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Good morning Nan2 and friends it's been a busy and for me tiring week, yesterday spent all day cleaning up, stashing toys away upstairs, replenishing the pantry, washing ironing, cleaning patio doors of sticky finger marks of which I have 4sets, and a pair of internal French doors , but TODAY I am doing retail therapy, need a new swimming costume for hols and who knows what else will catch my beady eye, so going to our nearest out of town shopping mall for a few hrs.
Humber Bridge was good on Monday weather stayed fine I won't talk about it too much as I intend to do a journal, but eldest loved it one disappointment was lunch not the food it wa a Harvester chain and not knowing the area wasn't sure what else was around but as we walked in to the pub I told D/G to choose a table after a couple of mins a waitress came and asked if she could help we told her we were looking for a table, she promptly told us the children's area was down the room it's adults on
in the main restaurant, I was fuming as she is no baby and a very well behaved 7 yr old I told her children were not second class citizens in my book, but that was the rule , we sat down there was a soft play area for under fives so that meant there was nothing for g/ d to do so why were we put in this situation, the toilets were for children only,
so adults had to walk through the main restaurant to get to the loos , I found the whole thing quite bizarre, I am not opposed to young children being in restaurants I have been there many times +2 usually and prepared for noise, babies crying children running around but I do think you should have a choice and not be herded like cattle epecially when children get to 7,and beyond , had we known another restaurant we would have walked out anyway rant over.
i shall catch up with other threads when I can 😀 Have a nice day now
Good morning, everyone.It's not raining - but still looks showery and is still windy.
Oma - perhaps taking that poorly man to the surgery was ok - they would have his records and could put him on a heart monitor while waiting for an ambulance. I don't suppose we'll know if he was ok in the end.
The memory bear sounds a lovely idea - Nana you're a very talented lady.
Mimi - I bet that young man was really pleased to get his Tesco card back. Glad you had some lovely cuddles with baby GS.
I'm hoping to get some washing done - I did one load of whites yesterday and managed to get them almost dry outside. I'm also going to do my bleach babe impersonation - that means there will be lots of activity, dusters and sucky up things being waved around and a smell of polish in the air. We're disappearing under layers of dog hair! Bailey is going home tomorrow, though, and we'll miss him. We were going to take him back on Sunday when we go to DS1's FIL's birthday do, but GS1 is missing him (Bailey) so much they are going to pick him up on their way home from the airport tomorrow afternoon. I think Eva is going to feel very 'lost'. They've learnt to play together and it's so lovely to see them having fun.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Qwerty - you posted while I was typing so I've only just read about your busy week. I do hope you find a nice swim suit - and maybe a few treats after all your hard work.
I suppose that's the trouble with 'chain' restaurants - they have their rules and that's it, but I would have been a bit peeved as well, especially as your GD was too old to use the facilities in the children's area. If they provided interesting things for her age group it might have been different. Are you going to complain to Head Office?"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning everyone.
Windy here, but the sun is shining and no rain (yet!)
Mimi, I bet GS cuddles and catching up was lovely
Qwerty, I would be very annoyed about that too. Adults only? Its ridiculous for a place like that. We should all go there with all our GC and stage a sit in!!
I'm sure Eva will miss Bailey, Daisy. Perhaps you should get a little brother or sister for her?
We were up early for the hairdresser coming at 9. Usually this makes no difference as I have to be up on Fridays for baby GS. However they are on holiday, so it was a pity to have to be up and dressed so early!
Nothing else planned for today. We may have lunch out and do a little shopping, and I need to go to the library.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies , warm but breezy hear nice drying day so have whites in washer ,
Had a lovely afternoon tea with DD yesterday , this morning been to Aldi then to B&Q for gloss paint need to paint window sill its scratched from Storm getting up there to look out of window ,
Qwerty hope you find a nice bather and other things you didn't know you needed but have to have
Daisy it will sound very quiet in your house with just one dog
Gem isn't it always the case you could have a lie in then you go make that appointment for early morning
Mimi I bet the young man was relieved when he realised it was his card .
Im not fat just 6ft too small
What a shame Qwerty that there wasn't another eatery near so that you could have walked out.
I expect Baily will miss Eva too Daisy, at least you know they get on if you have him again. Now don't go mad with those fluffy and sucky thing.
What a lucky thing you were able to return the credit card to it's owner MimiWhat is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Came on here early this morning. Heard someone banging on the front door, or i thought i did,
turned out to be someone at next door.
Been helpig hubby in the garden,then had visitors.
Eldest and his daughter coming for fish and chip dinner, then hairdresser coming about 2 ish.
Going to have to catch up on here later. Hate getting behind.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Nanto you get such a fright being woken like that don't you
Well just had a lovely surprise , Post woman knocked with a parcel for me , well I know I haven't sent for anything so a mystery , then I opened it and B had bought me a large bottle of Estee Lauder ( Pleasures) Perfume , I have a smaller one but its almost gone so I'm a very happy bunny nowLast edited by Oma; 04-08-2017, 02:38 PM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oh, he's a lovely hubby Oma!
We had a nice lunch at our favourite café in the village. We walked to the mobile library bus (you have to have your wits about you to use our library now, as the bus visits 4 different locations around the village over 5 days - you need to know where to go! We also went to the hospice charity shop and I bought several toys for the grandchildren, to add to Grandmas stock.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning everyone.
Nanto - I do hope it stays fine for the wedding. Apart from anything else, I always think about the poor photographer when it's pouring with rain!
Oma - what a lovely surprise.
Gem - the charity shops can be brilliant for toys, can't they. Most look as though they're brand new.
I don't know why I try to plant anything!! Last night we were going to take the dogs out when someone called round so we decided we'd take them first thing this morning. The doorbell rand while I was typing this, and it was our allotment friend - calling for OH to go and play down the allotment. I need to get a casserole in the oven for when DS1 etc arrive - they won't have much time as have to be home in time for a grocery delivery, so I need to be ready! I'll be back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies
Nanto hope you have a lovely day ,
Daisy it always happens when you have plans doesn't it , what kind of casserole are you making ? I'm a fan of casseroles all in one pot
Well ive been a busy bee this morning , I rang my sister as she's not well has a virus and Vertigo , then I popped down my neighbours (the one who's dog died) they have gone to there sons for a week to get away from it all so I checked everything was ok and opened curtains , came back stood doing a pile of ironing I didn't get done after washing yesterday, Then I painted window ledge in sitting room ,that led to paintwork in downstairs loo ,now I'm having 5 minutes and I will paint in the bathroom . it must be the sun shine
Have a good day ladiesIm not fat just 6ft too small