I had a very broken night, unusual for me but I was kept awake planning where all the books etc were going to be stored when the furniture is stored ready for the decorator whilst we are away. I have bookcases containing very heavy books most collected by my OH. Lots of them are reference books and who needs those when you can find answers on phones, ipads etc. they are so heavy. I have dealt with pictures and ornaments and need to wrap glasses. I don't want the television to go in the garage, not secure enough, so that will go on spare bed and so it goes rattling around in my head. Got up at 5 am, made a cup of tea, got pen and paper and wrote everything in my head down then slept until 9am, so not too bad. Not much on today, got to make a short trip to get petrol, tablets from chemists and take some glasses to charity shop, then some tennis. Very dull here but no rain.
Loved the pics. Daisy, very happy family. enjoy your beach party.
Have a lovely day everyone and I hope the news of Rhys is good.
Loved the pics. Daisy, very happy family. enjoy your beach party.
Have a lovely day everyone and I hope the news of Rhys is good.