, hope OH gets well soon.

          WG, sounds lovely where you are. You never know, GF might be the one.

          We are going to Wakefield today, so no cooking again for me. I could get used to it.

          Have a good day ladies.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good Saturday morning, everyone.

            It's dry but blustery here. No doubt rain is on its way.

            I'm just waiting for Sainsbury delivery. OH is feeling a bit better but still in bed catching up on lost sleep. I'll pop back later.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning everyone

              You will be getting called a lady that lunches soon, you need a nice cocktail dress for the occasions 🤣🤣🤣

              Poor J hope he’s feeling better by tomorrow xx

              Went to our small Morrisons this morning for a few bits , the wind is wild ,
              Think DD may come with the dog this morning ,
              B still not getting any rest with this cold and hacking cough so he’s tired , I will try to get him to have a nap later even if it’s only on the sofa .

              Have a good Saturday everyone xx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning everyone.

                Nan2, like you I could definitely get used to a no cooking lifestyle

                I hope the lovely weather continues for you WG.

                Cute but naughty dog Oma, I wouldn't want him in my house

                Good to hear OH is improving Daisy, he will feel washed out for a day or so no doubt.
                It was oldest not youngest GS I was looking after last night

                Gales are expected today. I went to the outside freezer earlier to get minced lamb to defrost for shepherd's pie, and I don't intend going outside again today!

                Last night GS1 and I watched a couple of episodes of Is it Cake? (new to me) on Netflicks. Now he has ambitions to make cakes that look like other things and fool everyone

                No plans today which is nice. GS2's birthday, but we will see him tomorrow. Today his family plus a friend each for him and GD are going to Yorkshire Wildlife Park for the day. We love it there. There a dinosaur themed cafe where they will eat. I just hope they are not blown away!!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  It's so strange outside. A warm wind but the sky looks black and angry!

                  I've done 3 loads of washing, just keeping one eye on the washing to ensure that the clothes don't get blown off the washing line and another one on to sky and hope it won't rain.

                  Daisy hope OH feels better soon

                  WeeGranny enjoy your trip.

                  Daisy some of Sainsbury's deliveries have been cancelled here at the moment because of a gas leak. People aren't happy but safety must come first.
                  We had our Tesco delivery on Thursday.

                  Have a good day everyone
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Beautiful sunshine,but very windy.
                    Apparently its storm Kathleen.
                    We've just been sitting in the garden with a cuppa and cake.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      No sign of the storm here thank goodness. I have been to the opticians to get some new hearing aids as mine were three years old. They were fine in the shop but now I am home I can’t stop them from whistling. I met us with GD, her OH and H as it was half way for them and we had lunch. They were not whistling then.

                      I hope both the poorly husbands will be better soon.

                      Oma, your GS certainly looks like you, love his sandy hair. Brother and sister are certainly not a bit alike in looks or colouring.

                      Daisy, I hope all your disasters are over with. Did you manage to clean the oven glass.

                      Gemini, I happen to stumble on the programme about cakes, I felt it was a bit silly although very skilful.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        DD came with Storm as I thought she would , then GS & Lucie came for tea , they have just left.

                        Its been quite a nice day apart fm the wind ,
                        Gave the oven a clean apart from that haven’t done much,

                        Bs hearing aids whistle , he can’t hear them so I have to tell him.
                        Sometimes it’s just a case of taking them out and putting them back in.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Mimi, I hope that washing dried ok. You must have pegged it down well.

                          Nanto - I could live the cooking-free lifestyle as well! Do you have a sheltered spot in the garden for windy days like today?

                          Plant, it would be worth popping back to the opticians to get them to make an adjustment to your hearing aids. You'll get fed up with the constant whistling. Did you have any appliances running which could have caused the noise? I haven't had chance to tackle the oven door yet. But it is on my mind!

                          Oma, poor B. That cold and cough is certainly hanging around. I hope he had a nap and felt better for it.

                          Gem, I've never heard of "Is it Cake", but it sounds intriguing. I wonder what your GS will create. Did. you stay in all day? I hope you had a nice relaxing time, whatever you did. Another busy day tomorrow, but children's parties are lovely, and it's great to see them so excited and happy.

                          WeeGranny, I hope your day went to plan, and you had another day of lovely warm weather. Was it the art gallery you were visiting today?

                          OH is starting to feel better. He's eaten a bit today, including a very small dinner tonight. He got up after lunch and did emails, and watched some tv. He says thank you for thinking about him.

                          The plague of locusts hasn't arrived yet, but Sainsbury's arrived today with one crate of our shopping dripping with milk, which had leaked in the tray above. So I spent nearly an hour getting everything clean and dry again. It was either that or reject over half my shopping meaning I'd have to go out and get it somewhere else. Still, I put a load of towels out on the line about 3.30, and they dried. Maybe the howling gale helped.

                          This afternoon I actually cut the lawn, and trimmed the edges. I started to take plants out of their winter snuggly covers and fed and top dressed them. I'm putting them back in the summerhouse at night for now, but it's something I can do while the garden is too wet to work on.The wind had died down a bit by tea-time, so I took Eva out for a walk. I'm ready for bed now!!
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Plant silly but skilful sums that programme up well! Being American they are SO loud!!

                            No wonder you are ready for bed Daisy, busy day! I'm glad your OH is improving.

                            Daisy, I had a very relaxing day thank you. I made shepherd's pies, one for the freezer and one we ate this evening. Apart from that I have mainly caught up with The Archers on iPlayer, watched TV and read. OH fixed up the ring doorbell but I haven't worked out how to make it alert me with any sound on my phone. It just pops up showing someone is at the door, so I would have no idea unless looking at my phone. Two of my DDs have them so I will ask them tomorrow.
                            Another fairly easy day tomorrow. We go over to DD2's for 3 pm, so see GS2's presents etc. We will be having pizza and have put in our orders.
                            His party with friends is the following weekend, which we won't be involved in

                            This evening the storm really hit us. It had been windy most of the day, but gales and lashing rain this evening. I think it is dying down now.

                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning, still windy here, but not as bad as yesterday.
                              We had quite a bit of rain last night, after such a lovely day yesterday, apart from the wind.

                              Daisy, we do have a sheltered part of the garden, out of the wind.
                              Glad your OH seems to be on the mend.

                              Gem, I've never heard of Is It Cake either.

                              Back to cooking today, so it's chicken in breadcrumbs, cheesy mash, veg and gravy.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good Sunday morning, everyone. It's still windy, but we have sunshine as well - at least I think that's what it is.

                                Gem, it's always useful to have a meal ready in the freezer. You put your relaxing day to good use - catching up on The Archers and tv programmes and reading. I hope today is better weather-wise. Have a lovely time with your GS.

                                Nanto, hopefully Storm Kathleen has blown itself out. Oh dear, it looks like your 'no-cooking' holiday is over, but dinner sounds tasty.

                                OH is still asleep, but hopefully he's feeling better today. I want to get some more plants ready for going out in the garden, but first I need to do some washing and get my study ready for the GDs who are coming tomorrow morning. I'll take Eva to theirs and bring the girls back here. We've got tickets for our pop-up cinema for the afternoon. Then on Tuesday we're going to the Hawk Conservancy for the day. We're looking forward to having them - it will be fun after several weeks of life getting a bit on top of us.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

