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    Morning ladies.
    Daisy I am making a chicken casserole for lunch , obviously great minds think alike

    So far I haven't done much this morning, well when I say not much that isn't exactly true, I held a torch ( very important job apparently ) whilst OH fiddled at the back of the TV so that he could move the DVD player . For some inexplicable reason I was talked into having Sky Q installed and OH wanted the DVD player on one side of the TV and Sky box on the other side. Then I had another highly skilled and extremely important job to do.... hold the wire that feeds into the TV while he stretches and grunts over the TV to try and reach the back of it. I tell you what.... with all this hard work I may have to go and have a lie down.

    Tomorrow we are going to the seaside so fingers crossed we have no rain. Here at the moment the sun has just gone in and its starting to thunder

    Have a lovely day everyone . If you want me I may be found in the tea room having a rest
    Last edited by Mimi; 05-08-2017, 10:16 AM.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Good morning,
      Sunny here, and it got quite hot yesterday

      I hope it stays fine for the wedding Nan2.

      Busy bee indeed Oma, and all by 10am!!

      Towels are blowing on the line, but nothing else has happened here yet. OH is in the midst of booking next years golf holiday so she and her 3 pals are very excited. I must let her have the laptop for a bit to book the flights. The rest is already done.

      For me, she plans a trip to the tips today. Still my beating heart!!! I'm going to see if there is anything we fancy at the cinema, but otherwise it will be a pottering at home day.

      Enjoy your day everyone
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Morning playmates yesterday as I was leaving to go retail theraping if there is such a word my OH made a really bad move by saying spend what you like don't hold back, well what a fool he was I spent £200 😱 admitted fifty of it was on his birthday present that is next week a dab radio and an ornament that was £26 for my newly decorated tv room but I did manage to buy 3 dresses one I had to order but it came this morning, told OH I probably wouldn't keep it but oh I do like it so I will be trotting up to the bedroom shortly to my slightly overflowing wardrobe and concealing it at the back somewhere. All my purchases were sale products but aren't swimming costumes flipping expensive it's a tummy control one which I was told that is what I am paying for but to be honest although I am not slim it's the overflow from my top half I am concerned about, bought a white t shirt well you really can't have enough of those can you 👍🏻 Bought each g/c a bath bomb from Lush they love them, a mascara and a nail polish.
        On my return I was informed my mot is due for my car and he had booked it in for Monday have I any money so I pretended to cough and choke a little in the meantime he decided he would pay on his debit card, so tonight I shall cook him a lovely tea and tell him how much I love him !


          When my eldest GD was about 2 I think, she was mad on dinosaurs I commented on this and Clover offered to knit me a pink one it was lovely and she took it to bed every night until a unicorn appeared and old Dino got the heave ho, yesterday DD and her were having a toy clear out as she got so much for her birthday several soft toys were allocated to the charity shop but when she brought out Dino she put it back in her bed, thought Clover might like to know her efforts are still going strong long live Dino !!
          Last edited by Qwerty; 05-08-2017, 12:44 PM.


            Mimi, I get the important torch, ladder, bit of wood holding jobs too

            Qwerty, you spend girl you deserve it How lovely that GD didn't part with Dino. My 7 year old, very grown up GD sleeps each night with Cat Face - a once pink little cat head blanket thing she got as a baby!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Gem....we did the tip trip yesterday!!!It's always busy at the tip......what did we do before we had them?
              Spent morning putting up new curtain rails......I do love a power drill! Now waiting for new curtains to arrive,hopefully within the next 7-10 days.

              Loud banging on door about 10 last night. OH went to find DD and GS standing there. SiL had come back to collect GS from his other granny's where he'd gone after his stay with us and dropped his car keys down a drain! DD had spare keys at home so had to bring them out to him! SiL should have delivered flowers to me so DD brought them round. Don't think she was very happy at having to make a 4hr round trip at that time of night!

              All you insomniacs have my sympathy. I don't normally have a problem sleeping, but I have a cough which is getting worse by the day and I couldn't sleep last night. I sound like a sea lion barking! So got up and made a hot Ribena, lay on couch and played a couple of games on tablet and fell asleep on couch. I feel like a zombie at the moment.

              Didn't do my normal Friday shop, so need to do it today. OH has just 'kindly' offered to come with me!!!

              DS is still with us, think he'll be here until end of month. He's working every day, thanks to modern technology. His leg does seem to be improving but he has to go back to GP on Tuesday to have a chat about the results of the x-ray he had at hospital last week. I'd forgotten how much he eats......especially bread!!

              Hope the sun shines on everyone this weekend, it is here at the moment, but we've just had a downpour, and that everyone has a good weekend whatever you're up to!
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Well we are back from the wedding, bride looked lovely.Her brother had come over from Canada, so that was a surprise for her.She shed a few tears when she saw him.
                The rest of the wedding party have gone to Cannon Hall, for the photos.parents didn't want to go,and me and hubby weren't bothered either.
                Then they are all going for an Italian meal.
                We are picking parents up tonight for the night do, but we won't stay till late. Parents will be ready for home by 9.30.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Qwerty that's lovely to hear that pink Dino hasn't been relegated to the charity shop yet. Thank you for letting me know.Sounds like you enjoyed your retail theraping and made a good haul of goodies.
                  Nanto glad to hear the wedding went well.Hope you enjoy the evening "do"


                    WG, good to know I am not the only to to experience such 'treats' !!! I hope your cough is soon better.

                    What a lovely Surprise that must have been for the bride, Nan2.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Just a quick good morning, Morrisons delivery coming soon. Only 1p for delivery.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Morning ladies, just a quick 'hello' because we are off to the seaside today, got bucket and spade in hand and ready to go !!
                        DD has said that we are having a special guest to come and stay with us on Thursday and Friday. GS will be here with us until Saturday, looking forward to it so much .

                        Have a lovely Sunday everyone
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Good Sunday morning from me.

                          Oh, how I love being the unskilled holder of torches, bits of wire and 'the other end'! What would our DIY-geniuses do without us!

                          Nanto that's a bargain - delivery for 1p.

                          WG - pleased to hear your DS's leg is improving, but your cough sounds nasty. Have you been to the doctor's? Try and get a nap in the day - you need to keep your strength up. xx

                          Qwerty - you naughty girl, but I love it!!

                          Clover - it's lovely to know your pink dino is so well loved.

                          I made 2 chicken casseroles - one for the GSs (one is dairy and gluten-free and the other doesn't like onions) and one for the grown-ups. There's enough of the grown up one left for us for tomorrow (we're out all day today).

                          What a lot of busy bees we are! Thank goodness the weather has improved - it's sunny but not very warm, and this morning I looked at all the dew on the grass and felt a finger to autumn at work.

                          Yesterday, DS1 and family got back from Portugal without any delays at passport control etc, and as they landed at Southampton they came over to collect Bailey. He was pleased to see them, and proudly showed off his new skills we'd taught him. I think Eva has missed him - she slept downstairs last night which is very unusual! Still they will meet up today at DIL's father's 80th birthday party. I just hope it stays dry for the barbecue.

                          Tomorrow we've got both GDs as usual, and I think they're staying for a sleepover, so I might be quite busy, bless them.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning ladies everyone seems to be doing things today
                            We off to meet our friends for coffee and a chat soon , we don't live more than 5 minutes away from each other but we like to go somewhere different on a Sunday for a coffee and maybe a Bacon sandwich
                            Martin and his partner made a surprise visit last night we had such a laugh ,love to see them when they not working , they work together and do long hours so we squeeze in visits when we can .
                            The sun is out looks like a good day
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning everyone!

                              Mimi, have a lovely seaside day. How nice that GS is coming to stay

                              Morrisons for 1p, it has be be done Nan2!

                              A bit of gardening for my mum later, and delivering her some audio books. DD3s best friend, who is getting married on Saturday is coming for coffee when we get back from mums. I haven't seen her for ages, so looking forward to that.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Shopping arrived at 6.40. Everything i ordered was delivered.
                                Done 2 loads of washing,on the ine almost dry.
                                Went to nieces wedding do last night. We took parents,and they were ready for home about 10ish.
                                We were there for about 3 hours,and it was a good do, food was lovely.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

