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    Been awake since stupid o'clock, fed the cat , did my online grocery shopping, made a cup of tea ...... now what shall I do...I think it's going to be a long day!
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Good morning all. Been awake on and off since 3.30! Always happens when I go away, that's two nights in a row.

      off on a steam railway this morning then a whisky distillery tour after lunch. Maybe a tot (or two) will he,p me sleep 😃🥃
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        Good morning , Sun is out makes everything cheery , still got painful ribs . Our building is still on going but no moving date yet


          Good morning everyone.

          Mimi and Enfys, I'm sorry you have had poor nights.
          Aggie, I hope your sore ribs are soon improved, and that you get a moving date!
          Nan2, I love that graphic

          Got to get up and get moving soon. A dull day at the moment, with some rain forecast I think, but it won't spoil our day out. We're not planning on the beach today anyway,

          Have a good day everyone.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning from me! No sun at the moment, but no rain either, so fingers crossed!

            It's going to be a day of catching up with washing and maybe the dreaded ironing for me.

            GS1 is already in the summerhouse 'deconstructing' a car full of electrical things we got off Freecycle yesterday.

            Aggie - building work seems to go on for ever doesn't it. It will be worth it when it's all finished, but I hope your ribs get better soon - they must be very painful every time you move. x

            Nanto - enjoy your peaceful day.

            Enfys, I'm sure the distillery trip is just what you need for a good night's sleep tonight. Can you take Mimi with you - I believe she's very well behaved until after the 5th tot!!!

            It's not started too well for me today - my phone's died. It's been playing up for a while and overheating, but I put it on charge last night and this morning there's nothing, zilch. You don't realise how much you rely on them until they go wrong!

            Gem - have a lovely day. It's lovely not to have to rush around on holiday - enjoy your lie in.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning ladies , no sleep for me last night ,I tried but it wasn't to be , I did nod off about 5.45 but I woke again at 6.30 , my mind just wouldn't wind down I tried reading , doing my puzzle book that made it worse , listened to some music lying on the sofa with my head phones on ,zilch nothing

              Got GS1 and dog today I might squeeze a nana nap in after lunch .

              Aggie I was wondering about your build how it was doing , hope your less sore today ,
              Gem don't mind the weather just enjoy yourself its only water after all
              Daisy good occupational therapy for your GS he will have a good knowledge of mechanics as he gets older
              Enfys enjoy your day don't get drunk hahaha
              Nanto don't speak too soon normal days never end like that
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Another day escaping the rain for us
                Been to Keilder water and forest, just back for a wash and brush up and cuppa, then out to eat.
                I hope you sleep well tonight Oma!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem - lovely that you had a dry day. We didn't do too badly - just a few showers this morning, then a few hours sun, then another shower - just rescued the washing in time! Needless to say it hasn't been ironed!!

                  Myt clever DS2 has sorted out my phone. I don't know why it wasn't working, but it is now so I'm happy!

                  Oma - did you get your nana nap this afternoon?
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    I did Daisy I couldn't keep my eyes open so I made J his lunch then went and lay on the bed , I woke and jumped up thinking it said 3.05 on the clock and thought I had slept 3 hours then I realised it was 13.05 so only slept a hour .
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Well, at least you had a bit of sleep, but hopefully not so much that you can't nod off tonight. x

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Another trip to JL today to return a jumper, remembered my handbag today, big mistake, came home with a soup maker, well Gemini said they were good and with winter on the way I thought it was the right time to buy one, will try it out tomorrow. GD1 on her own next door so she has decided to move in with me sleeping in my spare room. As she doesn't get home very early, I am cooking for us both, a pleasure for me.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          well I'm still awake Daisy
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            It's the middle of the week,doesn't time fly.
                            Hope you managed to get some sleep eventually Oma.
                            I woke up about 3ish,but after a visit to the bathroom, i managed to get back to sleep.
                            Weather yesterday was very humid.Don't know what todays forecast is.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Dull and drizzly up here in bonnie Scotland. Off to visit Loch Ness today, hoping to spot Nessie Feeling good after a good night's sleep 😴 so looking forward to a nice day out today. Inverness this afternoon, looks like we'll need our beollies ☔️
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Morning Nanto ,Ladies .
                                Managed about 4 hours Nanto
                                Off to Hospital again this morning get results of the skin biopsy and hopefully get his top up today , rash still the same though ,
                                Its wet and grey hear doesn't look like clouds will lift anytime soon ,
                                Enfys enjoy your day as I said to Gem yesterday when it was raining its only water xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

